GLOVES.ZIP Replacement Mouse pointers for OS/2 Warp 3. I got real bored of the standard OS/2 mouse pointers, so, I created these to help liven up the OS/2 Workplace Shell. It worked! I drew these gloves withe the standard OS/2 Icon editor that can be found in the Productivity notebook. To Install: - Unzip the GLOVES.ZIP file. Files WGLOVE.ZIP (white gloves) and BGLOVE.ZIP (black gloves) will be created from the GLOVES.ZIP file. - Create subdirectories \OS2\POINTERS\WGLOVE and \OS2\POINTERS\BGLOVE on your OS/2 Warp Boot drive. - Copy the WGLOVE.ZIP file to the \OS2\POINTERS\WGLOVE subdirectory, and the BGLOVE.ZIP file to the \OS2\POINTERS\BGLOVE subdirectory. - Unzip each of these files in their new directory. For example: cd \os2\pointers\wglove pkunzip cd \os2\pointers\bglove pkunzip - Open the Mouse object in the System Setup folder found in the OS/2 System Desktop folder, or, bring up the Desktop's pop-up menu and select the System Setup menu item, then, open the Mouse object. - Go to the Pointers Tab of the Mouse setup notebook - Push the Load-Set button. You should now get a list box that will show the default OS/2 Pointer sets, plus, the new pointer sets (WGLOVE and BGLOVE) that you just installed. Select any set you wish by double clicking on it. - Close the Mouse setup notebook to have your change take Permanant effect. Enjoy!