From: FRANK SOKOLOVE Uh -- would that be the two-legged kind of bunny or the four-legged kind? And the slip of paper -- I have it right here -- along with hundreds of other slips of paper. It would be nice to have them sorted and organized, but it's too late for that. 333 Hawthorne Avenue, you say? That address does seem familiar. Did you mean East Hawthorne avenue or West Hawthorne avenue? The two are very different. Then someone greets me by name, but unfortunately it's not MY name. "Good evening, Charlie." It reminds me of a date I had once. At the end of the evening, she said, "I had a real nice time. Good night, Charlie." -- Uh -- It's Frank. Suddenly, the lights come on, and fifty people shout out, "Surprise!!" They are having a surprise party for Charlie, whose Uncle Ben died ten years ago. The relationship between Charlie and Uncle Ben was pretty terrible, so Charlie's friends all got together and planned this surprise party. I'll perform my magic act when he shows up, but in the meantime, we should turn the lights back out, and get ready for when he shows up. Meanwhile, guess where Charlie is? He's on the other side of town. Remember I told you that 333 East Hawthorne Avenue is very different from 333 West Hawthorne Avenue?