MMOUG August 1994 Newsletter August 1994 Volume 2 Number 8 The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views held by the MMOUG or it's members. Don't agree with something you've read here? Write and tell us about it! If you have any contributions, please upload them to area 18 of the WoodMeister or send them to me via Internet at USDSSKZS@IBMMAIL.COM. If you work for the State of Missouri and have access to DISOSS, you can send them to POOLMWV at DSSHOST. MMOUG September Minutes Attendees: Dayton Shepherd, Penny Shepherd, Michelle Wilson, Randy Wilkerson, Phillip Wilson, Christopher Walters, Woody Sturges, Marilyn Holbrook, Robert Tufts, Mark Espinoza, Scott Brodbeck, David Keisker, Brenda Bakota, Ben Hoffman, Gerri Jeffery, Jim Casstevens, Noel Bummens, Ken Evans, Steve Gramblin, Gary Pool, Randy Wright, Joe Woodwell Business Meeting: Gerri Jeffery reported that DeScribe will be coming to our October meeting and Pinnacle to our November meeting. Ben Hoffman reported that IBM is letting us use a phone mail drop for the MMOUG. The number is 314-636-0805. It will be checked by the officers for messages several times a week. We need to publish the number. We have $805.89 in the bank. Gary Pool volunteered to chair a committee to look for a place for the Christmas Party. (editor's note: Hunh? I did?) Gary Pool is now Professionally Certified for OS/2 and LAN Server Admin. He will report on the OS/2 Technical Exchange in the newsletter. Presentations: Michelle Wilson from IBM demo'ed the OS/2 Warp II beta. Joe Woodwell representing Lotus demo'ed the Smartsuite for OS/2. A user group price for Smartsuite can be arranged. Information Officer Input/Output Welcome to the Mid-Missouri OS/2 Users Group Newsletter. I've put in a welcome because there may be some new readers this time. Hank Henderson has agreed to make this available on the OS2BBS. Thanks, Hank. One of these days, I'm going to pursue getting a common place where User Group Newsletters from all over the country can be found. The PCC BBS was an excellent location for a while. User Groups could obtain an 800 number for their officers, so there was no direct cost. Right after I uploaded our first newsletter, they ceased this practice. I wonder if it was cause and effect? There are supposed to be a lot of UG Newsletters on CompuServe, but I'm too poor to afford that. This month you are reading a long newsletter. I typed up a report of everything I experienced in Atlanta at the OS/2 Technical Update -- complete with pictures. If you are reading the skimpy, one-page, paper version of the newsletter, you need to dial up a BBS and download the INF version. For those of you who don't like my casual, erratic, conversational form of writing -- it will seem even longer! The Mid Missouri OS/2 User Group just received a voice-mail number: 314-636-0805. Gee, I almost typed vice-mail number. No, it's not one of those 900 numbers. However, we will be trying to make this number known so that members of the user group can assist folks who are just starting out with OS/2. Talk about your public servants! To tell the truth, I am tired of writing. This issue is huge. So I ain't gonna say nothin' more. gp The Dog House Shoot, I forgot all about the Dog House! Fortunately I have a little program tucked away that looked like it was pretty interesting. I haven't had a chance to test it myself, though. As you know, a sorted CONFIG.SYS can sometimes cause your machine to boot a little faster. Scott's program will sort your CONFIG.SYS. Remember -- always back up your CONFIG.SYS and have a bootable floppy disk ready -- just in case something bad happens! SORTC.CMD :lines. /* Created by Scott Trosien of Livonia, MI - 9-1-94 */ /* Tested using the Warp2 beta */ /* Please do not alter the above lines unless authorized by author!*/ /* Please report any problems/bugs to DEV4447 at OS2BBS-IBMLINK. */ /* To use the output of this program, simply redirect it to a file */ /* (i.e. SORTC >CONFIG.NEW) */ /* Please be sure to verify your config.sys was converted properly */ /* before rebooting! */ /* WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING */ /* DO NOT redirect it to CONFIG.SYS (i.e. SORTC >CONFIG.SYS) */ /* This will likely trash your CONFIG.SYS */ /* This will create a backup named CONFIG.SRT which will hold */ /* a copy of the CONFIG.SYS prior to this utility processing it. */ "@Echo Off" call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs" call SysLoadFuncs /* Initialize base variables */ IFS.0 = 0 BASEDEV.0 = 0 DEVICE.0 = 0 SET.0 = 0 CALL.0 = 0 RUN.0 = 0 IOPL.0 = 0 DEVINFO.0 = 0 MMOS2.0 = 0 TCPIP.0 = 0 REM.0 = 0 DOSDEVICE.0 = 0 MISC.0 = 0 DO i = 1 to 9 CONTROL.i = "" PERF.i = "" ERROR.i = "" DOS.i = "" END /* Main Code Group */ "Copy C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\CONFIG.SRT >nul" "TYPE C:\CONFIG.SRT ºRXQUEUE" DO i = 1 to QUEUED() PARSE UPPER PULL currline SELECT WHEN "IFS" = LEFT(currline,3) then do IFS.0 = IFS.0 + 1 var = VALUE("IFS."IFS.0,currline) END WHEN "BASEDEV" = LEFT(currline,7) then do BASEDEV.0 = BASEDEV.0 + 1 var = VALUE("BASEDEV."BASEDEV.0,currline) END WHEN "DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS" = LEFT(currline,18) º "DEVICEHIGH" = LEFT(currline,10) then do DOSDEVICE.0 = DOSDEVICE.0 + 1 var = VALUE("DOSDEVICE."DOSDEVICE.0,currline) END WHEN "DEVICE=C:\MMOS2" = LEFT(currline,15) then do MMOS2.0 = MMOS2.0 + 1 var = VALUE("MMOS2."MMOS2.0,currline) END WHEN "DEVICE=C:\TCPIP" = LEFT(currline,15) then do TCPIP.0 = TCPIP.0 + 1 var = VALUE("TCPIP."TCPIP.0,currline) END WHEN "DEVICE" = LEFT(currline,6) then do DEVICE.0 = DEVICE.0 + 1 var = VALUE("DEVICE."DEVICE.0,currline) END WHEN "SET" = LEFT(currline,3) then do SET.0 = SET.0 + 1 var = VALUE("SET."SET.0,currline) END WHEN "RUN" = LEFT(currline,3) then do RUN.0 = RUN.0 + 1 var = VALUE("RUN."RUN.0,currline) END WHEN "CALL" = LEFT(currline,4) then do CALL.0 = CALL.0 + 1 var = VALUE("CALL."CALL.0,currline) END WHEN "IOPL" = LEFT(currline,4) then do IOPL.0 = IOPL.0 + 1 var = VALUE("IOPL."IOPL.0,currline) END WHEN "DEVINFO" = LEFT(currline,7) then do DEVINFO.0 = DEVINFO.0 + 1 var = VALUE("DEVINFO."DEVINFO.0,currline) END WHEN "REM" = LEFT(currline,3) then do REM.0 = REM.0 + 1 var = VALUE("REM."REM.0,currline) END /* OS2 Control variables */ WHEN "PROTSHELL" = LEFT(currline,9) then do CONTROL.1 = currline END WHEN "LIBPATH" = LEFT(currline,7) then do CONTROL.2 = currline END WHEN "SWAPPATH" = LEFT(currline,8) then do CONTROL.3 = currline END WHEN "COUNTRY" = LEFT(currline,7) then do CONTROL.4 = currline END WHEN "BREAK" = LEFT(currline,5) then do CONTROL.5 = currline END WHEN "CODEPAGE" = LEFT(currline,8) then do CONTROL.6 = currline END /* OS/2 Performance */ WHEN "THREADS" = LEFT(currline,7) then do PERF.1 = currline END WHEN "PRIORITY_DISK_IO" = LEFT(currline,16) then do PERF.2 = currline END WHEN "TIMESLICE" = LEFT(currline,9) then do PERF.3 = currline END WHEN "BUFFERS" = LEFT(currline,7) then do PERF.4 = currline END WHEN "DISKCACHE" = LEFT(currline,9) then do PERF.5 = currline END WHEN "MAXWAIT" = LEFT(currline,7) then do PERF.6 = currline END WHEN "MEMMAN" = LEFT(currline,6) then do PERF.7 = currline END WHEN "PRINTMONBUFSIZE" = LEFT(currline,15) then do PERF.8 = currline END WHEN "PRIORITY" = LEFT(currline,8) then do PERF.9 = currline END /* OS/2 Diagnostics and error control */ WHEN "AUTOFAIL" = LEFT(currline,8) then do ERROR.1 = currline END WHEN "PAUSEONERROR" = LEFT(currline,12) then do ERROR.2 = currline END WHEN "TRAPDUMP" = LEFT(currline,8) then do ERROR.3 = currline END WHEN "TRACEBUF" = LEFT(currline,8) then do ERROR.4 = currline END WHEN "TRACE" = LEFT(currline,5) then do ERROR.5 = currline END WHEN "SUPPRESSPOPUPS" = LEFT(currline,14) then do ERROR.6 = currline END WHEN "DUMPPROCESS" = LEFT(currline,11) then do ERROR.7 = currline END WHEN "REIPL" = LEFT(currline,5) then do ERROR.8 = currline END /* DOS */ WHEN "PROTECTONLY" = LEFT(currline,11) then do DOS.1 = currline END WHEN "SHELL" = LEFT(currline,5) then do DOS.2 = currline END WHEN "DOS" = LEFT(currline,3) then do DOS.3 = currline END WHEN "FCBS" = LEFT(currline,4) then do DOS.4 = currline END WHEN "RMSIZE" = LEFT(currline,6) then do DOS.5 = currline END WHEN "FILES" = LEFT(currline,5) then do DOS.6 = currline END WHEN "LASTDRIVE" = LEFT(currline,9) then do DOS.7 = currline END WHEN "BREAK" = LEFT(currline,5) then do DOS.8 = currline END /* Miscellaneous Commands */ OTHERWISE MISC.0 = MISC.0 + 1 var = VALUE("MISC."MISC.0,currline) END END /* Begin ouput of data */ If IFS.0 \= 0 then say "REM *** Installable File Systems ***" do i = 1 to IFS.0 say IFS.i END If IFS.0 \= 0 then say say "REM *** BASE Device Drivers ***" do i = 1 to BASEDEV.0 say BASEDEV.i END say say "REM *** DEVICE Drivers ***" do i = 1 to DEVICE.0 say DEVICE.i END say say "REM *** Environment Variables ***" do i = 1 to SET.0 say SET.i END say say "REM *** OS/2 System Control ***" do i = 1 to 9 If CONTROL.i \= "" then say CONTROL.i END do i = 1 to DEVINFO.0 If DEVINFO.I \= "DEVINFO.I" then say DEVINFO.I END do i = 1 to 9 If PERF.i \= "" then say PERF.i END do i = 1 to 9 If ERROR.i \= "" then say ERROR.i END say say "REM *** DOS Subsystem Control ***" do i = 1 to 9 If DOS.i \= "" then say DOS.i END do i = 1 to DOSDEVICE.0 say DOSDEVICE.i END If RUN.0 \= 0 º CALL.0 \= 0 then do say say "REM *** RUN and CALL Statements ***" END do i = 1 to RUN.0 say RUN.i END do i = 1 to CALL.0 If CALL.i \= "" then say CALL.i END If MMOS2.0 \= 0 then do say say "REM *** Multimedia ***" END do i = 1 to MMOS2.0 If MMOS2.i \= "" then say MMOS2.i END If MMOS2.0 \= 0 then do say say "REM *** TCP/IP and/or Internet Access Kit ***" END do i = 1 to TCPIP.0 If TCPIP.i \= "" then say TCPIP.i END say If MISC.0 \= 0 then say "REM *** Miscellaneous Statements ***" do i = 1 to MISC.0 say MISC.i END say Scott E. Trosien -- Ford PTF - Dearborn, MI DRBN005--STROSIEN IBMMAIL:USFMCLN2 OS2BBS:,DEV4447 If you have any neat REXX programs, please upload them to area 18 of the WoodMeister or send them to me via Internet at USDSSKZS@IBMMAIL.COM. If you work for the State of Missouri and have access to DISOSS, you can send them to POOLMWV at DSSHOST. REBOUND -- Off the Boards ÜßßßÜ Û Û ÛÜ ÜÛ Û Û Û Ü Û ÛßÛßÛ ßÜÜÜß ßÛßÛß Û Û <ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The OS/2 Woodmeister ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ> Overview of downloadable files (314) 446-0016 FIDO Node 1:289/27 1200/2400/9600/14400 D/S <ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ> (Thu Sep 29 05:30) Last 1 months newest of a total of 2873 files (513 MB) Maximum privilege shown: Disgrace Newest: ANONFTP.ZIP dd 9-28-94 (avail: 9-28-94) Date flag: new on this system since: * = 1 week, + = 1 month Filename Area Size Date Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 32CSET4.ZIP 12 221K 9-13-94+ BinkleyTerm/2 32bit compiled for 486 computers AF_SDK.ZIP 24 70K 9-01-94+ AccuFax SDK. Scalable Fax software - this is single user example/demo (works). ANONFTP.ZIP 16 15K 9-28-94* INformation on anonymous FTP ANS000.ZIP 12 221K 9-26-94* Answering machine app for modems with ROCKWELL chipsets. This is a beta AUTOBP.ARJ 21 287K 9-21-94+ Automatically change bitmaps for each new boot BDAYS.ZIP 24 2K 9-06-94+ Paradox sample to calc number of business days between two dates. BERNLL.TXT 4 4K 9-16-94+ Instructs how to load Bernoulli drivers from floppy in ISA and MCA machines BLUE2SAL.ZIP 9 25K 9-23-94* Blue Diskette to Salmon Diskette conversion utility. BORLAND.ZIP 59 128K 9-01-94+ Listing of Borland BBS CENVI2.ZIP 6 329K 9-16-94+ CEnvi v1.009 - C Interpreter/batch/automater. CEnvi implements the Cmm advanced scripting language CERT94.ZIP 11 859K 9-28-94* OS/2 LEngineer and LAN Server Engineer sample tests and information. CHARON40.ZIP 16 482K 9-28-94* Some sort of mail gateway CI210B.ZIP 12 1131K 9-06-94+ CopyIt/2 for DOS and OS/2: Premier server control software for BBS Operators. 'ROM support, fax, archiving, etc CLRQWK11.ZIP 21 169K 9-01-94+ ***************************** * ColorQWK 1.0 for Windows! * * LITE version * * Requires VBRUN300.DLL * * QWK for Windows COMM56.ZIP 21 7K 9-21-94+ Windows COMM driver replacement. CONTROL2.EXE 24 477K 9-01-94+ Chicago (WIN code and EXEs for some control functions. CRON214.ZIP 9 99K 9-20-94+ Cron/2 for OS/2 - client/server timed execution of applications CRYNWARE.ZIP 32 284K 9-06-94+ Clarkson Ethernet TCP/IP drivers DIAMDEMO.ZIP 15 501K 9-13-94+ Working demo of BMDp/Diamond - 32bit graphical data analysis program DOSUP9.EXE 32 494K 9-09-94+ Latest DOS Netware drivers DTR500.ZIP 24 53K 9-01-94+ Data Table Reporter for PAradox with SOURCE CODE DWNSRT60.ZIP 12 236K 9-06-94+ Maximus CBCS DOWNload file SORT and List util v6.0 ETELR20A.ZIP 15 465K 9-06-94+ Version 2.0 of E-Teller - a bank and credit card manager EUROPE.TXT 4 3K 9-20-94+ Announcement of the first European OS/2 Developers Conference EWAN102.ZIP 16 197K 9-06-94+ E-Mail for Internet FADE.ZIP 24 13K 9-06-94+ Face from one UiObj to another in Paradox/Win - WAY COOL FILEB188.ZIP 9 234K 9-06-94+ FileBar v1.88 - util for OS/2 2.x, application launch facitily. Uses less mem than WPS FINF096.ZIP 9 25K 9-07-94+ FindINF version 0.96 by Dale Hackemeyer. FindINF searches for INF files and creates icons for them using their title. 32-bit PM. FLEETB90.ZIP 12 393K 9-07-94+ FleetStreet v0.90wb for OS/2 2.x PM. Flexible and powerful message reader for Squish and *.MSG bases FLEETB95.ZIP 12 486K 9-13-94+ FleetStreet beta .95 - Flexible and powerful message reader for Squish and .MSG formats FM2_207.ZIP 9 468K 9-28-94* FM/2 v2.00 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ archive maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for FOSS10B4.ZIP 12 260K 9-28-94* The latest release of FOSS - an OS/2 based BBS FSTAR99D.ZIP 9 695K 9-08-94+ FileStar/2 v0.99d - OS/2 File Maintenance Util. Drag and Drop, Point and Click, etc FW1040.EXE 24 34K 9-21-94+ Paradox for Windows examples from Informant Mag GADGET1.EXE 24 436K 9-01-94+ Chicago (Win 4.0.wish.we.had.stuck.with.os/2) examples of various gadgets with sample code. GTAK240.ZIP 9 464K 9-16-94+ GTAK v2.40 - great SCSI tape drive backup software HANCOCK2.ZIP 1 19K 9-04-94+ Full text of Hancock II amendment and the Moody Report, an analysis of H2's impact on Missouri. PLEASE READ!!! HLPCOL.ZIP 21 21K 9-01-94+ Change your HELP colors in Windows - MUST HAVE HNGMN120.ZIP 8 225K 9-15-94+ HangMan v1.20 - reproduces classic hangman for OS/2 PM HPDF_103.ZIP 9 15K 9-22-94* OS/2 HPFS defragmentor IBMRTLGO.ZIP 14 350K 9-15-94+ Raytraced IBM logo 1024x768x(64&256) IBMWARP.ZIP 14 442K 9-27-94* Very aggresive WarpII logo in several formats INETTECH.ZIP 1 175K 9-26-94* Highly Technical Internet info: SLIP, PPP, TCP/IP, UUCP, M.O.U.S.E.... INNDOC.ZIP 1 3K 9-26-94* Discussion about obtaining NetNews feeds INOTES.ZIP 21 129K 9-26-94* Windows INOTES App. Sort of a super notepad and cardfiler. Interesting idea INSTEZ12.ZIP 24 147K 8-30-94+ Another Windows installation PRogram IPFBLD.ZIP 6 604K 9-09-94+ Full featured demo of IPF Builder. Cannot save the IPF files it creates, however. KONSTR1.ZIP 6 177K 9-20-94+ Programming language (?). Docs in German. KWQ12G.ZIP 12 216K 9-13-94+ KWQ Mail/2 v1.2g - 32bit multithreaded QWK message reader for OS/2 PM. LORA235S.ZIP 12 886K 9-07-94+ Lora BBS v2.35 - OS/2 BBS and Mailer LORAINF.ZIP 12 121K 9-07-94+ Lora files from 128/67 LOS240B3.ZIP 12 704K 9-07-94+ Lora BBS v2.35S service update LOS2DOC.ZIP 12 179K 9-07-94+ Lora BBS documentation in WordPerfect format LS40DEMO.ZIP 1 591K 9-28-94* Demo of LAN Server version 4.0 (FREE d/l) ME2_099.ZIP 9 378K 9-20-94+ Editor for OS/2 PM - integrates nicely with MR/2. Floating toolbars, uses MR/2's dictionary, etc MFILE120.ZIP 12 127K 9-27-94* MaxFile/2 v1.2 0 text based FILES.BBS manager. FILE_ID.DIZ import, more MMOUG994.ZIP 1 254K 8-30-94+ Mid-Missouri OS/2 User Group September Newsletter in INF and TXT Formats. MORTBK10.ZIP 15 30K 9-27-94* Mortgage Workbook v1.0 MR2_206.ZIP 12 248K 9-01-94+ Latest version of MR/2 QWK message reader. MR2_208.ZIP 12 249K 9-09-94+ Latest version of MR2 QWK message reader MR2_209A.ZIP 12 253K 9-22-94* Latest version of MR2 QWK message reader. MSDOJ.TXT 1 28K 9-20-94+ Full text of the Microsoft consent decree NEF200.LZH 12 70K 9-09-94+ NEF: A new echo files distribution system NMFW12AE.ZIP 21 398K 9-01-94+ New Menus for Windows -- ****EXCELENT**** replacement for Program manger menu. Has Motif, Openlook-type interface. MUST SEE! NSUITE1.ZIP 16 921K 9-13-94+ NetSuite for OS/2 - contains LATIMES nntp newsreader, LA Gopher, LA FTP. Req's IBM OS/2 TCP/IP NSWCH2.ZIP 9 11K 9-28-94* NoSwitch V2.0 - OS/2 Switch-list utility ---------------------------------------- Allows Alt+Esc to bypass specified programs. Useful if OBACK208.ZIP 9 133K 9-13-94+ OBackup - system settings backup - demo that expires after Jan '95 OP101A.ZIP 4 282K 9-16-94+ OS/2 Personal Hypermedia Magazine - Aug '94. OP102B.ZIP 4 444K 9-16-94+ OS/2 Personal Hypermedia magazine. Published by Allen-Hamilton publishers OP102C.ZIP 4 589K 9-20-94+ Hypermedia magazine #3 OS2DB2.ZIP 9 20K 9-28-94* A shutdown command that will also disconnect DB2/2 client server databases. OWM_ALL.TXT LIST 323K 9-28-94* All files on the OS/2 Woodmeister OWM_ALL.ZIP LIST 117K 9-28-94* All files on the OS/2 Woodmeister OWM_NEW.TXT LIST 15K 9-28-94* New files (last 30 days) on the OWM OWM_NEW.ZIP LIST 6K 9-28-94* New files (last 30 days) on the OWM P202.ZIP 12 127K 9-09-94+ Free 32-bit file transfer protocol. Z/Y/XModem for async, named pipe and Telnet. Contains a DLL for use in your own apps P203.ZIP 12 127K 9-27-94* Freeware 32bit file transfer util for OS/2. Z/Y/YG/X for async/pipes/TCPIP PCN2LM25.EXE 32 19K 9-06-94+ Drivers for ancient IBM PC Network adapters - works with faster Netware servers PFAQ31.ZIP 6 197K 9-16-94+ Programmers FAQ PITALK21.ZIP 21 382K 9-12-94+ Addition to Plugin. Adds sounds to ALL events, talking clock, etc. PLUGIN21.ZIP 21 446K 9-12-94+ Add-on for Program Manager (win 3.1) Quite handy if you just need a few extras: easy icon additions, groups PMIX11.ZIP 9 57K 9-27-94* A Sound mixer utils for the PAS16 PMSNDX10.ZIP 9 441K 9-08-94+ PMsndX - PM based program to convert sounds. Includes tools for special effects, editing, playing of samples, etc PMZPR12.ZIP 9 596K 9-16-94+ PM Zipper v1.2. ZIP, UNZIP, drag & drop, checkout, etc POPGATE.ZIP 16 141K 9-23-94* POP3 format usenet gateway PROP_T.ZIP 24 18K 9-06-94+ --- no description available --- REXXVIM.ZIP 13 142K 9-28-94* A VIM toolkit for REXX! RexxVIM allows Rexx to inmteract with VIM enabled apps like cc:Mail and Lotus Notes RIBBLE.ZIP 8 90K 9-27-94* PM based Boulderdash type game RIBBSRC.ZIP 6 177K 9-27-94* Source code for the Ribble game RMXBETA.ZIP 9 833K 9-27-94* Remote execution for OS/2. With this package, an app can be marked so that it's output may be moved to a different computer SIO131.ZIP 7 172K 9-06-94+ Latest SIO comm drivers from Ray Gwinn v1.31 SL_FAQ03.ZIP 16 8K 9-28-94* Draft OS/2 and SLIP FAQ SOUP12.ZIP 1 14K 9-26-94* Document about SOUP, a format for netnews DL SQED097.ZIP 12 540K 9-15-94+ SquishEditor v.97 Squish/,MSG/etc reader supports drag&drop, etc SSOK.ZIP 9 170K 9-16-94+ Additional modules for screen saver (SSAVER.EXE) T2BBS501.ZIP 12 32K 9-28-94* TIC to BBS - a Tic manager TCPBTDSK.ZIP 4 6K 9-20-94+ Instructs for creating boot disks w/ plain TCP/IP on them UQWK18.ZIP 12 141K 9-28-94* QWK, SOUP, and ZipNews message manager VIEWALL.ZIP 9 380K 9-20-94+ Util to view all .INF files in a simple manner VL131.ZIP 9 34K 9-08-94+ VLaunch, VIEW launcher for .INF files. Will search for INF files and keep them in a 'bookshelf' WA0725.EXE 24 140K 9-06-94+ Paradox/Win samples from informant magazine WARPFT01.DSK 97 1840K 9-15-94+ Warp beta-2 Footprint Works - 1 of 4 WARPFT02.DSK 97 1840K 9-15-94+ Warp beta-2 Foorprint Works diskette 2 of 4 WARPFT03.DSK 97 1840K 9-15-94+ Warp beta-2 Footprint Works diskette 3 of 4 WARPFT04.DSK 97 1840K 9-16-94+ Warp beta-2 Footprint Works diskette 4 of 4 WDIR2081.LZH 9 37K 9-08-94+ WackyDir v0.81 is a colorful replacement for OS/2's plain DIR command. Allows color, sorting, extension coloring. Supports FAT and HPF WFWPTP.EXE 21 337K 9-01-94+ Windows for Workgroups Point-to-Point. Remote control of WFWG. From MS FTP Siet for WFWG only. WINELM.ZIP 32 254K 9-22-94* Windows Internet e-mail app with MIME support WINUP9.EXE 32 631K 9-09-94+ Latest Win Netware drivers WISESW.EXE 24 350K 9-01-94+ EXCELLENT!! Installation util w/ compression - gens a single EXE! Script drivem, quite powerful. Working demo WMC53.ZIP 21 460K 9-01-94+ Windows Multiple COnfigurations WN4M110.ZIP 21 772K 9-01-94+ wInformant 1.10: Uninstall, INIEdit & More! Improved Uninstall removes DLL's & DOS apps. Seven powerful Windows utilities in one. Fi WUBENCH.ZIP 21 233K 9-23-94* Windows USer Mag benchmarks. Worth looking at XFERP100.ZIP 32 131K 9-22-94* EXCELLENT Internet tools for managing the myraid variety of compression/encoding apps. Supports UUCP, MIME, more! A MUST HAVE YRN2_055.ZIP 16 187K 9-23-94* News reader for Usenet news...maybe more? YRN2_070.ZIP 16 463K 9-07-94+ PC Yarn v0.70 beta. Suite of programs to use and store USENET news and mail offline. ZIPCTL.ZIP 9 350K 9-24-94* zip control; pm front end for freeware versions of zip and unzip.exe (very nice) v2.1 ZOC196B.ZIP 12 529K 9-26-94* Latest ZOC Beta: REGISTERED OWNERS ONLY!!! Will not work on non-registered versions of Zoc. Easy upgrade and code runs beautifully. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ List created with DOWNSORT 5.5g by Rob Hamerling on Thu Sep 29 05:30 under OS/2 2.9 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Humor Once upon a time, in a kingdom not far from here, a king summoned two of his advisors for a test. He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob, and a lever. "What do you think this is?" One advisor, an engineer, answered first. "It is a toaster," he said. The king asked, "How would you design an embedded computer for it?" The engineer replied, "Using a four-bit microcontroller, I would write a simple program that reads the darkness, from snow white to black. The program would use that darkness level as the index to a 16-element table of initial timer values. Then it would turn on the heating elements and start the timer with the initial value selected from the table. At the end of the time delay, it would turn off the heat and pop up the toast. Come back next week, and I'll show you a working prototype." The second advisor, a computer scientist, immediately recognized the danger of such short-sighted thinking. He said, "Toasters don't just turn bread into toast, they are also used to warm frozen waffles. What you see before you is really a breakfast food cooker. As the subjects of your kingdom become more sophisticated, they will demand more capabilities. They will need a breakfast food cooker that can also cook sausage, fry bacon, and make scrambled eggs. A toaster that only makes toast will soon be obsolete. If we don't look to the future, we will have to completely redesign the toaster in just a few years." "With this in mind, we can formulate a more intelligent solution to the problem. First, create a class of breakfast foods. Specialize this class into subclasses: grains, pork, and poultry. The specialization process should be repeated with grains divided into toast, muffins, pancakes, and waffles; pork divided into sausage, links, and bacon; and poultry divided into scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, and varous omelet classes." "The ham and cheese omelet class is worth special attention because it must inherit characteristics from the pork, dairy, and poultry classes. Thus, we see that the problem cannot be properly solved without multiple inheritiance. At run time, the program must create the proper object and send a message to the object that says, 'Cook yourself.' The semantics of this message depend, of course, on the kind of object, so they have a different meaning to a piece of toast than to scrambled eggs." "Reviewing the process so far, we see that the analysis phase has revealed that the primary requirement is to cook any kind of breakfast food. In the design phase, we have discovered some derived requirements. Specifically, we need an object-oriented language with multiple inheritance. Of couse, users don't want the eggs to get cold while the bacon is frying, so concurrent processing is required, too." "We must not forget the user interface. The lever that lowers the food lacks versatility, and the darkness knob is confusing. Users won't buy the product unless it has a user-friendly, graphical interface. When the breakfast cooker is plugged in, users should see a cowboy boot on the screen. Users click on it, and the message 'Booting UNIX v. 8.3' appears on the screen. (UNIX 8.3 should be out by the time the product gets to the market.) Users can pull down a menu and click on the foods they want to cook." "Having made the wise decision of specifying the software first in the design phase, all that remains is to pick an adequate hardware platform for the implementation phase. An Intel 80386 with 8MB of memory, a 30MB hard disk, and a VGA monitor should be sufficient. If you select a multitasking, object-oriented language that supports multiple interitance and has a built-in GUI, writing the program will be a snap. (Imagine the difficulty we would have had if we had foolishly allowed a hardware-first design strategy to lock us into a four-bit microcontroller!)." The king wisely had the computer scientist beheaded, and they all lived happily ever after. Author - Unknown. OS/2 Tips 'N' Techniques Here's one I picked up in Atlanta while standing in a line. When your PC hangs so hard that you can't do a CTRL+ALT+DEL, try a CTRL+ALT+NumLock+NumLock. The latter is the key combination to do a dump. When it prompts you for the dump diskette, you should be able to do a CTRL+ALT+DEL. It still leaves the disk dirty, but it saves the power hit. Threads "Threads" are a collection of posts that may be of interest to individual readers. PM Assistant Utilis Inc. announced that PM Assistant Version 2.0, an integrated suite of six OS/2 utilities, is now available. PM Assistant Version 2.0 provides hot-key access to your applications, window placement, keyboard macros, task scheduling, screen saver and password protection. All six utilities are fully integrated to provide execution of complex or routine command sequences from your OS/2 desktop with a single keystroke or the press of a button. The utilities can be used independently or combined to execute powerful compound macros. For example, you can launch your favorite word processor, insert a standard closure in a document, print, save and forward the document to another user all with a single keystroke. Using the window placement utility, you can minimize, maximize or move one or more windows to pre-defined positions. Several arrangements can be defined to make your desktop more task oriented. And, speaking of task oriented desktops, PM Assistant makes it possible for you to set up macros for other users to enable them to execute complex tasks without really knowing how. This ensures proper execution and maximum productivity even by your employees who are still in a training or transition mode. Using PM assistant's task scheduler, you can execute specific macros or command sequences at any given or recurring time. This unattended program feature is ideal for stress testing applications since it can execute macros indefinitely and in random sequence. And, since it is running under OS/2's pre-emptive, multi-processing framework, PM Assistant's task scheduler can initiate background processes or programs while you continue to use PM Assistant macros in the foreground. PM Assistant is appropriate for all OS/2 users, since it allows each user to automate and customize OS/2 applications according to individual preferences. It is easy to use, as it does not contain a programming language. All utilities are configured with dialog boxes and by pointing to the application to act on. PM Assistant runs on OS/2 versions 2.0 or greater and is available from Utilis for $129.00 and from resellers. Utilis is a member of the IBM Developer Assistance Program. For more information, you may contact them at: Utilis Inc. P.O Box 367. Redmond, WA 98052 Contact: Tom Snyder Phone: (206) 467-4025 Sales: 1-800-745-7757 PL/I Trivia I know absolutely nothing about the PL/I programming language, but I thought that this was an interesting post I saw on the OS2BBS: PL/I has _zero_ reserved words. IF IF = THEN THEN ELSE = 0; ELSE THEN = IF; is a perfectly valid PL/I construct. Weird, ain't it? Personal Netware on OS/2 This is a copy of an original message posted on the Internet in the Newsgroup COMP.OS.OS2.NETWORKING.MISC. It is provided FYI & FYE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want Personal NetWare on OS/2 Keith L. Breinholt at Novell, Inc. Please help. We in Engineering and Support at Novell feel that there is a real need for Personal NetWare on OS/2. However, Marketing keeps telling us that there is not enough market for such a product. I know better but I need numbers to prove the point. Please send email to with the following information: Your Name & phone# or email adress, Your Company name, Number of potential licenses in your company, and a Reasonable price to pay Other information that we will be looking for is any features that you want/need in PNW for OS/2. Would an update to PNW for DOS fill the need if you can run PNW in a regular Global DOS session? Thanks for your help. Keith L. Breinholt ___________________________________________________________________________ "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." "I speak only for me...and then only occasionally." Thoughts on OS/2 Application Development John Schaeffer of AIMs posted the following on the OS2BBS. AIMs is the company who is going to bring you Galactic Civilization for OS/2. Because of some of the discussion that has gone on about AIMs doing future development of OS/2 games, I thought it was time to discuss a plan to help OS/2 become number one by helping OS/2 development. First I need to lay the ground work as to why OS/2 applications and games suffer from a dearth of development capital. Every line of code that goes into a possible commercial OS/2 product must be paid for. This payment can come from three different sources (the term developer is one or many people or companies): 1) Sweat equity. The developer eats beans and pays for the development from past savings. 2) Internal capital. The developer pays for the development from internal funds from past successful products. Also termed cash flow. 3) Venture capital. The developer obtains funds from outside his own area to fund the project. This can be another part of the same company or from outside. Most OS/2 applications have been financed by the first method. This is usually the method take by an individual or a small group. This is how Lotus and others got there start before small income streams from 2 and large investments from 3 kicked in. Many other successful companies in the computer area used only 1 and 2. It is rare for a startup to receive venture capital. Most venture capital is invested in companies and people that have a track record. Most new development comes from companies and people that have prior products. The primary capital for these developments comes from internal capital. OS/2 developers have trouble developing this capital source for a number of reasons: 1) The size of the OS/2 market. 2) The orientation of the OS/2 market towards shareware. Current OS/2 users look first to shareware because of the lack of OS/2 retail applications. 3) Piracy. AIMs studies have indicated that the software piracy rate is higher in the OS/2 area than any other operating system. UNIX a very close second. 4) Market distortion. IBM Direct (see prior append) and other some other IBM sales channel reduce the cash flow to developers. Venture capital is almost nonexistent in the OS/2 area. One of the major reasons is DeScribe. DeScribe was not a perfect word processor but was and is superior to the OS/2 offerings of WordPerfect and Lotus. IBM effectively acted as a venture capital provider to WordPerfect and Lotus. This put the venture people backing DeScribe in a bad position. Further development could not be financed internally because of lack of cash flow. Further venture investment would be up against well financed competition that was also backed by IBM. In this case venture funds dry up for DeScribe. I am not arguing that DeScribe would have been a success, I am stating that DeScribe never had a chance to get into the game because of certain actions by IBM. To top things off, the IBM person responsible for this disaster in the word processing area for OS/2 was rewarded for his efforts. The final result for this reward? A company - DeScribe - that is fighting for its life. An abandoned OS/2 word processor - WordPerfect. And a poor port of a Windows word processor that is releases behind the company's window product. AIMs has a number of investors that are begging to invest in games. Please note I said games not OS/2 games. I has been made very clear to me by investors that not one penny of their money will be allowed to go into OS/2 games. One year ago, everyone of these investors were anxious to get into OS/2 games. Now I must finance all OS/2 development out of cash flow. Because of the reasons above, I can accept a lower or possibly negative return on internal development in OS/2 or move to other investments. All OS/2 developers face this problem. Many that are sticking with OS/2 development will be out of business soon if there is not a change. What can be done to reverse this trend? Sorry, Wayne, you and other OS/2 true believers can do very little except for what I outline below. There must first be a recovery of faith in OS/2 software as a good investment. This can not be done by OS/2 users, OS/2 developers, OS/2 retails, TeamOS/2 - it must be done by IBM itself. Some of the steps IBM is already starting - but not all. These first steps must be carried to completion, not abandoned partially finished. Here are recommendations to IBM: 1) Reform IBM Direct: a) Put IBM Direct on a direct payment basis with developers. This will improve cash flow immediately allowing for increased internal investment by existing developers. b) Make IBM Direct be business like. Sign agreements with developers to retain developer's information within a limited - need to know - group. c) Reform IBM Direct so they can accept OS/2 product before in it is shipping. d) If a, b, and c all can not be done; remove all OS/2 products, that are not IBM's own development, from IBM Direct. Short term this will hurt developers but long term it will help developers and hurt IBM Direct. 2) Get IBM out of the business of funding ports of existing products. This is just money down the rat hole. In games it is even worst. I can speak to this from experience since I attempted to port an existing game and lost. 3) Get rid of the people in OS/2 who created this porting nonsense to begin with. Their continued presence makes venture investors very nervous. No reasonable outside investor will put up money for OS/2 development when IBM is sitting on the sidelines looking like a 500 kilo gorilla. 4) Forget about getting the companies that are heavy into DOS and Windows to port or produce software for OS/2. They are not going to kick their cash cows for the sake of OS/2. You need developers that are hungry to be the next big success in the market and have talent. Find them and sell them on the idea that OS/2 is the vehicle to do this. Do not sell them on what a great technology achievement OS/2 is. This is true but that and 50 cents will get you coffee. The developer must be profitable to raise capital. 5) DO NOT FUND ANY OUTSIDE OS/2 DEVELOPMENT. Help them sell and place their product, but do not poor free money into developers. Investors know this. Money with no expectation of return produces terrible products. IBM should not be in the game of picking winners and losers. Leave than to the professional investor. IBM's job is to provide an environment not investment. 6) Help developers learn how to sell their product. Most good to great OS/2 developers know how to produce a program. They do not know how to package it or sell it. Better skills will help these developers attract investment. 7) Hire some people at all levels that are not afraid to hear or deliver bad news. IBM has the reputation, well deserved, of shooting messengers that deliver bad news. Investors are not dumb, they know if IBM will not listen to bad news, OS/2 is in terminal trouble. If OS/2 is in trouble, investment in OS/2 developers is in trouble. Investors know the environment and market a company is in is more important than the product. 8) Straighten out the service and support. Investors are not going to invest in OS/2 developers if OS/2 is viewed as a problem. Service and support also needs to understand that they are in the customer relations business as well as service and support. The whole idea is to design this area so that the customer has the minimum hassle. There are two things service and support need to do: a) Find some managers that have dealt with customers. This is no place for on the job training. Put people with field experience in positions of responsibility. A person who has spent years in a staff position is learning the job at the expense of both IBM and the customer. b) Stop assuming the customer is dumb. VM, MVS, etc learned years ago the customer has some intelligence. Service, support and most importantly fix strategy should be based on this principal. To repeat it - the customer is not dumb. 9) Establish an OS/2 wholesaler. Some organization that is equivalent of Ingram, IE, etc. but does not have the anti OS/2 bias. Because of the current bias of just about every wholesaler to non IBM OS/2 applications, this probably will have to be a startup. It should not be IBM owned but given the lack of other capital to start this IBM would need to be creative. Not gifts but assistance in financing would be the best. The new wholesaler would be able to provide type 2 (as above) capital to OS/2 developers. 10) Consider providing financing to establish an OS/2 oriented venture capital group. Once again this should not be run be IBM, but IBM would need to provide financing assistance - not gifts - to get this started. IBM should not be running this. IBM needs to get out of the game of picking winners and losers in the OS/2 product areas. Let investors pick. 11) Above all get all of IBM out of the business of picking winners and losers in the OS/2 product area. This includes every area of IBM from giving money to certain developers to making your developer support people act as adults. There have been too many situations where developers have been forced to follow IBM's line to obtain support. An investor does not like his investment controlled by outsiders. 12) Learn the power of electronic media. BBS, Internet, etc. are very powerful forces. If IBM does not learn to work with them constructively, IBM will learn their destructive potential. This media, of its very nature, tends to move to extremes unless closely monitored. Do not try to hide IBM's warts on electronic exchanges. In fact admit to them. Get the people on your side. The best way to do this is to be truthful and honest in all electronic dealings. If IBM stinks, say so and say what you will do to make it smell better. If you try to call a skunk a rose, you will die as road kill on the information highway. Investors, at least the ones I work with, monitor the nets for early warning of potential problems and opportunities. A strong image of IBM as a truthful and honest player on the electronic media will encourage investors, at least the ones I know. As I said to begin these recommendations, IBM is working on some but not all. Confidentiality agreements with IBM prevent me from saying which ones. The proper people in IBM know what they are doing. OK, IBM, here is the basis of a plan to get OS/2 development moving and kick Windows95 before it can even get off the ground. IBM be creative forget the old rules -- use OS/2 technical superiority to start creating new rules. Are there any customers, developers or IBM'ers who believe in doing this? If so let the IBM executives know. If you don't have time to write your own, copy this and send it to PSP and IBM corporate executives. Let them know that there are ways to break the mold of the past and get OS/2 on top. The way is through OS/2 developers. John Schaeffer AIMsBBS:801-572-6353 8-n-1 2400 to 14400 Fax:801-571-8625 OS2BBS:DEV1024@Hone82 Information:801-572-4018 A Completely Subjective Look at the OS/2 Technical Update I'd better give a word of warning about what you are about to read. For several years, whenever I would go on a trip, I would take copious notes about my experiences, thoughts and feelings. Upon my return, I would type up the tale. I have followed the same pattern for this subjective look at the OS/2 Technical Update. This is NOT your ordinary report of a business trip. This is the tale of the highlights of a business trip as perceived by a warped mind. You are about to enter . . . the Highlight Zone. Saturday, September 10, 1994 I'm preparing to go on my first big trip paid for by the state. Our group usually tries to be pretty tight with the budget when it comes to spending the taxpayers' dollars. We try to make darn sure we get our money's worth out of whatever we do. When I hear of someone else from another agency going on a trip for a technical update, I'll jokingly say that the Department of Social Services will let me look through the window of Computerland -- as long as it's after hours! I have a credit card that will give me air miles for so many dollars charged -- I think you get 1 mile for every $3,000,000,000 charged, judging from my last bill. I had gotten it originally to help pay for going to my son's playoff games. Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas missed being NAIA Division II national champions by about 2 inches his freshman year (1992). Two inches to the right and the football would have gone through the goalposts. Findlay of Ohio won. After the 1993 season, even though BC was ranked number 1 for a while, I decided we wouldn't need to save air miles for the national playoffs anymore. Therefore, I had just enough air miles for my wife (Pam) to fly to Atlanta with me. We left home at 8:30 Saturday morning. Pam wasn't too happy with our luggage and by leaving so early, we thought we'd have time to stop in Independence and buy some. Our flight was not until 2:30 p.m., and the folks at MarkAir recommended being there an hour early. It ordinarily takes about 2.5 hours to get to Kansas City from Jefferson City. This was not ordinary, however. Road construction at the Rocheport bridge and close to Kansas City forced traffic to a crawl. Although we made it to the airport in ample time, there was no time to spare for buying luggage. Thank you Highway Department! We travel this way almost every week in the Fall for football games, but I noticed a billboard I had never seen before: Catfish Live - Dressed. Yeah, but then what would you do? Take 'em out for a movie? We arrived at KCI and parked the car in the cheapest parking lot we could find. Checked in, waited for an hour, and took off for Atlanta. The flight was an hour and forty-seven minutes. We arrived in Atlanta, went to the train that transports passengers from the concourse to the main terminal, and proceeded to the Alamo car rental agency, where I had reserved a car. I was pleased to see Jim Crapenhoft there, from the Department of Highway and Transportation. The line was huge. Apparently all of the other rental agencies had run out of cars. We discussed forgetting the car rental and taking the bus to our hotel, but being unfamiliar with the layout of Atlanta, decided that it might be imperative to have a car. What a mistake. Our wait in line was 13 minutes longer than our flight, the hotel was within walking distance of the convention center, and Atlanta has excellent public transportation -- the MARTA. That was a waste of taxpayer money. If I go to Atlanta again, I won't worry about car rental. I was rather nervous about driving in Atlanta. I'm just a country boy, and seeing six lanes of traffic coming together, with exits on the left and the right was a bit disconcerting. Pam kept telling me to slow down, but trying to be aware of the signs made it difficult for me to keep an eye on the speedometer. I think the speed limit was 55, but even at 60 it felt like I was crawling with the traffic cruising around me at 70. We made it to the hotel without incident, however. The Hard Rock Cafe was only a couple of blocks from our hotel, and since we had only stopped for souvenirs at the one in Honolulu while on our honeymoon, we decided to have supper there. There was a half hour wait before we were shown to a table. I don't mind admitting, I was getting very tired of lines by this time! The menu said you hadn't "really" been to the Hard Rock unless you had a "Pig Sandwich", so that's what I had. It was OK. We returned to the hotel for the night. Although I was tired, I watched "Rising Sun" on HBO. We don't have HBO at home, so I figured I would take advantage of it at the hotel. Sunday, September 11, 1994 I got up in time to go to church at nearby Sacred Heart. Pam looked pretty content sleeping, so I figured she could go to a later service when she woke up. I could tell by the address in the phone book that it had to be close, but I wasn't exactly sure where to find it. I took my best guess, and had about given up, when I looked up and saw the spires. If I had looked up when I began my journey I would have been there already! I wasn't too late. Although the OS/2 Technical Update was not to begin until 1:30, I arrived at the convention center at 10:00 a.m. After the delays in lines I had faced yesterday, I decided that being early would not be a handicap. Thankfully, because of being early, the line at the registration booth was relatively short. And who was in line in front of me? Michelle Wilson -- IBM's PSP representative from the Jefferson City Office. I knew she was going to be there, but I thought it would be much more difficult to run into someone that I knew! As we walked away from the registration area, I noticed one fellow with distinctive features -- a grey beard, a round belly, wearing an OS/2 t-shirt and OS/2 suspenders! I had never seen OS/2 suspenders before and pointed them out to Michelle. I noticed him several times throughout the day. We just started down the escalator to pick up the rest of our registration materials when we saw Jim Crapenhoft again! Gee, it's easy to find people in here! After we grabbed our registration material, we went outside so I could take a picture. Because I was so early, I saw in my map that there was a study hall for people to brush up on different areas for the Certification testing. Unfortunately, it was located about as far away from the testing area as possible. When I got there, I was informed that they had already begun the certification testing at 9:30 that morning! I asked the fellow in the study hall the best way to approach taking the test. He recommended just taking them to see how well I did, and if I failed, use the report to concentrate on the areas of weakness. In retrospect, I wish I had used another approach. It didn't take me long to beat a path to the testing center to sign up. Drat, if I had realized they were starting early, I could have possibly had two of the tests under my belt by now! Without much ado, I was soon in the testing center, taking "Installing and supporting OS/2". The certification tests are all computerized (developed as a Windows program -- yechhh. Why didn't they use one of the visual REXX programs?). There were about 50 machines in the testing room attached to a server, which in turn was connected to an external database that tracks who has passed what tests. When the test is completed, you are shown a bar graph to show the score needed to pass and your score. It then prints out a graph of which areas were weak. A passing grade for the first test was a 73%. I got (gasp) a 70%. Ooooooooh, dang it. If I had gotten one more question right! It was a hard test. I had several questions on OS/2 1.3 and OS/2 2.x coexistence that I think I probably got wrong. The candidates were only allowed to take one test at a time, due to the popularity. I had been under the impression that once you got in there, you could test to your heart's content. So I signed up for the next one on the list: "Using and Customizing OS/2". While I was waiting to have my name called, Michelle encouraged me to sign up to give feedback the next day on the testing process. A bribe of a great t-shirt was offered to the first 100 to sign up. It was the OS/2 logo superimposed above the word Chicago and the Chicago skyline. Underneath were the words: OS/2. Been there. Done that. On the back it says "Not just up and coming -- up and running!" While I was playing around with that and listening for my name, Frank McKenney cam up and introduced himself. Frank and I have exchanged a few messages on the OS2BBS, and that was another advantage for going, to meet these people I have only met electronically. Unfortunately, at that first meeting, I was still a little shell-shocked from having failed a test about OS/2 and probably just mumbled incoherently. Although at some point I was able to get a picture of him and Michelle. "Using and Customizing OS/2" put me back in harmony with the world. a 76% was needed to pass and I received an 86%. I found out later that some folks didn't like this one because it wanted to know, for example, what keystrokes to use to accomplish a function. Since my mouse seems so far away, I've memorized most of the keystrokes to navigate OS/2. Fortunately I saw Frank again after that test and I was able to say say something a little more coherent. Unfortunately, the testing caused me to be a few minutes late for the first session that I wanted to attend: "Netview DM/2 (Basic)". Because of my lateness and because of test-induced stress, it took me a while to settle into what was being discussed. I must have really been stressed because two lines of my notes are indecipherable scrawls (of course, my handwriting isn't the easiest to read in the best of times). One of the most important things that I learned was that LAD/2 will be distributed with LAN Netview DM/2 within the next 18 months. LAD/2 (which I will discuss in more detail later) allows easy setup of DM/2 distribution disks. That's pretty exciting, considering that LAD/2 lists for about $4000 today! Netview DM/2 is supposed to check disk space before it tries to apply new software. I asked the presenter if it were true that if a machine had a lockup screen displayed that it would cause a distribution to fail on a client machine. I had heard this from an IBMer whom I consider a fairly reliable source. The presenter said that she had never heard of such a problem. Rats. I guess when we finally get it we will just have to test it out. Several of the audience indicated some dissatisfaction because each one of IBM's products have a different procedure with CID, DM/2 and response files. The presenter said that they are encouraging all development units -- indeed, all developers, to use a product called Software Installer, so that they will all have a similar look and feel. As one fellow remarked, all the capability of CID and DM/2 is great, but you have to be a PhD to use it! After this, I proceeded to "LAN Server Tips 'N' Techniques I". This had some very useful information. I became a little more familiar with local logon. I do not have DB2/2, and so I have never needed to worry about local logon. In fact, we do not have local user-ids defined on most machines here. However, some folks, particularly the folks in the Database Administration Group, do have DB2/2, so I will have to get together with them to see if I can make their life a little easier. Another tip is to reduce NetBIOSRetries from the default of 8 to 1. This saves 3.5 seconds per NetBIOS name added on each client. Other tips for logging on weren't applicable to us. One was not to run the messenger service, but I like to use it to notify folks on the LAN if we need to do something drastic in the middle of the day. Another is to set multilogon to YES, but we have already made that the default. We can set logonwarnings to none to suppress warnings, and we can issue the logon command with a "/r" option so that the PM error dialog won't pop up, saying "messenger service will not start" when someone logs on at another location. Some folks have tried to create icons at our place for network resources. The presenters recommended that if someone were doing this, they should make shadows, not copy. About halfway through the presentation, a gentleman sitting right in front of me made a comment to the presenter. With a start, I turned to the fellow to my left: "Who is that?" "I don't know. Some IBMer." "Isn't that Tom Gordy?" "Yeah, they said it was Tom something." "He's the one who developed the CNFGLS30 spreadsheet!!" Blank look. The fellow to my left was obviously unimpressed. I, on the other hand, was very impressed. If I knew half of what Tom knows about LAN Server tuning . . . When time came for a break, I introduced myself to Tom. We had exchanged several messages on the OS2BBS and I was able to take a very unflattering picture of him! After it was developed, I didn't think it was too bad. As I strolled down the hall, I wanted to say hi to Janet Gobeille, whom I knew would be preparing for the Team OS/2 session that I also wanted to attend. However, I felt I would be doing the state more of a service by attending the second session of the LAN Server TNT. Janet is also a frequent poster on the OS2BBS. In the course of our brief conversation, she mentioned that Jack Hiatt (another poster on the OS2BBS, the PC BBS, and all around OS/2 guru) had been down at the Team OS/2 room. I went to the Team OS/2 room and asked if Jack Hiatt were in there. No, someone replied, but he's standing right over there in the hall. Remember the guy I saw at registration that had the OS/2 suspenders? That was Jack Hiatt! He was busy conversing with someone else at the time, and I needed to get back for the next session. I had already seen Jack several times that day, so I knew I'd be able to find him again. OK, I'm back in session. Excuse me if the following paragraphs are somewhat disjointed, but my notes are disjointed. If I remember correctly, people kept asking various questions that interrupted the flow of the presentation. In the next session, someone asked about limits under LAN Server. Apparently 16,000 users can be defined to NET.ACC. The DCDB, however, only replicates 1000. Under LAN Server 4.0, the command line and the GUI will be able to do the same things. In version 3.0, some options are available only at the command line, while other options are only available from the Full Screen Interface (FSI). Rexx Support will be included in the Productivity Aids. I'll have much more on LAN Server version 4.0 later. After the session, I wandered back to get a picture of Janet for inclusion in the newsletter, and ran into a motherlode of famous folks from the OS2BBS: Janet, who is the driving force behind team OS/2; Bob Holmes, a frequent poster on the OS2BBS and whom InfoWorld and PC Week regularly quote whenever anything happens in the world of OS/2; the aforementioned Jack Hiatt; and Hank Henderson, a displaced Missourian from the St. Charles area, formerly in charge of the OS2BBS and currently developing the famous World Wide Web that is the heart of the Internet connection that will be available with OS/2 version 3.0. I was able to get some great pictures of these folks. I had to accuse Bob Holmes of breaking my camera! Try as I would, it would not take a picture of him. I think the batteries were starting to go. When the shutter finally clicked, I'm afraid it probably looked like something you would see in a post office or on a drivers license. I guess I'll find out in a day or two when the pictures are developed. I had promised Pam that I would go back to the hotel to meet her when the meetings were over, so I did. We went to the store following some directions that were printed out from a kiosk. Very easy to follow. Upon our return, I went to the OS/2 awards presented by OS/2 Professional Magazine. There was a very nice buffet provided (I wish I had known there were going to be eats before I purchased supper), a jazz band, and a cozy atmosphere for 1000 people. Edwin Black, the editor of OS/2 Professional, was the Master of Ceremonies. There is a media award that they present, usually to someone in the trade press who promotes OS/2. In warming up to announce the winner, he stated that this person had taken great pains to promote OS/2, had discovered it on his own, had done so much for OS/2... Some wit piped up, "Bill Gates!" No, it wasn't Bill Gates, but I had predicted the winner three times to the disbelief of everyone at our table until Edwin finally confirmed -- Howard Stern. The award for software marketing went to SoftTouch (Gammatech Utilities). The Team OS/2 award went to Timothy Sipples (author of OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions, found on all the OS/2 Bulletin Boards). They played a synthesized orchestral arrangement of "Concerto for OS/2" by Peter Hayes. It was OK, but it would have been enhanced by a multimedia presentation, rather than just listening to the music. The best hardware for OS/2 went to Parallel Storage Solutions, who make a parallel port tape backup and using the same machine, can actually do a first time install of OS/2. CA-Realizer took the best development tool award. The best application went to Describe 5.0. The reader's choice award went to Lotus' Ami Pro. The One-Up Corporation won something, but I didn't write down which award it was. One of the speakers told a story of a woman who had described her business strategy as going from Windows to Windows NT to Windows95 and asked for his opinion. He said it was just like back home where they had a fellow who was a veterinarian and taxidermist -- either way, you get your dog back. Oh gosh, this is embarrassing. The OS/2 Professional award went to the man who had started the OS/2 Vendor Council. I couldn't quite make out the name that was announced. I believe they said it was Tony Carrera. Tony, if you see this and I've butchered your last name -- sorry! The IBM Executive Achievement Award ("sometimes known as the oxymoron award", quipped one of the presenters) went to Lou Gerstner. After the awards, prizes were given away, the most noteworthy being two dual-pentium 90 Mhz PCs. Alas, my name was not drawn. Jim Crapenhoft had met some people who were not going to the Six Flags night on Monday, and so they gave me their ticket to give to Pam. However, they were parked far, far away under the Omni. On the way back, I tried to take a shortcut and became somewhat bewildered. Fortunately, I ran into Peachtree street and was able to find my way back. My usual fifteen minute walk to the hotel became a thirty minute walk. The worst thing about walking in downtown Atlanta is all the panhandlers. I felt guilty for not assisting, but I was accosted about a dozen times a day. Finally, after three days, I learned not to look up and not to smile in order to avoid a confrontation. Monday, September 12, 1994 Pam had the idea of getting up early enough to go to church again this morning. My notes were at the bottom of the page at this point and it looks like I said, "Pillow head back to soone cam idly west to GWCC." Oh well, it probably makes as much sense as some of the other things I've written. Ten minutes later . . . Oh, I finally figured part of it out! The pillow hurt my back so I didn't sleep well and had to get up at 6:00 am. GWCC is the Georgia World Convention Center. I guess I said I walked there. Listen -- deciphering these notes is not an easy job! The first thing I did when I arrived at the Convention Center was to "cash in" a receipt for a "fanny pack". It could have been redeemed at the OS/2 awards the night before, but I was in such a rush, I left it in my hotel room (as well as my two drink tickets -- two scrawny little glasses of soda cost $3.00!). I thought it would come in handy at the Six Flags night. I then went to the ballroom to hear the keynote speaker, Ellen M. Hancock, IBM Senior VP and Group Executive. I had the best seat in the house -- next to the exit. It wasn't that I didn't want to hear her, but the primary reason I received approval to attend was for the certification testing, and I wanted to be sure I could get out quickly and be in line early. The session started off in grand style, there was a short movie talking about the future of technology, hosted by none other than Patrick Stewart, A.K.A. Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek, the Next Generation. At the end of the movie, he said something to the effect, "I would now like to introduce you to someone who is helping to pave the way to the next generation of technology: Ellen M. Hancock." Pretty neat. She began by saying that she was happy that everyone got here safely and was not delayed in Chicago. Her presentation was scripted in conjunction with a multimedia presentation that would flash pertinent information on screens in the background. Wally Casey (I hope I spelled his name right) demoed the Internet product that will be included in the new version of OS/2. I think that's really going to be a big boost for OS/2. In fact, one reviewer in InfoWorld or PC Week stated that it would be a bargain just to buy OS/2 for the relatively inexpensive Internet Connection and excellent GUI front end to the Internet. Everyone is already making the Internet and the Information Superhighway synonymous -- that could be a great marketing boost. The average home PC buyer wants to be on the Information Superhighway, but (NO, despite my love of puns, I will NOT make one of those stupid "highway" puns) doesn't know how to get connected. IBM is making it very easy. I was sitting on pins and needles waiting to get down to the testing area, so I left a little early to beat the crowd. Unfortunately, the server had crashed the day before, so everyone who was in the testing room at the time would get a chance to go first. Others had skipped the keynote address completely and had already signed up. So I had quite a wait before me. At that particular hour, there were no conferences that would be particularly beneficial to me, so I decided to go down and see the exhibits at Networld-Interop. I was afraid that I would not be able to make any time to see them. My first stop was at the Cabletron exhibit. They had a virtual reality theater. Since I had never experienced virtual reality before, this seemed like the perfect opportunity, particularly since it was early in the morning and there was not much of a wait. Our leader told us that it was the largest virtual reality theater and that it had been featured on CNN. The "theater" held about 20 seats. On the back of each seat was a helmet that had a viewing screen and speakers encased within it. When we had all been briefed, we were instructed to put on the helmets. The virtual reality "experience" was a trip through one of their hubs. She had encouraged us to look up, down and to the sides, so I did. It was neat, but there was a lot more virtual than reality. When our "trip" was over, she said that she always liked to pick the person who was most creative in trying to view the experience. I was the winner. That would have been great if I had gotten a prize, or if I hadn't noticed that an 8 year old boy was the winner at another session. Hey, I was just trying to get the full experience. I looked around at a few of the other exhibits, but I have to admit, I was overwhelmed. This country boy had never seen so many products and vendors at one place! I wandered around like a bumpkin in a city for about an hour, before deciding to check on the status of the testing. The server had crashed again! So the people who had started yesterday when the server crashed still were not finished with their tests. They were taking no more sign-ups for testing today. By the time I had gathered this information, the next session had already started. The one that I had penciled in was "LAN Netview Management Utilities". I was not as enthused about this, because we already had the product and it's fairly easy to use and configure. However, when the presenter said something about editing the user's CONFIG.SYS, my ears picked up! We were not able to directly do this! I asked her to elucidate, and was disappointed to find that her solutions for doing this were no different than ours -- either run a REXX program to update it, or copy it to a shared drive, edit it, copy it back. Something I nearly forgot about! It's possible to create an entry in the SYSLEVEL file for non-IBM products. I've got to look into this further. Currently, in reporting files that it finds on a user's machine, it will report the date and time. It's up to the administrator to know what versions those correspond to. In the third quarter of next year, it will apparently add a database, so that it will report what version of software, rather than just date and time. LMU will be shipped with Netview for OS/2. Hmmm, that might change our purchasing plans. There is supposed to be a CSD released for LMU at the end of September that will have some enhanced functionality: User defined security by the administrator, an Enhanced GUI -- that will allow you to save the options you have set up. If you want, you can add a bitmap to the background. I did that for our print server (added a bitmap of the floor plan with the printer icons placed in the appropriate positions) but boy, did it slow down that window coming up! I finally disabled the bitmap. Maybe it'll return if Warp brings it up faster. Let's see, there is also supposed to be new hardware supported by the Vital Product Data, the number of characters to alert Netview has been increased from 44 to 100. The scheduler is now multi-threaded. At noon, I went to check the testing situation again. The server still was not up. Since my pace had been slowed down, it seemed like a good time to grab something to eat. I'm trying to fill my eyes and brain with everything that is available here, so filling my stomach takes on less importance. I certainly don't want to waste the time to go off-site to find a place to eat, but the prices are exorbitant here! $7.00 for a personal pan pizza and a soda! And the state only allows $15.00 per day for meals. As I was strolling down the hall, I came upon Michelle Wilson, who was speaking to someone from the One Up Corporation. I busted in on the conversation and we discussed the Smart program. I recognized him as being one of the winners of the Lotus SmartSuite on Sunday night. He said he had given it away to someone else sitting at his table. Dang. I should have sat there! Not only that, but the lady sitting next to him was the winner of one of the Pentiums! That's where I should have been sitting! My next appointment was one for which I had volunteered. The folks in charge of the testing wanted some feedback on the tests. Well, I always like to get in my 2› worth, so I was ready. I was a little disgruntled with the tests, primarily because of the situation with the servers, which I knew was beyond their control, and because I was still shocked that I had failed any sort of test about OS/2! If I was disgruntled, the other folks in my group were downright steamed! As I've mentioned, the tests are geared towards what is being taught by Drake. Come to find out, I was not the only one who failed. A large number of people were failing. Opinions were along the same line -- it's a trivia contest; it should be open book; it should test real-world knowledge, not book-l'arnin'; it should test knowing where to go for answers. Everyone was ripping the test. As I heard their arguments, however, I think they were like me -- shocked at having failed any test about OS/2. The fact of the matter is, I didn't think the tests were that bad. The certification tests are there to ensure that there is some sort of standard. If someone is weak in a particular area because of lack of experience or knowledge, it needs to be exposed. I, for example, did not know the best configuration for OS/2 1.3 and OS/2 2.x. There are some folks, I guess, for whom that is a concern, so it's good that this area of weakness was exposed. On the other hand, I'm pretty fortunate. I can sit down and read something like the class notes, and remember a good chunk of what I read after one sitting -- and it will last for a fairly long period of time. My wife is always amazed at how quickly I can learn something for a class. On the other hand, there is a penalty for the peculiar type of memory I have -- "Where did I put those keys?" "What was that name?" "I was supposed to stop by the store!?" She's pretty amazed by that, too! After our feedback session, I approached one of the IBMers and told him that I was really distraught. I had received permission to come to this because of the testing offered, and now I was unable to take the tests, because of the hardware failures! He escorted me back to the testing room, found me a seat, and told me to go ahead and take as many tests as I could. Weeeellllll, all right! I took Advanced OS/2 Support, OS/2 Performance and Tuning, and OS/2 LAN Administration I. I passed Advanced Support. 72% was needed to pass. That's what I got. I received a 63% on Performance and Tuning (needed a 73%) and a 57% on LAN Administration (needed a 69%). I was discouraged. Nearly half the time was gone for the week. I had wanted to take a total of 9 tests to become an OS/2 Engineer and a LAN Server Engineer. At this point, I had passed only 2 tests! Had I known in advance how difficult it was going to be, I would have changed my strategy and studied before attempting the tests. Because of my extended testing, I was unable to get back to the hotel at the time I promised Pam, so I called her and told her I would meet her as she walked toward the Convention Center. After we met, we proceeded to the area near the Georgia Dome where the busses were loading. There was a surprisingly small crowd that went to Six Flags. I saw Jim Crapenhoft and David Moskowicz, but that was about it. Bob Holmes told me the next day that he had seen me there, but I had not spotted him. Of course, I was really impressed by the film stars I met there! That Bugs Bunny -- what an actor! And the angst shown by Wile E. Coyote -- Tim Robbins would be envious! The food provided was excellent! We were talking to some of the employees who asked it how it was, for Six Flags itself provided the buffet, whereas usually they had it catered in. The deserts were fantastic. My favorites were the petite-fours and the little cream puffs. Pam is a roller-coaster fanatic, and I am roller-coaster frantic! The last time I rode a roller-coaster, I was so scared I used language I didn't know I knew. So, despite her pleading, we rode no rides together. She did ride something. I think it was called "The Wheel". If it had been warmer, we would have done Thunder River. I like the water rides. Because we're primarily soft drinkers, we gave our drink tickets to some folks who were brave enough to get soaked riding Thunder River in the cool evening. There was a pretty silly skit about "Bad Bob" returning to kill the sheriff. My favorite line occurred after Bad Bob spit about 15 feet into a spittoon. The sheriff commented that that was pretty good. Bob replied, "I was a member of the Salivation Army." OK, I'm a sucker for a good pun. If that's not an oxymoron. Since I was sitting in the front row, Bad Bob threatened to shoot me. With my shaved head and beard, I suppose I did have unique features which qualified me as a victim. Now that Fall is here, however, I'm letting my fringe return to keep my head at least slightly warm. The skit was followed by more drawings. I didn't win anything, but neither did Melissa Driver. Why do I remember that name? You had to be present to win. Her name was drawn. She wasn't there. The prize? Another dual 90 Mhz Pentium. We left shortly after the drawing. I was worn out. Tuesday, September 13, 1994 I got up early so that I could be in the front of the line for testing. My morning was pretty straight forward. After signing up, I went to Study Hall to bone up on the Installing Manual. After only 10 minutes, I was called up. I had barely cracked the notes, but I guess it was sufficient. A 73% was needed and I received a 75%. I signed up again and studied for the Performance and Tuning test. The line had grown, so I had better than an hour to study. Unfortunately, that was a pretty popular manual, so I only got to look at it for about half an hour. The results were exactly the same as the Installing. I signed up again for the LAN Server Administration. Again, I had better than an hour to study. The primary reason I had more time was because the server crashed again. Nothing too serious -- someone tripped over the cord and unplugged it! Since more people were going for OS/2 Engineer certification, I had full access to the manual. A 69% was needed and I received a 78%. I finished all of these tests a little after 1:00 pm. Official pins had just come in, so I was able to walk away with two pins classifying me as a certified OS/2 Engineer and a certified LAN Administrator. I took 8 tests, 3 of which I would not have been able to pass without access to the training manuals. Tests are $100 each, and classes are nearly $1000. I had the manual for one of the tests back at work, so I figure it would have cost $2800 to accomplish the same thing in Kansas City, not counting meals, transportation and hotel bills. The entire trip to Atlanta, including everything. was about $2000. So I figure this saved the state about $2000. It would have been more if I had not made some bad judgments. I shouldn't have rented a car in Atlanta, and rather than driving my car to the airport and paying parking, I should have taken Tiger Express, which costs about $25. That would have shaved about another $350 off of the cost. That's what I'll do the next time! I could have taken some more tests to prepare for the LAN Server Engineer, but there just was not enough time to complete the certification before it would be necessary to leave. In addition, I was pretty stressed out by this time. Pam was getting tired of me coming to the hotel and worrying about those tests! So, I decided for the remaining 24 hours I would go to conferences and exhibits! There was a little area cordoned off for folks attending the Update to relax and smoke. While I was relaxing during the lunch break, I struck up a conversation with a fellow from Germany. IBM was going to have something similar over there, but it was 2000 marks more. Since he worked for Lufthansa (I think that's how it's spelled), it was cheaper for him to fly over here. I knew that OS/2 was popular over there, because there is a lot of shareware that I've seen that's come from there. ZOC and SCHEDULE come to mind, and I think ZIPME. He said that IBM has struck a deal with a company similar to our Packard-Bell to preload OS/2. I wish they could strike a deal like that with Packard-Bell here! After I left there, I finally ran into Hank Henderson again. I had hoped to see him at Six Flags, but he was at a Spencer F. Katt party. Drat, I had hoped to get wind of a Spencer party, just to say that I had been there. Oh well. I scribbled in that I also got to see Jack Hiatt and Bob Holmes again. I've been seeing Frank McKenney all over this place! Speaking of the Katt, this might be a good time to spread my own rumors. Let's see... I've heard that the Katt himself is really himselves. A group of 5 or 6 writers handle the gossip duties, one of whom is Jim Seymour. There is talk that a new national LAN Systems User Group may be forming that will be able to have input to IBM similar to GUIDE or SHARE. The OS2BBS could be undergoing a change in management and saying bye-bye to BEST. And when OS/2 version 3.0 is announced in October, a certain captain with a pate similar to my own will be making an appearance. Make it so. I felt better about failing tests after talking to Jack Hiatt. As I've mentioned before, Jack is a general all-around OS/2 guru who answers many questions on the OS2BBS and the PCC BBS. One particular test, he needed a 72%. He got a 69%. Took it again. 69%. Took it again. 69%. Took it again. 67%. I'm not lying when I say you have to know your stuff in all areas. Those tests are hard. I went down to the Networld-Interop exhibitions and wandered over to the IBM exhibit. They were just getting ready to do a demo of LAN Server 4.0, so I grabbed a chair and a PC and prepared to see what it would do. The presentation only lasted half an hour, but it was enough to knock my socks off! Instead of a Public Application folder, there is now a Network Application folder, which will handle DOS, OS/2 and Windows Applications. The Domain Icon looks like a little castle. Users, Groups, Network Applications and other resources can all be created using Drag and Drop. Talk about EASY! Icons can be associated with a particular Network Application. Almost anything that can be done on the screen can be done at the command line, and anything that you can do on the command line can be done on screen. This was not the case with LAN Server 3.0. Some options could only be done from the command line, and others could only be done from the Full Screen Interface. In addition, there is a NETGUI for DOS, that comes up with a very attractive GUI for the DOS interface. It received Best of Show. I was knocked out. We have already started rolling out 115 LANs for our MACSS project, but I would really, really like to be shipping out 4.0 rather than 3.0. On a scale of 1 to 10 for ease of administration, I'd give Netware a 1, LAN Server 3.0 a 2, and LAN Server 4.0 a 9! WOW! I hurried from the exhibit hall back upstairs to the conference. I rushed into LAD/2. There was a lot to like about LAD/2. Earlier I had commented that one person had said a person needed to be a PhD to do CID. LAD/2 eases the CID process, as well as DM/2. It's possible to contract with IBM to install and train LAD/2. It will automatically generate response files for various CID enabled products. It will generate the CID CMD file, it can customize desktops. My concern is that when an update comes out for a product, LAD/2 has to be updated. They responded that they usually came out with updates for LAD/2 about a month after a product was released. They are encouraging IBM and Independent Vendors to use Software Installer so that there is a common look and feel for installation for all products. During the first year, the upgrades for LAD/2 are free, then it starts to cost to upgrade. LAD/2 is $4995 per server. Cough Cough. Whoops, I misread a flier. They had the cost for installing with LAD/2 as $695, but they were talking about people hours, compared to trying to set up CID or DM/2 by hand. LAD/2 is supposed to be included with DM/2 in about 18 months. Drat, we're going to be getting DM/2 pretty quickly. To get LAD/2 now or not to get LAD/2 now, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to face the slings and arrows of setting up DM/2 or to use LAD/2 must give us pause. After the LAD/2 presentation, the day was officially over. All that remained was the Birds of a Feather sessions. I went down to check it out. Hank was going to do a presentation on the World Wide Web, but because of technical problems that he had been battling all week, he was not going to be able to do a live demo. I felt like a deserter, but I was just so tired, I did not attend, but headed for the hotel. Unfortunately, when I got to the hotel, I found there was no rest for the wicked. Pam wanted to go to the "Underground". Someone had mentioned on the OS2BBS that it was one of the places to go. It was interesting, in that there was a streetlamp there with a hole in it, caused by a civil war cannonball. There were a lot of little shops. We ate at a fish place there, bought a few souvenirs from the Coke plant across the street, and rode the MARTA back to our hotel. Wednesday, September 14, 1994 I had packed my bags the night before, so I took everything but one bag to the car. I also took the car keys, so Pam had to check the one bag at the front desk, since we had to be out by 11:00 a.m. In retrospect, I wish I had spent another night so that I wouldn't have been so rushed on the last day of the conference and I possibly would have had a chance to see a little bit more of Atlanta. I went back to the convention center, and as my first stop, I returned an evaluation form. They were bribing folks to return them by offering a commemorative t-shirt. It worked. I returned mine! While I was standing in line, I heard something of a tip. Someone was saying that if he gets hung up and can't CTRL+ALT+DEL, he'll do a CTRL+ALT+NUMLOCK+NUMLOCK. When it prompts for the Dump diskette, he'll do a CTRL+ALT+DEL. It still leaves the disk dirty, but it saves the power hit. After waffling among "Customizing and Using the WorkPlace Shell", "LAN Distance", and "Lotus OS/2 Development Directions" I finally decided to go to the "LAN Server Administration Hands On Lab". I was disappointed. I picked up a few more things which I'll discuss shortly, but the technical knowledge of the presenter was minimal. I think I had more information imparted in the half hour I spent at the exhibit than in the hour and fifteen minutes spent in the lab. Unfortunately, I didn't have an evaluation form. They were also very paranoid. I wanted to check out the new configuration tool that is included in LAN Server 4.0. As soon as I brought it up, someone came running up to dissuade me from looking at it, since it was partially disabled. Well heck, can't I even get an idea of what it'll look like? One tool that I learned about was that in the new version there will be a productivity aid that will let you convert the DCDB to a DB2/2 database, make changes from the DB2/2 database, and import it back to the DCDB. I'm not exactly sure of the advantage of this, unless there is something that could be done programmatically against the database easier than using the other tools provided. I also found out that the Chess game can be played across the network. It's too bad I don't care for chess. How about a scrabble game? Something else that I saw (totally unrelated), was that when they were at an OS/2 prompt, they'd issue "START EPM", so that they would still have the command prompt. Now I knew you could do that, and I had seen someone else doing it recently, but it's just not a habit I had formed until after this trip. On the whole, I was really disappointed with this session. Perhaps I would not have been if I had not seen the exhibit. While I was taking a break, someone came up to me and saw my certification pins, which I had proudly attached to my shirt. "I have new respect for you," he said. "I've had to take one test three times now." I'll admit: I puffed up. My next session was "Avoiding Common Problems and Problem Determination with CM/2". It was awfully informative, but I was freezing to death. Everything has been cold in here. Before I left, I wanted to pack a Mid-Missouri OS/2 User Group sweatshirt. It is the coolest OS/2 sweatshirt I've seen, custom made for us. The OS/2 logo is airbrushed on the front, with 2.1 airbrushed underneath. On the back is the name of our user group done in green with black shading. I like showing it off, but I figured, "A sweatshirt, in Atlanta? No way!" In the Conference Center it felt more like Alaska than Atlanta. Back to CM/2. I've written and re-written this trying to make it interesting. But I can't. This stuff is dry, I'm just going to list every sentence in my notes. That way, if you're not interested, you can just skip over the list. With VTAM 4.2, it is possible to do asynch dial-in with CM/2 version 1.11. The Message Reference and Problem Determination Guide are not installed by default. If the wrong Token-Ring address is given, check the Message Log Formatter. Whenever you go into the Message Log Formatter, there is always an ominous message: "Warning -- Data May be Lost". I've never lost any data, but I always figured it was a matter of time. I was relieved to find out that message is absolutely meaningless and they want to get it removed. If Alert=Yes in the Message Formatter, there will always be a dump. The Message Console is like the Netview console. It is sometimes useful for CMVERIFY, to ensure everything is going OK. Routing alerts, refer to chart. PMDSPLAY displays the active configuration. Oh, Oh. Bad handwriting. It either says "Display will slow everything" or "Display will show everything". Useful for testing command line utils. CMEMUL is on the Productivity Aids Diskette and will start and stop 3270 and 5250 sessions. ACSTRACE starts trace services. CMPD gets everything to send to support. ACS2501 error usually means to check the Logical Links display. Whew, wasn't that interesting? If you're not into CM/2 -- WAKE UP!! After that class, it was time to break until 1:00 pm. At 1:00 pm, there was only one conference that looked interesting: The Lotus Smart Suite for OS/2. Since Pam had been booted from the hotel at 11:00 a.m. (and stay out!!), I had made arrangements with someone who was not able to come to the conference at all today to leave me her badge last night. That way Pam could be admitted to see all of the Networld-Interop exhibits. The identification cards were really neat. They all looked something like a credit card, so if vendors wanted to put you on their mailing list, they just ran it through a scanner or made an impression. Much easier than business cards. We threatened our benefactor by telling her that Pam was going to go from booth to booth letting vendors run her badge! By November she would be flooded with junk mail! At this point, my notes stopped. So everything from this point on is strictly from memory. So anyway, I told Lou Gerstner, "Lou, I don't care how much you offer me, I like working for the state." Oh, oh! I could get into trouble relying on my memory. As I mentioned earlier, there were so many exhibits, it was overwhelming. Pam wanted to stop at almost every exhibit, and I wanted to hurry on to see the exhibits I had not yet seen. Somewhere there was an exhibit with folks dressed up like Star Trek characters. I never did find it. We stopped longest at the Lotus booth. We decided to see the Lotus Organizer presentation, although we accidently sat down at first in the section that was demonstrating Notes Express. I wish in retrospect that we had stayed there. Not only because they were giving away a copy of Notes Express to everyone who sat through the demo, but because it was over about 10 minutes before our presentation and was probably more interesting. Oh well. Shortly after that, it was time to head for the airport. We arrived in plenty of time, returned the rental car with no problem, although there was quite a line of returning cars, and flew out on time. We arrived at KCI at about 7:30 p.m., and made it back to Jefferson City about midnight. All in all, a successful, informative and tiring trip! Next MMOUG Meeting Next month's MMOUG meeting will be held in Columbia on Wednesday, October 19, 4 pm at: Boone County Electrical Cooperative 1414 Range Line Columbia, MO 65101 From Jefferson City: Take Highway 63 North to Interstate 70. Go West on I-70 to the Range Line Exit. Go South on Range Line less than a block. Boone County Electrical Cooperative is the first building past the restaurant. N I-70 W--|--E __________________________________________________S_________________ |P |R H| |R Boone Co. Electical Coop. X |A W| |O |N Y| |V |G | |I |E 6| |D | 3| |E |L | |N |I | |C |N | |E |E | We will have a representative from Describe show us the latest and greatest from version 5.0 of their award-winning word processor. Annual membership fee for the Mid Missouri OS/2 Users Group is $30.00 US. Purchase Orders are accepted. Please make your check payable to MMOUG and mail to: MMOUG, P.O. Box 30654, Columbia, MO. 65205-0645 Thank you for your support. The Mid-Missouri OS/2 Users Group is a non-profit corporation who's dedicated purpose is to aid and facilitate the education and communication between individual computer users, different computer groups, and the general public. The Woodmeister BBS is the official Bulletin Board of the MMOUG. A copy of the Bylaws is available for downloading from the Woodmeister BBS (314-446-0016). For assistance with OS/2, call our Voice Mail at 314-636-0805.