From: DIANA LINKOUS Something extremely sinister transpires: the stranger grabs my bunny and with a little *pop*, disappears. I search through the house, using my wand to light the way. I find no-one on the first floor. I ascend the cobweb-strung circular staircase, search the second floor and again find no one. I see a padlocked door at the end of the hall. Using my wand as a crowbar, I burst the lock and look up into a dark hole. There is the faint sound of evil laughter and ... can it be the crunching of bones? I hear the sound of stealthy footsteps behind me. I whirl around, my cape swinging behind me. There is nothing there. I turn to look up again into the dark hole. Now I am sure I hear the sound of someone sucking the marrow from bones. I shiver and decide I didn't need the damn rabbit anyway. I leave the house, and upon arriving at the sidewalk, remember that the address was *666*. I proceed to the proper address, picking up a stray black cat on the way. My friends greet me, and it feels good to be back with my own coven.