Karro Outlook The Karro are an artistic and creative race, driven by a fierce determination to succeed in all fields. They have a high self-esteem which verges on arrogance, and they have little patience or respect for other cultures. We Karro are a proud race, and rightly so! In the last century we have stamped our mark on Agasha, and lead the way in politics, the arts and science. No realm can match the sheer splendour of Treth and Geva, nor can they claim to have the communication network which spans our country from Vespin to Jevin. Our signal towers, corn-engines and roads have altered the face of Gevuria for all time, and we continue to expand physically and intellectually. The Karro are a nation of innovators and craftsmen the like of which have never been seen before. May Sandis bless the New Republic! Excerpt from recent editorial in 'Treth Chronicle'. Gevuria is run by a confederation of powerful Karro organisations known as Societies. Many of these groups have been adopted from the home continent of Lathmir, and hold the political power of southern Agasha. "The capital city of Treth is the very centre of our civilisation and bears testament to our achievements on Agasha. Our homeland of Lathmir is just a fading memory, and the New World holds our future now. We must continue to shape our own destiny, explore the land around us, and take the word of Sandis to the godless. These are the goals of the Geographical Society at this time." Leonard Jarris, MGS. Head of Exploration, Vespin. Times have changed for the Karro. We were the last people to arrive on Agasha, but now we must lead the way forward into science. The New Republic offers freedom for all and rank based on merit, not birth. The Church of Sanctology has controlled our destiny for too long. It is now the turn of the citizen, with technology as his ally. The Institute of Science leads the way into the 1900s. Pharrandis Kane, FINS. Professor of Engineering, Rol-Katel. Karro thinking over the last nine decades has been shaped by their belief in Sandis, but recently progress has dictated that the Church's influence must be reduced if the Karro are to continue to develop. This has created a degree of division and conflict within the ranks of Gevurian society. Politics "All Societies are equal, but some are more equal than others." Larak Tulley, Journalist for the Geva Herald. The Geographical Society is the single largest political power in the Chamber of Gentlemen, and they hold much influence in the New World. This Society was created on Lathmir to explore the newly found continent of Agasha in 1492. As Gevuria flourished, so did the Geographical Society, leading the formation of the New Republic. With the lack of communications between Lathmir and Agasha, the Church of Sanctology lost its position of absolute power to this new Society. This resulted in the ex-communication of the New World by the High Sanctor. The Church in Gevuria has since ordained a new High Sanctor for the New World, and now seeks to re-establish its dominance on the Karro people. This difficult task has been complicated by the development of technology and the formation of the new Societies, who manoeuvre for position beneath these two dominant organisations. The High Chamber of Lords retains many of the draconian ideals and beliefs which held our nation back on Lathmir. These bumbling oafs, coupled with the Originist faction of the Church of Sandis keeps our bright young realm permanently in darkness. The Governor of Jagan. The Military "An armsman's loyalty runs much deeper than the regimental colours of his jacket". -Old Military Saying. Gevuria is expanding its position of power through the diplomatic efforts of the Chronological Society, backed by the formidable presence of the Gevurian military. The 18 Regiments are professionally trained by officers of the Academy of Military Studies, and retain many of the traditions of their Lathmirian founders. Besides their unnerving professionalism, the bonds within each Regiment have made this elite force the most effective fighting force in Agasha. Law Enforcement The streets of the main swamptowns and ports are protected by the professional arm of the Institute of Law known as the Streetmen. Each town has several district stations depending upon its size. Criminals are brought before the district Magistrate, a member of the Institute of Law. The more serious crimes are handled by the Governor of Public Affairs, who is a member of the Province council. "Thank Sandis for the sight of the dark grey longcoat on the streets of Rol-Katel. Without the streetmen to protect the citizen, the swamptown would be a far more dangerous place". Rory Calandhis, Councillor of Vespin. Ha'esh Outlook "Use the Silent Way only to those that you trust with your life. This sacred Way was taught to us by Kaman-Thal, the great Kyashi of our cuari. To betray the Way is to betray our Rai." Headman Rulani of Clan Rosso, prior to last seasons Fynning. The Ha'esh are a quiet people who naturally follow the ancient traditions of their clan. All members of the community, or cuari, speak to each other using the Silent Way. This has lead to the Ha'esh appearing as very quiet, sombre, and seemingly aloof individuals. Each community is a seperate Clan, which has its own holy symbol, or Rai. Swamp and Town Ha'esh "The clans of the swamp accuse us of betraying our past and rejecting the Chon'da Harek. This is not so ! I have spoken to our Kyashi, Fynn of the Great Trees, and he has told us that we must accept the Tall Ones if our clan is to survive." Bee'tu, Ky-cha of Clan Marro, Sha-Bro mission. The ancient clans of the deep swampland regard the town Ha'esh with distaste. They believe that the town clans have rejected the old ways and now follow the unnatural ways of the Karro. The town Ha'esh view themselves as a natural progression and have passively accepted their place in Gevurian society. "The Therrazha are friends to no Ha'esh. They are JanRai who have broken the Chond'ha Harek, and seek to change the future for their own purposes. May Whisper-crow seek them out and imprison them in the Land of Dark Screams." Hendhu of Clan Moun, Clondis of Rol-Katel. The town Ha'esh terrorists known as Therrazha are regarded as dangerous fanatics by both town and swamp Clans. They terrorise and bully local Ha'esh into helping their cause, and are despised for this dishonourable act. Religious Belief "We walk the world with our spirits high, for only our people know the secrets of the Kyashi." Bee'tu, Ky-cha of Clan Hantarano, Sha-Bro mission. The Ha'esh are a calm, even-tempered and rational people who believe that all things are part of the 'Chon'da Harek', or 'Great Wheel'. Everything that happens is tied to destiny and cannot be changed. The Ha'esh passively accept all events, for they know that nothing lasts forever. This belief tends to make other races nervous of these silent folk. Over many generations, the Ha'esh have learned to speak with the spirits of the land, which they call Kyashi. They worship a vast pantheon of these creatures who are tied to all facets of nature and cuari life. In every cuari, there is one individual who acts as the medium between the Ha'esh and the Kyashi, and is known as the Ky-cha. These individuals are respected throughout Ha'esh society, as are the Re-cha who strive towards enlightenment. The Dreampaths "The lines of the great Kyashi of Nature cross the land, but are blocked by the unnatural powers of the Karro. Fear technology, for it is the power which turns Light paths to Dark." Tanio, Elder of Clan Rakkah. Ha'esh believe that Agasha is covered in mystical energy lines known as 'Dreampaths', which link the world of the Kyashi to Gargentihr. There are Light Dreampaths which are lines carrying good fortune and luck, and the Black Dreampaths which carry demons, pain and misfortune. All Ha'esh try to avoid these dark lines. The Rai Clans Ha'esh culture is divided into clans, with all relations of this extended family living in the same cuari. Social acceptance by the clan is very important, as is loyalty to your cuari. Personal honour and deeds will reflect on the clan and thus all Ha'esh are careful in their actions and words. To be outcast is the ultimate disgrace and is feared by all Ha'esh. Ha'esh Eyes All Ha'esh have eyes which change colour depending on their position within their cuari. There is a ceremony, called the Horth, held every Adrach when the whole Clans position within the cuari is reassessed through the Silent Way.