Sources of Information If you want to survive, and beat other Shevin to the good jobs you're going to need information. Whether this is legally gained or otherwise doesn't matter, but a list of sources always helps. Here are a few places that I'd try if I were you. Shecks Tolvi, Clondis and local Fennris Tavin. The Bazaar There are always people selling information in the bazaar. If you're a local and you know what you're doing, fine. If you don't know the area too well, then this source can cause all sorts of trouble. The Chronological Society If you've got an old map or scroll, then these are the people to take them to. It may cost you a pretty cyl, but the results are confidentual, and normally accurate. It beats trying to find an honest sage in the bazaar. The Church of Sanctology The Sanctums of the Church often contain records of the surrounding land dating back to the founding of the mission. The blackrobes may be tedious, but they know their parishes pretty well. You will need a contact in the Church if you are to gain access into their files, however. Your Clon Hall Talking to an experienced Clondis can be the cheapest way to end up with lots of good advice. All it will cost you is a couple of pints of klai. The Geographical Society No-one has a better cartography section than this Society. The local branch will always have maps, charts and data which can help you if you're planning a trip into the swamps. A copy of most maps can be bought by just about anyone. The Horu These Myr or Ryamis traders are experts with gems. It's often safer to let a Horu look at a gem before you try accessing it. The old ones can be pretty dangerous things. I've seen folk have their minds sucked out by gems that they couldn't control properly. Why take the chance? Klai-dens You can meet some pretty interesting characters in these places, but can you trust 'em? The Clan Ky-cha Be respectful of these wise and holy individuals for they have links to the local Kyashi. Their spiritual advice can be very useful in troubled times. The Libraries Whether it's a privately owned collection of dusty tomes, or the kavash-gem library of the Treth Geographical Society, you'll always find information in these places. The secret is knowing where to look. Try being polite, looking smart and asking one of the librarians. Providing they aren't Ja'Hansh you should find what you're looking for pretty quickly. The main problem with libraries is trying to get in. Most Societies are very particular who they let in, and sometimes even a forged card isn't enough. The best way to get in is to befriend a powerful Society man. Try cashing in Favours to get an introduction. Institute of Medicine A local doctor is always a good contact to have in our line of work. There are times when your Clon Hall is too busy to deal with your lesser injuries, but they've still got to be patched up. You can buy herbs off of the larger Healing Halls in Gevuria too. Institute of New Science If you're looking for cheap transport then check the local cornboats. If you're looking for the fastest way to send a message, then go to the local signal tower. Darn handy these inventor fellows. Sa'Catchers If you run out of ideas, or are just plain desperate, then try the Chinte' fortune tellers who use the girdii rings. You never know what they might turn up. Streetman Stations They may be a nuisance, but the streetmen keep good files on their local district. The greys that walk the streets will know all the neighbourhood characters and can spot a stranger a mile off. That's what they're paid for. Local Tavin The families have contacts in every part of town. You'd be surprised just who we know! If a scheme involves money to be made, then chances are that the local Tavin know something about it.