Filenaming Conventions for NetTools 5.1 The new method of naming .ZIP files for electronic distribution of our software is as follows: {2 char. name} + {1 char status} + {3 char. major ver} + {2 disk #} The following chart gives some examples of what these can be: SKU ³ RELEASE STATUS ³ MAJOR VER # ³ Disk # ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΨΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΨΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΨΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ NN=NetTools ³ A=alpha test ³ 510=5.1.0 ³ D1 = Disk 1 for Netware³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ NM=NetTools ³ B=beta test ³ 511=5.1.1 ³ D2 = Disk 2 for ³ ³ ³ NT Server ³ ³ ³ ³ G=gamma test ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ R=release ³and so forth ³ ³ candidate ³ . ³ ³ ³ . ³ ³ ³ . ³ ³ -=production ³ ³ ³ release ³ ³ Examples: Listed below are some sample filenames with an explanation of their meaning: NM-510D1.ZIP NetTools for Microsoft NT Server, production release, version 5.10, disk1 NNR511D2.ZIP NetTools for Novell Netware, release candidate, version 5.11, disk2