Press ump to begin: ump ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³³ Bible Believers' Bulletin ³³ ³³Sanctify them through thy truth³³ ³³thy word is truth" (John 17:17)³³ ³³ ³³ ³³ Bible Baptist Church ³³ ³³ PO box 7135 ³³ ³³ Pensacola, Fl 32534 ³³ ³³ ³³ ³³ Bookstore: (904) 477-8812 ³³ ³³Fax (24 hrs): (904) 477-3795 ³³ ³³ BBS: (904) 934-8678 ³³ ³³Credit card only:(800) 659-1478³³ ³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ January, 1995's Issue: Riplinger's Reviewers The Hidden Wisdom Strictly Personal: The Dearly Beloved Brethren Way of Life Literature Estus Pirkle: A Modern Apostate Correction and Instruction in Righteousness The Missing Link Dr Ruckman's Preaching Schedule The Coming Holocaust Janet's Uprising Cornelius Stam Gives Cult Position for 20,000th Time Roman Catholicism-- No Hell, Just the New RSV Slick Willy's Friend Not a Sin-- Just a Mistake A Help for Pastors The Double Standard The Blind Leading The Blind Issaquah Baptist Church A Lone Voice Against Foreign Troops Training in America Dave Hunt Claims King James Bible has Flaws The Creed of Living Truth Ministries The Creed of The Alexandrian Cult A Beka Book vs. "The Book" Headline-- Russians Can Obey The Second Amendment Some Confusion A Note on Bob Ross' God BBB- January, 1995 Riplinger's Reviewers By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman Since Gail Riplinger's book came off the press (New Age Bible Versions, 1993) I have read a half dozen reviews-- or more properly, "critiques"-- of the work. They all bear the same stamp. There is not a straw to choose between them. (The Alexandrian Cult is always absolutely predictable; you can call every shot they make without lifting up the binoculars or the scope.) Everyone of them, without one exception, completely ducks the thesis of the work, and wastes paper talking about Riplinger's mistakes, misquotes, and lack of knowledge regarding manuscript evidence. Not one of them has ever dealt with the theme of her work: i.e., the choice of wordings in the new translations showing the translators had an affinity for the words and ideas expressed in the works by occultists, humanists, animists, pantheists, atheists, and Satanists. She hasn't run into a critic yet who can even discuss her findings, let alone analyze them. The hot-house, incubator babies that have "tangled" with "New Age Bible Versions" are so shallow and have such isolated mentalities they cannot even recognize the sources Riplinger uses. I will, here, present the remarks of a typical member of the Alexandrian Cult: he is absolutely representative of the other five critics. This will be H. Wayne House, "professor-at-large" of Simon Green-leaf School of Law, who holds "earned doctorates" in theology and law, and a Master's Degree in Biblical and Patristic Greek. (That is, a perfect blockheaded boob, with the spiritual understanding of Robert Sumner or Doug Kutilek.) This ridiculous "critique" is from "The Christian Research Journal", Fall of 1994, pp. 46-48). The first paragraph runs fourteen lines to brag about Sinaiticus and Vaticanus and "early papyri" being rejected by Riplinger because she accepts the AV over the Alexandrian ASV, RV, RSV, NRSV, NASV, and NIV. What has that to do with her thesis? nothing under God's heaven. Burgon and Miller proved the corrupt nature of Aleph and B, and Hills proved the corrupt nature of "early papyri? (Bodmer) more than eight years ago. The second paragraph is 11 lines saying that Riplinger's work is foolish, and those who believe it have not evaluated it because they, like Riplinger, are "ignorant of the issues of textual criticism and translation." Riplinger's book is not about textual criticism, and her "issue" with translation is only the words used in the new versions. you don't have to know anything about how to translate anything to see the English words the translators used. The third paragraph runs eighteen lines and says that since her work contains logical, philosophical, theological, Biblical, and technical errors (none listed yet; nor listed here) that Riplinger does not understand Old and New Testament textual criticism. (Hey deah! I do! If I couldn't write a more detailed book on "New Testament Textual Criticism" than Prof. House, I'd "close ship".) "She mispronounces terms used by Biblical scholars... she does not understand the development of the textual tradition from the Byzantine `Majority Manuscripts'. (Hey deah! I do! Try me, sonny: I do!) But Riplinger's theme had nothing to do with "textual traditions", and she would not have had to know anything about "terms used by Biblical scholars" to prove her thesis. Wayne House wrote three paragraphs without even approaching the work. The fourth paragraph runs thirty-four lines. It dismisses the entire thesis of Riplinger's work by arrogantly laying down one personal opinion as a divine, infallible decree: "Simply comparing the KJV with the NIV and NASV... does not prove a thing." Why of course it does. Look at 1 Corinthians 2:13, 2 Timothy 1:13, Luke 4:4, and Jeremiah 23:36. But no, Prof. House says that she must "demonstrate that the specific translations are really better textual renditions, than the alternatives she rejects." She did. She did when she put the two side by side. That was the demonstration: one set matched the New Age literature, and one set didn't. That was the theme of the Book. Old stupid House could not deal with the theme, so he tried to sidetrack you and make you think that her book had to deal with Greek grammar (tense, voice, mode, number, and gender) and Greek syntax. That was his field. The book wasn't about his field. That's why he couldn't handle anything in the book. (See How to Teach the "Original" Greek, Ruckman, 1994). God could not have been a participant in writing Riplinger's work-- even though it was written to show the difference between the pure words of God (Psa. 12:6, 119:140; Prov. 30:5, 6) and impure leaven (Rom 1:25; 2 Cor. 2:17)-- but God could have been a "participant" in the production of the ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, etc.. However, House's criteria for rejecting Riplinger's "co-helper" was the fact that "manifest errors" are in her work. Well, not half as many as in the ASV, RV, RSV, NRSV, NASV, NIV, etc., no! House doesn't like Mrs. Riplinger referring to the NASB as the "NASV". That is, House wanted you to think that his version was a "Bible". He wanted you to do this while telling you the Authorized Version was NOT a Bible. He can't tolerate Holy "Bible"-- meaning Authorized Bible-- But he loves "the New American Standard Bible". It isn't a Bible; it's a version: NASV. The publishers lied. So did Wayne House. Now this naive child (with "two earned doctorates") writes more than eighty lines to justify the theological belief of one apostate (Edwin Palmer; Exec. Sec. of the NIV) who was accused of denying that the Holy Spirit "begat" Christ. House's justification for Palmer is that Palmer was not referring to Christ's physical birth in John 1:14, but to his being "eternally begotten" before Genesis 1:1. No sooner has House made his Calvinistic error than he cites John 1:18 in the NIV. But it says that an unbegotten God begat another God: two Gods (Arianism: Jehovah's Witness)! That is the Alexandrian reading of Alexandria found in the NASV and the NIV, from Nestle's Greek Text. Riplinger was accused of accusing Palmer of "minimizing the Deity of our Lord." He certainly did. he made him a lesser god (Jehovah Witness), when he adopted the corrupt Alexandrian Greek text of Nestle, Aland, and Metzger. So here is Riplinger, accused of quoting someone "out of context" when the actual context was the fact that Palmer believed in two "gods"; a begotten god and an unbegotten God. That is what John 1:18 says in the NASV and the NIV. Since 647 pages of documented evidence was more than Wayne House could handle, he contented himself with one case of a so-called "New Age" expression. (Riplinger listed more than 400.) House said that she had no right to accuse the modern apostates of heresy because of the way they used the term "the Christ". To start out his critique, as crooked as a ruptured snake, House says slyly: "To call Jesus `The Messiah' or `the Christ' in no way, by itself, implies New Age ideas." Where was Wayne House the last fifty years? The National Council of Churches, madam Blavatsky, and even UFOnauts (see the Matrixes, I, II, III) identify "the Christ" as a spirit that came into Moses, Buddha, Ramakrishna, Gandhi, Mohammed, Jesus, and others. How is it that Prof. House is so theologically illiterate that he missed the Docetic translation of Luke 23:42 in the ASV, NASV, RSV, and NRSV? "The Christ" left "Jesus", in the Greek manuscripts used for those corruptions, so the word "Lord" was deleted. "Jesus" was no longer Lord; the "Christ" had left Him. Who didn't know that if they took one year of Basic Theology? But House sidesteps all this material because he is just plain stupid. Instead he says, "Well `the Christ' is actually found nineteen times in the KJV." (Note! Note the KJB!) Well, how is it found? Why didn't he give you the references? Because he is just as crooked as a dog's hind leg. The term "the Christ" doesn't show up in fifteen chapters in Matthew. When it does turn up (Matt. 16:16) that statement is not just that Jesus is "the" Christ, but that He is "the Son of the living God." That is not a New Age usage. You see, "the Son of the living God" is not "the Christ" in the NIV and NASV in Acts 19:4, 1 Corinthians 9:1, 1 John 1:7, Revelation 1:9; 12:17, Hebrews 3:1, etc., but that means nothing to a rascal like Prof. House for he has just laid down the dogmatic dictum that comparing scripture with scripture proves nothing (see above). Oh, yes it does; it proves an old fox likes to cover his tracks. The "Christ" is missing from Ephesians 1:5, Acts 15:11, Acts 16:31, Romans 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 3:11, 1 Corinthians 5:4, etc., when speaking of the Lord Jesus. There, in the NIV and NASV, it is "Jesus" without "the Christ". In Matthew 16:20 Jesus tells us that He is "Jesus the Christ". That is not the New Age way the expression is used. But House is too stupid to know how it is used. Again, in Matthew 26:63, the AV says "the Christ", but again it is coupled with "the Son of God", as in Matthew 16:16. House is a subtle liar. He made you think that the AV used "the Christ" nineteen times the way the new translations used it. It doesn't and "the Christ" occurs three in twenty-eight chapters of Matthew, referring to Jesus in Mark 8:29 we fine "the Christ" (AV) as a New Ager might use it, but notice it is not saying that "the Christ" showed up in Jesus Christ. It says "thou are the Christ". In Mark 14:61, "the Christ" is used exactly as in Matthew 16:16. (There were two references in Mark.) In Luke 3:15, the statement is used by unconverted Jews who are speculating as to Christ's identity. In Luke 9:20, when Peter says "the Christ", he doesn't stop; he says "Thou are The Christ of God." (That is not the "Christ" of the New Agers.) When "the Christ" is found in Luke 22:67 (AV), it is Christ rejecting Pharisees who use the expression. (Luke had said the expression three times.) John says simple that he is NOT "the Christ (John 1:20, 3:28). When Andrew says it, he is just interpreting the Old Testament Hebrew word "Messiah, John 1:41). In John 4:29, an unsaved Samaritan is questioning Christ's identity, so the converted Samaritans answer her in her own words (John 4:42). Now this is the kind of two faced, double-tongued flimflam you run into in dealing with "Professors of Biblical and Patristic Greek". Any fool would know that where the AV used "the Christ" it was where everyone involved was waiting for the Jewish Messiah (no "a Messiah) and the word for "anointed" in the Old Testament was "Messiah". This is not the New Age usage of "Messiah". The USE Biblical terminology ("Christ", "God", etc.) when they don't mean what YOU mean when you use the words, if you are a Bible believer. You can get 2,000 pages of material on that from "The Church League of America" in Wheaton, Illinois. (Prof. House never heard of the place.) Gail Riplinger did such a thorough job of documentation on the subject (pp. 300-328) that House simply ducked the texts. Riplinger's book contains more than 300 charts that deal specifically with specific words, and expressions used in translations. House couldn't discuss 298 of the charts. For example, on pages 326-327 you will find the Biblical word "doctrine" has been replaced (in thirty-two verses) with "teaching", and the word "master" (in twenty-seven verses) with "teacher". Riplinger cites the sources, for these changes, in the works by Harriet and Homer Curtis, Roy Livesey, Madam Bla-vatsky, Hort, Marilyn Ferguson, and Benjamin Creme. Poor, old, sheltered Wayne House can't discuss the changes, the verses, the authors, or the citations; three pages of documented material that proved Riplinger's thesis. Par for the course. (See the same thing on pp. 290-298.) Professor "Lockjaw" is typical of all of the "reviewers" I have read who profess to be "reviewing" her work. If he had dynamite for brains he wouldn't have enough to blow the wax out of his ears. He says, "Most Christians will recognize her work as an ill-begotten book, and will turn back to a study of the Word of God (Neo-orthodox designation) in the language of the people today." Riplinger just listed 140 places in the NASV where it was NOT "in the language of the people today" (pp. 195-218). Prof. Wayne House pretended he never read the pages. If he had, he would have said that they "proved that the old Professor was so crooked, if he fell through a barrel of fishhooks he wouldn't get stuck. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 The Hidden Wisdom by Dr Peter S. Ruckman Every decade sports scores of advertisements, in magazines, trying to get buyers to obtain the "Hidden Wisdom of the Ages", or "The Secrets of Rjosicrucianism", or "The Secret Doctrine", or whatever. Tibet, in the Himalayas, is a famous source for these ads. Various amulets and "charms" usually accompany the "wisdom". These guarantee the sucker "health, wealth, and happiness", not to mention vengeance against his enemies and irresistible power to "attract the opposite sex." I made the head of the "Bible" department at BJU very upset one time (Stewart Custer, The Truth About the King James Controversy, 1981, Introduction) when I claimed that the Holy Bible was able to correct any fundamental Bible scholar "on any campus". Stu Baby interpreted this to mean that I claimed to know more than any scholar on any campus. (Typical "godly" Fundamentalism.) Although I did not claim this, I have always been well aware of the fact that David claimed it (Psa. 119:98-100) and never "batted and eye." The head of a Bible department, "Stu Baby", never did know much Bible. He doesn't know much today; he never studies the Book (see The Unknown Bible, 1984). Well sir! I read the Rosicrucian literature; then I read all of the theosophical literature (C.W. Leadbetter and Annie Besant), and then I read Madam Blavastky's Secret Doctrine, and polished things off with studying the Black Arts, the Kaballa, the Tarot Cards, and the Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. Not wishing to miss any "hidden wisdom", I searched the Sutras, Shastas, Puranas, Vedas, and such like, including the Samaveda, the Yajurveda, the Atharveda, the Zendavesta, the Koran, and the Triptaka (the Vimaya and the Abdi Dharma). I didn't get much wisdom. I picked up more wisdom on the fourteenth day of March, in 1949 (in one week), than I had gleaned in twenty-seven years of "going to the ancients". (Read Col 2:3 and Job 28:28, and you will understand why.) Well, at any rate, through the years I have stored back certain "sententious" sayings (after I had tried them out, and proven them to be so). Many of these maxims sound like "Murphy's Laws", and several of them are "Murphy's Laws". II thought you might like to see these absolute truths as they are found couched in simple epigrams or "proverbs". It is my belief that the following "laws" contain more wisdom and absolute truth than any four-year college course in Social Studies, or the "Humanities", or Psychology, or Philosophies of Religion. 1. "Simplicity is truth's most becoming garb." (Bob Jones Sr.) 2. "Birds of a feather flock together." (unknown) 3. "The `tough guy' is always the guy who knows he has `the edge.'" (Ruckman) 4. "You can always get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a king word only." (Al Capone) 5. "Never sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate." (Bob Jones Sr.) 6. "A Smith and Wesson beats four Aces." (Murphy) 7. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Psa.) 8. "Those who will not be ruled by God must be ruled by tyrants." (unknown) 9. "Live every day like it was your last one, and pretty soon it will be." (Murphy) 10. "In any hierarchy, a man is promoted until he reaches his maximum level of inefficiency (Prof. Peter) 11. Iffen it don't make no sense, they's a buck in it." (Ruckman) 12. "The mountains of worldly honor are always covered with a perpetual snow." (Dewitt Talmage) 13. "War is God's judgment on sin here: Hell is God's judgment on sin hereafter." (Bob Bones Sr.) 14. "An idle mind is the Devil's workshop." (unknown) 15. "It is never a compromise to go as far as you can along the right road with anybody." (Bob Jones Sr.) 16. "The only thing that men learn from history is that men never learn from history." (unknown) 17. "The bigger the belfry, the more room for the bats." (Ruckman) 18. "That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." (Jesus Christ) 19. "No good deed will go unpunished." (Murphy) 20. "It may be a sin to think evil of the Catholic church, but it is never a mistake." (Murphy) 21. "Everything depends upon God blessing it, or God not blessing it." (Ruckman): "An Gottes segen ist alles gelegen." 22. "There are two things you should never worry about: what you can fix and what you can't fix." (unknown) 23. "Those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them." (unknown) 24. "Kingdom builders are bloody killers." (Ruckman) 25. "It's a sin to do less than your best." (Bob Jones Sr.) 26. "The other line always moves faster." (Murphy) 27. "If you're lying flat on your face you can't fall down." (Murphy) 28. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" (James) 29. "Let God be true, but every man a liar." (Paul) 30. "This earth is all of hell a saved man will ever experience and this earth is all of heaven a lost man will ever experience." (Dwight L. Moody) 31. "If you ain't got no ed'jcation, you jus gotta use yo brains!" (Ruckman) 32. "The best preparation for tomorrow is to do what you ought to do today." (Bob Jones Sr.) 33. "The nearest tool is the hammer." (Murphy) 34. "Wisdom simply consists of knowing when to be afraid, and when not to be afraid." (unknown) 35. "Progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another." (Murphy) 36. "Keep an open mind, and a college professor will dump some garbage into it. (Ruckman) 37. "Every human being has two civil `rights': you have a right to die, and you have a `right' to face judgment." (Ruckman) 38. "You never saw a woman too poor to own a mirror." (Ruckman) 39. "If she smokes, she will drink; if she drinks she will do anything." (unknown) 40. "Every work of God is pure... thy word is true from the beginning. (Solomon and David) 41. "Eat, drink and be merry, and tomorrow you will be a great, big, fat, grinning drunkard." (unknown) 42. "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best." (unknown) 43. "No man's property, family, or life are safe while the legislature is in session." (Mark Twain-- I think.) 44. "Anytime it looks like things are getting better, you've overlooked something." (Murphy) 45. "The greatest obstacle to the dissemination of Biblical truth is the improvements in communications." (Ruckman) 46. "When in doubt mumble. When in trouble, delegate. When in charge, think. Nature always sides with the `hidden flaw'." (Murphy) 47. "In the world an ounce of image is worth a ton of performance." (Murphy) 48. "He that winneth souls is wise." (Solomon) 49. "Nothing is settled until it is settled with God." (unknown) 50. "Only one life; t'will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." 51. "The news media will get you killed: literally." (Ruckman) Any that really is just about all I ever learned in seventy-three years on this planet , in regard to "wisdom". Of course, I learned all kinds of things from studying the Book, and learned many other things reading other books, but where practical "wisdom" is concerned , I found those fifty-one epigrams to be absolute truth. And even where "Murphy" spoke with "tongue in cheek", he was talking about reality. Not much, I suppose, for a man who set out to find out the "hidden wisdom" and the "wisdom of the ancients" that "unlocks the secrets of the universe", etc. But enough wisdom to sail by the "ancients" (Psa. 119:100) like they were parked on the "shoulder". (I left "Stu Baby" back there at No. 18!) ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Strictly Personal: The Dearly Beloved Brethren by Dr Peter S. Ruckman Several years ago, some irresponsible Christian writer made the remark that Fundamentalists were the only people who killed their own wounded. The phrase was immediately taken to be one of the "fundamentals of the faith", as a saying. The man who said it didn't know what he was talking about. (See such naive nonsense as, "If Jesus is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all", or "demon oppression, demon obsession, and demon possession", or similar nonsense: "in the Old Testament they looked forward to the cross, and in the New Testament... etc) Shooting your own wounded is sometimes desirable for the wounded, and sometimes it is a necessity. A little reading in All Quiet on the Western Front, 365 Days, For those That I Loved, etc. (all written by experts in combat, torture, pain, wounds, and death) will straighten out some of the more naive (and stupid) Christian Fundamental leaders. You couldn't find real "militant Christianity" on the campuses of Louisville, Springfield, Dallas, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Lynchburg, or Greenville after 1970 (see the "proof in the puddin" in Memoirs of a Twentieth Century Circuit Rider). Now I never fool with the "wounded" unless they are living in fine homes on luxurious "spreads", with large libraries, fine cars, and incomes well above #30,000 a year. And I don't even fire a shot into those Aid Stations unless the "wounded" are actively engaged in destroying the faith of young ministers in the Holy Bible (AV, 1611). So today I thought you might like to see two Aid Stations that have remained intact even though the "wounded" were firing at US twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. We have spared them a round till now, and we won't fire more than a few "short bursts", now. All of these "wounded" are Bible believers, and most of them are soul winners; not all of them but, perhaps, two-thirds of them. Now these Bible believers got a shot in the lower intestines, just like Bob Jones III, Bob Ross, John Rice, John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Zane Hodges, Arthur Farstad, James Melton, James Combs, and James Price got it, but it affected them differently. Instead of pretending the wound wasn't there, or going around the country trying to prove there were mistakes in the AV, they responded with a different "reaction". We call the medical complications of this wound "Ruckmanitis"-- not "peritonitis"-- but it is just as deadly, and is more painful. In one case, the patient tear all over the Burn Ward, hollering "Ruckmanism! Ruckmanism! King James Onlyism! Ruckmanites! Ruckmanites!" But in the case we are about to discuss, he runs all through the Intensive Care Unit, screaming at the top of his lungs: "Pastoral authority! Pastoral Authority! Cheatin' the saints! Money mad! Pastoral authority!" Both infections are incurable. They are both based on gangrene. Please notice the last syllable: "GRENE" is pronounced "GREEN". I will describe this terminable disease as found among Bible believing Christians who believe the AV is the word of God. "Oh, I see! You graduated from Ruckman's school." "Yessir, and I'm doing deputation to go to----. I wonder if I could present my work to your people." "Well, now, we need to talk about some things first!" "Yessir. Go ahead." "Well, you have to understand there is more to being spiritual than just learning the Bible. PBI is an excellent Bible school, but you need to study under a spiritual pastor to equip yourself for any kind of an effective ministry." "Yessir; well Brother Ruckman is my pastor." "Yes, and he is a great Bible teacher, but you must understand he doesn't really qualify for the pastorate. You must be led by your pastor, because pastoral authority is the main thing in preparing for the mission field." "Well, I never thought about that." "Of course not. Ruckman cannot exercise any pastoral authority, because the Bible Baptist Church is not really a local church." It's not!?" "No, you see it has much too many young men in-- I mean, too many students in it to qualify as a local church. You should join a church where the pastor teaches six or seven of his own members. That is the only kind of pastoral authority in the New Testament." "But the Lord called me to the mission field sitting under Brother Ruckman's ministry as a member of his local church." "Well, we all know the Lord can use anything if He wants to. But Ruckman knows nothing about the mission field. You need to sit under spiritual pastors who know the mission field. Like, for example: he's one of US! He is SPIRITUAL!" "You mean you can't support me as long as I belong to Bible Baptist Church?" "Well, let's just say it would be better if you joined one of our churches. We have more contacts. you see, as long as you are associated with Ruckman-- and don't misunderstand me; he is a great Bible teacher!-- Pastors will not have confidence in you, since he is not a real pastor of a real local church." "But how is it that thirty-seven young men who came from his church are overseas preaching, with five more on the way, and no one in your church has been called in the last five years?" "Oh, that is wrong! I have had several young men called and --- has had two in the last ten years." "Yes, but so-and-so, and so-and-so, plus so-and-so (men he named), combined, haven't produced twenty missionaries in the last twenty years. Why doesn't God call young men to preach out of you local churches? Why do you have to get Ruckman to supply you with missionaries?" "You young punk! How dare you talk to your elders like that. Don't you mention that name in the same breath with our local churches!! Get out of her, and don't come around again till you've learned some manners. You Ruckmanites are all alike!" Know what I mean, jelly bean? They would give their right arm to control any young man we graduate, because they cannot produce one like him out of 200 members. They would rather get control of one PBI graduate than ten from any other school in America, literally. They know the "battin' average" of the men we turn out. No one bats a thousand, but our battin-average is thirty times higher than theirs. It eats out their guts: GANGREEN. Here is the second case: "What are you payin' that much for Ruckman's cassettes? We can sell them to you for half that price." "You can?" "Sure! Look at this list. We've got all of his sermons back to 1960, and all of his Bible studies, and we will give them to you for half what the Bible Baptist Bookstore would charge you. "Well, how are you able to do that?" "Easy! They skin you alive down there, man. It doesn't cost them that much money. They're defrauding the saints with those prices. Look. We buy the tapes from them, reproduce them, and then sell them at half price. We are SPIRITUAL. We're not out to make a profit! Want some?" Know what I mean, string bean? Now both of the backslidden, carnal, "Bible believers" above hate Ruckman's guts. The people they "pastor" would vomit if Ruckman came to their church for a meeting; half of them would play hookey. They have been "programmed" (conditioned", "channeled"), but their qualified pastor, cannot keep his hands off Ruckman's tapes, books, videos, Bible studies, church members, and students. Isn't that a weird thing? They slobber and foam at the mouth to obtain anything Ruckman has produced, but they don't want to be associated with him. Ever wonder about things like that? Note: the second character, after violating an agreement not to SELL Ruckman's stuff-- AFTER RUCKMAN GRACIOUSLY GAVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE TO REPRODUCE IT AND GIVE IT AWAY-- forgot to tell you: 1. Ruckman receives no royalties from the sale of any tape, chart, cassette, painting, video, tract, book, or pamphlet. 2. All profits are used to produce more works. The bloodsucker "underselling" the Bookstore doesn't have to produce anything. To tell the truth: he cannot produce. 3. In order to carry on the Bookstore ministry, funds are needed to purchase, literally dozens of machines, some of which run well over $50,000. The bloodsucking "Bible believers" run some "duplicators" whose totals wouldn't add up to 1/200th of the money we have had to put out. "Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love! The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above!" (???) ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Way of Life Literature A couple of months back, we printed a letter from Brother Teno Groppi, written to David Cloud who had attacked Riplinger's book on New Age Bible Versions. We gave you Bro. Groppi's address and some of what he wrote, and showed you the evidence of it. When he wrote that letter to David Cloud he got this back: "November 9. Sorry to disappoint you, Teno, but you haven't said anything worthy of a reply. David Cloud." Could couldn't handle it. He attacked Riplinger without discussion her theme. He couldn't handle the theme of her book; he couldn't even discuss it. so, he went on a big excursion around left and (like the rest of them do) and nitpicked here and there, and Groppi caught him. Groppi put him on the spot. This silly, naive, hypocritical, little meatball says, "Sorry to disappoint you, Teno, but you haven't said anything worthy of a reply." Meaning, I don't know what the blankety-blank I'm talking about and don't want to be embarrassed any further. Amen. ==============================end===================================== Dr. Ruckman's Preaching Schedule January 6-8 Hyles Baptist Church 7220 Courthouse Road Chesterfield, Va 23832 (804) 796-9020 Pastor: Ron Talley February 10-12 Black Hawk Independent Baptist 5407 Cedar Street Black Hawk, SD 57718 (605) 787-5405 March 10-12 True Vine Baptist Church 8471 Chesapeake Blvd. Norfolk, Va 23518 (804) 588-6700 Pastor: David Gibson April 7-9 Bridgeport Baptist Church 1250 US Hwy. 70 Valdese, NC 28690 (704) 879-9294 Pastor: Jim Lince April 21-23 Solid Rock Baptist Church 13401 Hilliard Ct. Spotsylvania, Va 22553 (703) 972-7095 Pastor: Bob Josephs June 2-9 Bible Baptist Church P.O. Box 247 Beeville, Tx 78102 (512) 358-1611 Pastor: Bevins Welder June 18-23 Hope Baptist Church 3251 Glendale Ave. Toledo, Oh 43614 Pastor: Rick Sowell July 3-7 Pot-O-Gold Ranch Comfort, Texas July 8 Huisache Baptist Church San Antonio, Tx. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Estus Pirkle A Modern Apostate From Brother John Grove in Alexandria, Louisiana, we find this interesting testimony. "I am a fellow Bible believer and subscriber to the Bible Believers Bulletin. I find your books very helpful. I love you in the Lord Jesus as a brother in the faith. Recently, I was handed a book entitled "The 1611 King James Bible", and after close examination of the book it was easy to see the Alexandrian Cult in action. The author's name is Estus Pirkle. his entire there was to show that the KJV as we have it today is not the original KJV. He continues to extol the "New" King James Bible while discrediting the old one. After I read his book, about 3 months later, I went with my pastor to a pastors' meeting with local, independent, Baptist churches in the area, and guess who was the guest speaker??? Estus Pirkle. He preached against the modern "1611 Cult", he attempted to propagate his book to the folks during the fellowship. I played dumb and just listened to what they had to say about the matter, and within two hours Pirkle's poison was won over. They all encouraged people to purchase his book. My pastor and I were the "Lone Rangers" in the service. I left joyfully leaving the presence of "Bible Correctors" and sadly because of their willingness to believe: "now we can correct the Bible and be looked on as Bible believing Fundamentalists." Since the Bible Believers' Bulletin contains the most current news concerning those who are standing in defense of God's word and who are the enemies of it, I felt led to warn the Pirkle's deceptive book, with a deceptive title. If you feel led to print what I said or you just want to tell people, you can use, of course, this letter. It irritated me to listen to them criticize the Book and to criticize you in both the book and the preaching." Estus Pirkle was a close friend of Carl Lackey, Mt. Airy, North Carolina. And Carl Lackey, if he knew what Estus Pirkle is now doing to the Old Book, he'd turn over in his grave. But these days, two-faced, double-tongued hypocrites are a dime a dozen. you can fine 'em anywhere. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 The Students Corner: Correction and Instruction in Righteousness by Dr Peter S. Ruckman As all Bible believers know, the scriptures' first "purpose" is to ground the reader in correct doctrine (2 Tim. 3:16). This is the first item listed in the verse that deals with the inspiration of the scriptures: "Doctrine... reproof... correction... instruction..." But note the devotional application. So, one of the greatest ways to study your Bible is to read one chapter at a time, and then sit for a few moments and ask yourself "What lessons did I learn from reading that chapter? What inspirational truths have I just looked at?" It would take a book of 500 pages for me to reproduce these notes from my own Bible, but I will give you some samples. you will notice, I am sure, that if a young man was called to preach, he would have, here, a series of expository outlines for expository messages. (I will give some Book samples first and then some Chapter samples.) What do I learn from Genesis? 1. Evolution (of any kind) is a lie. 2. Man has a body, soul, and spirit. 3. All sin begins with questioning what God said. 4. Everything God said to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 is in effect today. 5. Everything God said to Noah in Genesis 9 is in effect today. 6. Everything God said to Abraham in Genesis 12 is in effect today. 7. No one can get away with sin; life ends "in a coffin in Egypt". What do I learn from Exodus 1. The sinner, in the world, is subject to bondage, suffering, and death. 2. To get free, he needs a Deliverer and shed blood. 3. Satan always offers a sinner compromises with the world system. 4. The flesh is still active after deliverance; the sinner must learn the meaning of "holiness". 5. "Unholiness" will still be judged after deliverance. 6. Instructions on life's journey all point to a place of permanent rest. 7. The leadership of the Holy Spirit is clear. What do I learn from Leviticus? 1. God is to be reverenced. 2. God has to choose the high priests and the priests: no church or man can do it. 3. True worship goes on inside a man. 4. Sins need atonement, remission, recompense, and redemption. 5. "Without shedding of blood is no remission" of sins. Now let us come down to specific chapters and see what spiritual (and devotional) truths they can yield. I will take one book for a "sampler." This is Daniel. CHAPTER ONE: 1. I learn that a common meal can afford an opportunity for a Christian to witness. 2. I learn as a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." 3. I learn the meaning of "let no man despise thy youth". 4. I learn that Satan desires to convert you to his system, his people, and his speech. 5. I learn that human opposition is often overcome by kind and humble solicitation. 6. I learn that God will take care of those who take care of Him. CHAPTER TWO 1. Give "man" enough time, and he will ruin everything. 2. Education and intellect have nothing to do with the ability to interpret scriptures. 3. Don't forget to give God the glory. 4. Prophecy is the true test of inspiration: this is what sets the Bible apart from all other "sacred scriptures". 5. The last United Nations will be controlled by Rome. 6. God is not through even if we are! CHAPTER THREE 1. All rulers have the same ambition: one-world unity, under them. 2. You will have to have real religious convictions to stand in "the evil day". 3. God's people are always under some kind of an attack. 4. Compromising never solves anything. 5. Jesus Christ is our only sure protection. 6. "Every tub will stand on its own bottom." CHAPTER FOUR 1. The greater a man is, the greater the humbling process. 2. No dream can be interpreted correctly apart from the Holy Spirit. 3. Testings end when they accomplish their purpose. 4. Praise and thanksgiving should always be given for mercy. Now this is how it is done. You meditate over the chapter after you read it. You draw out the main themes as they appear, and apply them on a practical (devotional) level. Can you imagine the material you would have if you did this to 1,189 chapters? (You talk about "sermonic material".) I will list two more chapters from Daniel. CHAPTER FIVE 1. Money, houses, lands, boats, TV's, cars, and furniture can become "gods" to worship. 2. Even a king can be afraid of something. 3. Man's supreme failure is to give god the glory; all humanists fail at that point. 4. If God writes anything you'd better read it. 5. Note the difference there can be between the opening of a banquet and the closing of a banquet. 6. Death can break up your "partying". Death is an old sportsman; he likes to shoot men "on the wing". CHAPTER SIX 1. Success will cause others to envy you and, many times, hate you. 2. The Devil's main realm of activity is religious. 3. You can be uncompromising without a public display of your own piety. 4. Not one jot or tittle of the law will fail; "the scriptures cannot be broken." 5. You may go into the den of lions, but God will go with you. 6. A truly righteous ruler will not be ashamed to make a national (and international) public confession of his faith. Now that is how it is done. You will notice, in those last six outlines, that any preacher who has any "preach" in him can put enough "meat" on those "skeleton outlines" to feed a multitude. Look, for example, at just point one and point two in the above. Either point, if expanded, illuminated, and illustrated, could run into thirty minutes of preaching. You would have to abbreviate all six points to fit the message into forty-five minutes. God luck. You only have sixty-three more books to outline and 1,183 chapters to go. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 The Missing Link As anyone knows, who spends time studying facts instead of watching television, the war in Vietnam was triggered by the Kennedy administration through the CIA and the three Roman Catholic brothers in Vietnam, the Diems, who held down jobs as (1) dictator, (2) head of the Secret Police, and (3) Archbishop of Saigon. When the two Diem brothers were assassinated, the Archbishop got out. He was protected. Why the CIA didn't rub him out is now apparent. "First of all, Cardinal Spellman was the Godfather of one of the children of the ruler prior to the Diem brothers and, consequently, involved in the political activities of Vietnam. When Kennedy sent advisors to Vietnam it was at the direct request of Cardinal Spellman to Jack Kennedy in order to train and instill loyalty within the South Vietnamese Army cadre to the Diems-- who were Catholics. The Army didn't care much for the idea, but had to follow orders." That's an interesting piece of information that came from a retired Army Colonel who was attached to the Office of Personnel Operations during the Kennedy Administration. After the assassination, he fulfilled the same position in the Johnson Administration. His wife was in the "Lady Bird Johnson Staff" in the White House, and he passed this information on to Brother Dale Vick, a pastor in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. Another missing link in the death of 58,000 missing Americans who were hired by the pope to promote his church. In this decade it is Haiti and Bosnia. We only pick on the "little ones" now. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 The Coming Holocaust by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman Strangely enough (or perhaps not so strangely when you consider what Israel has been through since 1933(, the American Jews are the only group, so far, to recognize the significance of Slick Willie's "crime bill" and the slaughter of women and children at Boise, Idaho and Waco, Texas. At present, they have published a bumper sticker which says, "All those in favor of Gun Control raise your right hand!" This is accompanied by one man raising his right hand; it is Adolph Hitler, giving the official Nazi party "salute". This great truth was circulated by "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership". On their "log", is a semi-automatic assault rifle. (You can get two dozen of these stickers from 2872 S. Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207.) These American Jews say that "gun control" (see Sarah, Joycelyn, Metzenbaum, Hillary, Patricia, etc.) is the "Key to Genocide". They take the position that semi-automatic "assault weapons" will be used to wipe out populations (see Beijing, Moscow, Kiev, Warsaw, etc.), so every free American should have two or three in order to stay alive. (After all, his government was supposed to believe in "life", as well as "liberty", and the "pursuit of happiness". You can obtain a 325 page documentary on gun control in Turkey, Germany, Russia, Guatemala, Uganda, China, and Cambodia by ordering Lethal Laws from the Jewish organization above. (Ordering information given at the end of this article.) "Those that ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat the lessons of history." The history of gun control shows that: 1. Governments-- not wild, psychotic gunmen-- have been the largest murderers since 1914. 2. Genocides never "happen". They are always planned by government leaders, in line with news media material. 3. Armed citizens have stopped genocidal-minded bureaucrats. 4. You cannot stop genocides until every citizen has the right to be fully armed, at any time. 5. All genocides begin with governments pretending to solve crime problems, or political opposition to themselves. 6. Japan's crime rate cannot even be related to American's crime rate; it has no "minorities" in control of anything, and every citizen has family and cultural values from childhood up, based on discipline and respect for parents. America knows nothing of these values any more, and those who teach them are considered to be "radical, religious, right-wing fanatics". 7. No American is "safer" by a disarmed society. 8. No policeman can protect any innocent citizen from rape, robbery, assault, or murder where federal police (KGB, Khmer Rouge, NKVD, Gestapo, etc.) get control of the local police. Waco was an outstanding example. When Slick Willie and his International Socialists finish getting rid of all "non-sporting weapons", you can predict the arrest and imprisonment (and death) of a minimum of 5,000,000 American citizens, who have never been connected with drug traffic, the liquor traffic, embezzlement, mugging, rape, fraud, assault and battery, breaking and entering, or attempted murder one day in their lifetime. For every person shot on the streets, or the playground, or in the subways, or in a restaurant, fifty are going to be murdered by the government. Here is the record: Turkey (1915-1917): Article 166, Penal Code. Gun control law put in in 1911. Consequence? One and a half million people murdered by the government. Russia (1929-1953): Article 182, Penal Code: gun control law, 1929. Fruits? Twenty million murdered. Nazi Germany (1933-1945): Law on Firearms and Ammunition (April and March, 1933). Results? Thirteen million murdered. China: twenty million. Guatemala: one hundred thousand. Uganda: three hundred thousand. Cambodia: one million. Total victims: 55,900,000. The "criminals" in those cases were: Jews, gypsies, anti-Nazis, anti-Stalinists, anti-Communists, Armenians, Mayan Indians, Christians, political rivals, and doctors, lawyers and teachers. Every holocaust was preceded by a confiscation of weapons on the grounds that there was an "emergency". Every case was identical. A killing thief does not want to get shot when he comes to kill your family, and seize your property. It is governments preparing to carry this out that always worry about "gun control". No honest government official would worry about what anybody had in their own home to protect themselves with. he would only be concerned about this if he was planning on entering, searching, and seizing everything he could steal. (He would be looking for "new sources of revenue".) This is the "USSA" (the Unified Search and Seizure of Assets, or the United Socialistic Soviet of America.) All it needs now is a KGB (or NKVD) to start the killing. National Guard will go international. City police will operate in other cities than their own. State police will become "FBI". The FBI, BATF, and SWAT teams will draft Russian atheists, Italian and French and German Catholics, and Arabian and Turkish Moslems, to get rid of the "undesirables". History says-- regardless of the propaganda carried on daily by all news outlets-- that the "undesirables" are: 1. Anti-Moslems (the PLO, the pope, CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN, are pro). 2. Anti-Catholics (see Croatia vs. Serbia. Eire vs. Ulster). 3. Anti-Communists (Russia, South Africa, and Cuba are pro.) 4. Anti-Democrats (see "political rivals" above). 5. Jews and Christians (Uganda, South Africa, Philippines). 6. Educated people who know what the governments are planning to do. (Cambodia, Vietnam) 7. Farmers (land owners) and owners of private property. (Russia, China, FDR, EPA, etc.) 8. Gypsies (Germany). "Those that ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat the lessons of history." Fasten your seat belts. America is preparing to murder its own founders: white, adult, straight, male Deists. Lethal Laws is available by contacting JPFO, Inc. 2872 S. Wentworth Ave. Milwaukee, Wi 53207 (414) 769-0760 ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Janet's Uprising Last spring, Janet Reno (the dyke in charge of the U.S. Attorneys, FBI, local and federal police), sent out a "memo", to U.S. Attorneys demanding that all "Fundamental" Christians be treated as "potential terrorists" if any kind of an "uprising" against the Clinton Administration took place. Janet got her cue from CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and Time and Life, who have been calling Moslem terrorists, in the Near East, "FUNDAMENTALISTS" for more than ten years. Janet graciously includes Mrs. Jerry Falwell, Mrs. Jack van Impe, Mrs. Billy Graham, Mrs. Bob Jones III, Mrs. Chuck Swindoll, Mrs. Lee Roberson, Mrs. Curtis Hutson, Mrs. Tim Lee, Mrs. Harold Leake, and Mrs. Bob Gray in her "hit list". Those ladies are headed for arrest and/or execution. That is what you do with "terrorists". Every woman in the list believes in the fundamentals of New Testament Protestant Christianity. As we have said on several dozen occasions, the new breed of "criminal" that pops up in America after the Civil Rights Act (1964) is not a rapist, mugger, extortioner, robber, drug addict, dope handler, trespasser, kidnapper, assassin, drunken driver, or abortionist; it is a white, adult, straight, male who is either a Patriot or a Bible believer. Those "felons" are the greatest threat to Slick Willie's news media program for America: its dissolution, and subservience to Europe, Asia, and Africa, under UN troops. The plan for America, as set up by JFK in 1961 ("Emergency Measures"), calls for "the preservation of the UNION" (see ole "Honest" Abe), but not the preservation of the United States. After the Civil War, the "USA" were never referred to again in the plural. Before, it was "they" (the United States) have decided such-and-such. Suddenly (1865), the news media all went berserk, and abandoned First Grade English. They thought "States" was a singular word. One hundred percent of all news media sources wrote: "IT" (the United States) has decided to do such-and-such. Sometimes "she" or "her" was used. Both words are singular in any dictionary ever printed on this earth. In 1865, the American news media ceased to report the truth. That was 130 years ago. Now watch the birdie! Smile! Say "cheese"! "Uno" equals one. Thus: "UNity". The South was attacked by a gunboat sent down the Chesapeake Bay, headed for South Carolina (1861), for the crime of "seceding from the UNION". There had been an "uprising". Put your ears on. The USSR is a "Union". The UN is a "Union". To "secede" from a union, is to "formally withdraw" from it. You had a Union of States, but under the UN you have a Union of Nations. What do you suppose would happen if the United States tried to withdraw from the United Nations? "They"-- note I used the correct number (plural)-- would be attacked by troops "defending the Union." God it? (You will, whether you get it now, or later!) The most important thing to the Union armies in 1861-1865 was "maintaining the Union". It was worth 600,000 casualties. "His truth is marching on, etc. Glory, Hallelujah, etc." Note the conversion of "States" (USA) to "Nations" (UN, 1950). It would follow that all local police must be converted to Federal police, and then Federal police must be converted to Global police. It would also follow that "States' Rights" must be abandoned for "Civil" (i.e., federal decisions: or "National" rights), and then these National "rights" must be delivered to Asia, Africa, and Europe as "Global Rights" (i.e., totalitarian control of all individuals on the globe). You must maintain "the Union", but not the Union Abe Lincoln maintained. No, this time the game is much bigger. This time you are not shooting quail; you are killing water buffalo and leopards. Janet's "terrorists" are law abiding, Bible believing Protestant Christians. (The pope has already stated publicly that his church does not believe in Bible-believing Fundamentalism. It is in print. One of his church members (Mr. Freeh) is in charge of investigating "terrorists". He is the head of the FBI.) Are you still listening? Janet says if any Christian dares take part in an "uprising", then they are to be arrested or killed. That's how Abe Lincoln handled Southerners in 1861. No uprising against "the Union". But the "Union" is no longer fifty states, in North America. Anyone knows that. The "Union" now is the United Nations. See the pretty little plural"? You see it, did you not? Remember those little "United States" that were plural, but became singular after 600,000 combat casualties? Remember all of those independent local "Southern Baptist churches" that were plural but are now one unit (Uno, Uni, UN, etc.) in the SBC? They all lost their independence, didn't they? So did every state in the "Union" in 1865. I thought someone wrote "a Declaration of Independence"! What in the world was that mess for? My, what a false profession of faith! Independence from what? Why, bless my soul, from European control (1776). And where are you now? Why, bless my soul, you have joined a European Union that you cannot withdraw from without bloodshed. "The Union must be maintained." The United Nations must appear as a UNIT, not "nations". It must be "one nation, indivisible, with computer implant chips and I.D. cards for all." Watch the birdie! Smile! "God loves you!" 1. When Sought Ireland withdrew from the Union, Britain allowed it, and the world approved of it. In less than seventy years South Ireland was claiming that Ulster belonged to them and Ulster had to join their Union (Eire). The press agreed. South Ireland was Roman Catholic. 2. When Estonia, Latvia, etc., withdrew from the Union of Soviet Socialist "Republics", the world said, "Good work! Amen! More power to you!" All news media outlets approved. 3. But when South Carolina withdrew from the United States, the Federal Government (Lincoln) said "You have no right to do that!" So says (today) Time, Life, Newsweek, National Public Radio, Omni, People, USA Today, and all TV networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN). Southerners (1861) had an "uprising". They were slaughtered in the name of Jesus Christ (see the lyrics to the "Battle Hymn of the republic". And dig that last word; that is the last word in the USSR.) Once the armies, navies, and law enforcement officers in the USA are transferred to the USSR and UN (note the word "united" used by all three groups), then the bloodshed starts. The Union (United Nations, this time) must be maintained! (P.S., At any cost.) "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Humanists, Catholics,, Moslems, and Atheists! They are tramping out the Bible where the wicked terrorists hide! Glory, glory alleluia! Darwin and Marx are marching on! In the beauty of Catholicism and Communism, the UN was born across the seas with a green eye on America to come and take what they pleased. As they slaughtered 55,900,000 civilians for an EC, let us give them our troops to kill us with ease, while the pope is marching on!! Glory, glory, etc." It cannot remain "The United Nations". It must convert to "The United Nation". That's what already happened (130 years ago!) to the defunct "United States". The United Nation will be a one-world (Gen 11:1-3), totalitarian dictatorship held together by a Police State that will make the Gestapo, the Khmer Rouge, and the NKVD (KGB) look like the Keystone Cops. In America, the king (kingress) pin for bringing this about will be a lesbian in the Justice Department, and a Roman Catholic in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Both of these "persons"-- as all major news media outlets-- are radical, left-wing, liberal Democrats. The Press joined the Democratic Party in 1933 and never left it. Their plan is to get you KILLED: literally. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Roman Catholicism-- No Hell, Just the New RSV From the Catholic Accent, the Diocese of Greensburg, PA, Vol. 34-No. 19, Thursday, November 10, 1994. We read that Bishop Anthony Bosco says that Hell is not a lake of fire. "Hell means that our hearts can never find that rest for which we were destined." Hell is not a place of everlasting pain, shame, torment, and punishment as it is in the Bible, but "Hell means that we have turned our back on our Creator, the only true source of hope and love. That's the hell of it." "...About the phrase in the Creed which says, `He descended into hell' (referring to Christ). The new `Catechism of the Catholic Church' explains clearly that this did not mean that Christ descended into the realm of the damned..." "All is well, there is no Hell." And the NRSV? Page 1, "The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible remains a legitimate text of study and reading even if reports are true concerning some kind of Vatican ban or restriction on catechetical use, the chief spokesman for the U.S. bishops said Nov. 2." (Catholic News Service) "In a Nov. 8 phone interview with Catholic News Service Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said a meeting with Vatican officials on the revised New American Bible Lectionary, which also has been banned for liturgical use, is to be held by the end of the year." "...Religious educators could still use the NRSV as a source for reading and discussing Scripture passages in class, said Msgr. Francis J. Maniscalco, media relations director of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops." Thus we see that the text approved of by the Roman Catholic church is the one approved of by all of the critics of Gail Riplinger. The NRSV is the Westcott and Hort Greek text as found in Nestle, exactly as Gail Riplinger says in New Age Bible Versions. BJU recommends it. The text that's banned by the Roman Catholic church-- that Catholics are not to fool with -- is Erasmus' Greek text which produced the King James Bible and Martin Luther's Heilige Schrift. Those are the facts. Opinions to the contrary are from frantic apostate nuts who are trying to cover up their apostasy with a lot of mush. ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Slick Willy's Friend Slick Willy just gave several million dollars of your money to Russia to help them out in their recovery. I thought you might like to know what they're doing. "Despite all the talk about the death of Communism, a new report indicates that of the twenty-two countries in the former Soviet Empire, only five of them do not have Communists still in control of their government. In the last three months, four separate shipments of Russian bond grade plutonium have been seized enroute to terrorist groups and nations, like Libya and Iraq. Even one of these shipments is enough to build a hydrogen bomb capable of destroying New York City." They aim to kill you. That what we did before ==============================end===================================== BBB- January, 1995 Not a Sin-- Just a Mistake Here's the old bloody killer with his news media double speak and buzz words again. "Pope urges church to atone for errors." The Charlotte Observer, Tuesday, November 15, 1994, says the pope thinks that compromising with Nazis and Communists was not a sin but an "error". (One is reminded of the years that Jimmy Swaggart signed off his signing program on the radio by saying, "Lord forgive us for our mistakes".) "Pope John Paul II urged the Catholic Church on Monday to mark the third millennium of Christianity by atoning for transgressions, including what he termed `acquiescence' in human rights abuses under totalitarian governments of the 20th century." What did he mean by that? Watch the Roman Catholic report fix it up for you. "While he did not go into detail, the error of the church most commonly referred to occurred in the Nazi era, when the Vatican, its critics assert, did nothing to speak out against the methodical mass killing of millions of Jewish civilians. The church denies the accusation, saying it acted covertly to shield Jews from Nazi persecution." Bunk, baloney, bat feathers, horse, feathers, and rat feathers. Not one time, from 1933 to 1945, did any pope, at any time, under any condition, say to word "Jew" publicly, or the word "Jewish" publicly. Not once did he indicate during the entire Holocaust of over five million Jews that any Jew was even being billed. When he said "covertly", he meant that "occasionally a Jew was protected and gotten out of the way from the Nazis if that Jew submitted to Roman Catholic baptism." While that was going on, the Nazi pope had a Nazi concordat with the Roman Catholic Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler. Anybody knows that who knows anything. "The pope's letter seemed to echo suggestions he made in May that the church should atone for past errors as it looks forward to the new millennium." What have any church atone for errors? Why not have the popes do it? They signed the concordat. One pope signed a concordat with Bonito Mussolini and the other one signed one with Adolph Hitler. Why have the "church" atone for errors, when a wicked pope could be atoned for his own sins? Notice the peculiar anti-Christian word used. The church should "atone for its errors". The blood atonement for any real Christian is Jesus Christ. You couldn't "atone" for killing a muskrat. But then again, when way any pope ever Biblical, or when did he ever take a Christian position when talking about the atonement? ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 The Double Standard Billy Graham backs mixed race unions-- but not for his own children. "Billy Graham believes marriage between blacks and whites is part of the answer to America's racial problem" (Charlotte Observer, Nov. 1, 1994). "Integration is the only solution", Graham said. "We've got to be totally integrated-- in our homes, in our worship services, even in marriage." Graham, speaking through an aide, then goes on to say "he wouldn't recommend interracial marriage to one of his children, but only because society frowns on the practice." "According to Life reporter Charles Hirshberg, Graham said: `I spoke to Martin Luther King about it and I said-- I always called him Mike-- I said, `Mike, what would you do if one of your daughters wanted to marry a white man?' He said, `Well, I would oppose it. I would advise her against it because of the problem they would have with their children'." Kinda reminds you of a senator in Florida who voted for the "Crime Control Bill", to outlaw assault weapons. He owned one himself. (You have to remember that when Congress passes laws, the laws are not for Congressmen. They are for you. They'll own and shoot "assault weapons", and semiautomatic pistols holding "seventeen rounds". You have to lose yours. You'll get the lesson after awhile!) ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 A Help for Pastors A couple of years back, we graduated a young man named Dave DeBlander, who throughout his entire time here, insisted that God had called him to be a full-time evangelist. These days, this is a rare calling, and there are not a dozen left in America today. But Brother DeBlander has the qualifications and is doing the job. I thought pastors up and down the country would like to see this recommendation from the pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Astoria, New York. "Dear Pastor, after seeing an advertisement for Dave DeBlander and his `Revive Us Again' Ministry, the Lord impressed upon my heart to contact him for a meeting. Not only did we see many precious souls, but the souls of the saints were refreshed and blessed as well. My family and I didn't want to see Uncle Dave go back home. I can truly say we made a friend in the Lord. Dave worked very closely with this pastor all week, and I can honestly say I did not have one complaint about him. I highly recommend Brother Dave Deblander to any pastor who needs help with his ministry. Please don't hesitate to call me for a verbal recommendation. Pastor Bob Leib, Bible Baptist Church of Astoria." If some of you are interested in a Bible believing young man who is conservative, and has common sense, and knows the local church ministry, and is called to assist it, contact Brother Dave Deblander at 2755 Honeywood Drive, Pensacola, Florida, 32514. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 The Blind Leading The Blind The "profitcy" teachers listed below are bitter critics of Gail Riplinger's outstanding expose book, New Age Bible Versions. yet, as they themselves have admitted, they never read the book! These men should be told that the Bible has a lot to say about bearing false witness. Here's a collection of actual quotes by these "learned men": "I have not read Gail Riplinger's book."-- Dave Hunt, The Berean Call. I have not read Riplinger's book, but I trust Dave Hunt, and he says it is inaccurate."-- Peter Lalonde, This Week in Bible Prophecy. "I have not read her book but Dave Hunt has told me that Gail Riplinger lies and cannot be trusted." Arno Froese, Midnight Call. "I have not read Riplinger's stupid book, but I know it's full of errors."-- Hal Lindsey. Week in Review. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Matthew 15:14) --Flashpoint Special Edition ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 Issaquah Baptist Church Beginning last November, services began to be held at a new, independent, Bible believing Baptist church in Issaquah, Washington. Issaquah now has in its midst a young man who believes the Book from cover to cover, as it's written, and will preach it from cover to cover as it's written. His name is Norman Carrillo. This new church is holding meetings at the Community Hall, 180 East Sunset Way, Issaquah, Washington 98027. It's near the corner of Sunset Way and Second avenue, SE. Services are held Sunday morning and Sunday night. If you're interested, contact Pastor Carrillo. His telephone number is: (206) 391-4902. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 A Lone Voice Against Foreign Troops Training in America The quote is from Colonel Spaulding who is eighty-one years old. "I've seen people cry and crawl on their hands and knees to embrace the American flag. Did you ever see one do that to embrace a UN flag?" ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 Dave Hunt Claims King James Bible has Flaws According to Dave Hunt, and his friends, the new Bible versions are corrupt, but they quickly add, "The King James Bible is also flawed and has errors." Hunt, according to his statements of 1992 in The Berean Call, believes the modern versions followed the wrong line of Greek manuscripts and the KJV should be retained. But he also believes the KJV has some mistakes which should be corrected. And? Nothing. So? Nothing. And what now? Nothing. You say, "Where are the mistakes?" Don't be silly. These fellas couldn't find a bowling ball in a bathtub at 12:00 noon. They couldn't hit the backside of a barn with a bunch of bananas. Didn't you ever hear an unsaved fella say, "There are contradictions in that Bible." Then, when you handed him a Bible, he stood there holding it like a man would hold his first baby in his hands after it was three weeks old? Of course David Hunt doesn't believe there are mistakes in a King James Bible. He just said that to impress people. He's afraid of what educated people would think about him if he said there weren't any. He's more afraid of ridicule than he is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Hunt never found any mistakes in that Book. you say, "how do you know?" He didn't list any. What better proof could you have than that? He didn't list one. Wouldn't you say that's pretty good proof? I think so. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 Cornelius Stam Gives Cult Position for 20,000th Time Quoting from the Berean Searchlight, November, 1994, pages 238-245. Examine the whole article but notice, "No translation can possibly convey all the truth set forth in the manuscripts which God originally inspired." Scripture? No scripture. "Something is always lost in an extending translation from one language to another." Scripture? No Scripture. "I promote and richly enjoy the King James Version, always bearing in mind, of course, that it is an English translation from the Hebrew and Greek. There is much this writer does not understand about inspiration and preservation, but on the basis of such Scripture passages as 2 Timothy 2:23, he tries to avoid getting involved in foolish discussion which so consistently produce much heat but little light." That's the only scripture given in the entire article, and that doesn't deal with "Scripture" or the "Bible" or the "Word of God". "The `Inerrant KJV' theory is, as we have said, not merely erroneous; it is foolish, [no Scripture given], and especially so when associated with the preservation of the Bible through all generations." (No scripture given.) "Young men are, by nature, readily attracted by what claims to be new and intellectual. It is evident that the Apostle was anxious in this with respect to Timothy." (No scripture.) "Obviously, beloved, complete, perfect inerrancy is to be found only in the original manuscripts." (No scripture.) "WE SURELY HAVE SCRIPTURE FOR THAT." Where is it? He doesn't give it. He doesn't dare give one verse for, "We surely have Scripture for that." he doesn't have any for that. Why did he say, "We have Scripture for that" when he doesn't have it? "Indeed, if you now hold the inspired manuscripts, plus a translation to both be inerrant, you have two, different inerrant Bibles, do you not?" (No scripture for that.) "Ever since the fall, everything man has touched has been tainted by sin and imperfection-- except the original manuscripts." (No scripture given.) "That's what the Bible teaches." (No scripture given.) "Why not accept this fact [no scripture given] and rejoice that by the grace and mercy of God we have in our hands an amazingly faithful and expressive translation." (No scripture given.) Why can't Cornelius Stam deal with the scripture? Because God destroyed his mind. He can't read the scripture, or quote the scripture, or use any scripture to prove any point. He's just like the moderator of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship. He's just like David Cloud, and just like James Combs. They can't even discuss scripture. So, here's this great article this fella wrote and there's no scriptural authority for anything he's saying. But the editor says, "We are reprinting an excellent article that Pastor Stam wrote some years ago exposing this unsound doctrine." It exposes what a blockhead Cornelius Stam was, and is, and how he is unable to quote scripture for his own beliefs. It exposes what shallow, superficial, naive, gullible people are connected with the Berean Searchlight group and the Berean Bible Society, who can't even discuss scripture. There's no scripture in the article. It's called, "More Light On the KJV Question." Not from the scripture; no scriptures were give. The only one that was given doesn't have the word "scripture" in it, nor the word "Bible" in it, and it wasn't dealing with the written scripture anyway. It was dealing with arguing about foolish and unlearned questions, like, unseen, unknown or unread "originals" nobody ever saw. At the end of Stam's article he points out-- or perhaps it's Pastor Sadler who adds this thing on Stam's work-- five errors in a King James Bible. Here they are: "Matthew 12:32. The Greek word used here is `aion' but is translated `world' 32 times." Why shouldn't it be? What's wrong with "world"? You say, "It should be age." But we use the expression today exactly like the Bible uses it. We talk about the "world tomorrow", and the "world yesterday", and the "world before the flood", and the "ancient world", and the "modern world". Why go back to archaic expressions when you can be up-to-date? Second mistake: 1 Cor. 10:11. "...upon whom the ends of the world are come." "The Greek word found here is `aionon' (ages) but is translated `world' 3 times." Why shouldn't it be? We use the term, "world" for age constantly. Christ says, "I'll be with you to the end of the world." "Upon whom the ends of the world are come" (1 Cor 10:11). Third mistake: Romans 3:6. "God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?" Do you see what he's doing? Under pretending to have found five errors in the King James Bible, he is simply haggling about the translation of one word. Romans 3:6, "God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?" The Greek word here is `kosmos' (manking) and is translated world 187 times. "Kosmos" may also refer to the `world system'." It wouldn't in Romans 3:6. I never met a preacher in my life who thought that it meant "the world system" in Romans 3:6. Who would think that? Nobody I ever met. About God judging the world? Who would think that God so loved the world "system" that He gave his only begotten son? The King James has it right. The next, so-called mistake: Luke 2:1. "`A decree.. that all the world should be taxed.' The Greek word found here is `oikoumene' (habitable earth or land) but is translated world 14 times." What's wrong with that? What's wrong with saying, that "habitable earth", or that "land" is the "world"? The world is made up of land. You say, "Well, it's not made up of habitable earth." It would if anybody's getting taxed. He's not taxing Greenland. Rev. 13:3, "`..and all the world wondered after the beast.' The Greek word used here is `ge' (land or earth) but is translated `world' 1 time." You mean to tell me, that this nut would translate Revelation 13:3, as "All the `land' wondered after the beast?" He said "land" or "earth". Why would "land" wonder after the beast? Why would the "earth" wonder after the beast? The earth is ground. The "world" is "people" in the passage. Now, this silly little child, Pastor Sadler, recommended you get the Englishmen's Greek Interlinear New Testament, (which doesn't give you any help), Vine's Expository Dictionary of the Old & New Testament Words, (which doesn't give you any help), and he says, just get these books from our outfit and add 10% for postage. Don't send them a dime. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 The Creed of Living Truth Ministries How encouraged I am by the wonderful letters of support so many of our ministry friends have sent us in regard to our defense of the King James Bible. What an outpouring of love and caring! From my heart I warmly thank you. As you can imagine, the very hornets of hell come against us as we boldly oppose and confront what is unquestionably the devil's greatest stronghold in the world today-- his attempt to pollute the word of God by publishing false, new translations. That is why I am so grateful for your prayers and your support. Let the hornets of hell do their best-- they will not prevail. Bitter opposition has especially erupted against us from the so-called prophecy (or "profitcy"?) teachers who reject the authority of God's pure word. but, praise God, Living Truth Ministries continues its phenomenal growth. Our Flashpoint newsletter is going out to more people than ever before. Listenership of the World of Prophecy radio broadcast is expanding each week. Our message of the hour for God's people-- to trust and return to His word, and believe in Christ Jesus alone-- is increasingly being heard around the globe. I am saddened that some of the more popular prophecy teachers refuse to join us in this great cause. Angered that their unbelief in the perfection and purity of God's word has been fount out, Peter Lalonde, Hal Lindsey, Arno Froese, John Ankerberg, and others have begun to make unwarranted and terrible attacks on King James Bible believers. These people are now coming out of the closet with their true beliefs. God is exposing these men as members of what Dr Peter Ruckman call The Alexandrian Cult. The members of the Alexandrian Cult claim to believe in an infallible, inspired Bible, but they lie. They believe in no such thing. In reality, they uniformly reject the sovereign authority of God's word, the King James Bible. In their wickedly twisted opinion, nowhere on planet earth today is there an error-free, literal, word-for-word, perfect Bible men and women can hold in their hands, read, and trust. That is why these deceitful teachers approve and recommend new versions, even though the NIV, NAS, RSV, and the rest wickedly strip from the Bible literally thousands of words-- sometimes even entire passages-- found in the reliable and the true King James Bible. I state to you now without reservation our creed here at Living Truth Ministries: We agree with Psalm 138:2: I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psalms 138:2) We believe with Psalm 119:89: For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. (Psalms 119:89) That is our creed. If you, too, subscribe to this holy creed, I know we can count on your prayers and your continued support. Together we will bravely fight and unmask the word-robbers and God-correctors. And rest assured, in the end we will win! ---Flashpoint You may receive a free subscription of Flashpoint by calling 1-800-234-9673 or write Living Truth Ministries, 1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, Tx. 78733 ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 A Beka Book vs. "The Book" The following letter comes to us from a soul-winning Bible believer named James Mundey, which says, "These copies are from my daughter's Fifth Grade history book published by Beka Books of Pensacola, Florida. Notice that when the English Bibles are listed, the Authorized Version didn't rate a place in history. They did mention King James, but no credit was given for the Book. I noticed her Fourth Grade book did the same thing." Now, isn't that something? The Beka Book called Old World History and Geography, when it came to chapter 10, called "England and the British Isles" (Section 2, "Great Events in English History"), says "the Bible in English." And what follows "the Bible in English", is John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, and Miles Coverdale, but no King James Bible. Instead, Beka Books prints on page 190, and old English spelling that is designed to make you think you couldn't read an original King James, and the text asks the question, "Can you read it?" When it gets to the "Elizabethan Age" (p. 191), we have "The Age of Bible reading." But no King James Bible is mentioned in the Age of Bible Reading. Then we find on page 191 how the Bible "changed England". But not the King James Bible. Then we have "17th Century England", (when the King James Bible showed up). And low and behold, we find the Pilgrims, the Puritans, King James I, Queen Elizabeth, King Charles I, the Cavaliers, Oliver Cromwell, the Roundheads, John Milton, John Bunyan, but no Authorized Version. The King James Bible has been taken out of English history in "Beka Books". Now this is an amazing thing. This omission was intentional for its place was under "Great Events in English History", "The Bible in English", "The Age of Bible Reading", and "How the Bible Changed England". You are to believe that the Authorized Version was not involved a single time in those subjects. It's not even mentioned. Apostasy is incurable. And as General George S. Patton said, "Cowardice is epidemic". The name of the game is MEGA BUCKS ($$$). Not Beka Books: Megabucks (1 Tim. 6:5-10) They know their "clientele". They sacrificed the Book they "use" in their institutions (PCS, PCC) to "stay in good" with their clientele. Par for the course. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 Headline-- Russians Can Obey The Second Amendment "Russian President Boris Yeltsin and U.S. President Bill Clinton inked a gun-deal that will send U.S. shotguns to Russia and bring Russian pistols to the United States." President Bill Clinton is extending Second Amendment protection to Russians that he would deny Americans. After backing the biggest assault on the Second Amendment in American history, the hypocritical administration of President Bill Clinton has decided that the rights of the people in Russia to "keep and bear arms" is their best defense against crime. At the same time, the Clinton administration is planning to allow the Russians to export to the United States some seven million Russian firearms, mainly semiautomatic, 9-millimeter pistols. These pistols are not to be given to civilians, and civilians are going to be forbidden to even own one of these pistols. The Russian pistols are for the use of U.S. troops in America and SWAT teams, and BATF teams, for what we call "Janet's Genocide". Since last March she marked out "Fundamentalists Christians" as "potential terrorists" (MIA, Oct, 1994, p. 21). That would include Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Falwell, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyles, Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Hymers, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. jack Van Impe. The BATF and FBI shoot women (Boise and Waco). ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 Some Confusion "I have often noticed Dr. Ruckman making mention of `James Melton' in his writings. I would be very grateful if you would make it clear to BBB readers that there is more than one James Melton. I'm the James Melton in Troy, Tennessee, a King James Bible believer, who writes tracts and booklets for the Lord's work at Faithway Baptist Church in Troy. If you could make this clear to BBB readers in next month's paper I would appreciate it." Our apologies. The James Melton we refer to is J.H. Melton who wrote To the Baptist Brethren. he is a Southern Baptist who got two degrees from Baylor and Southwestern and taught Hebrew and Greek in college. He is an Alexandrian Cultist: pure bred. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 A Note on Bob Ross' God Recently, Dr. Herbert Noe, in Livonia, Michigan, sent me a very interesting quotation by Thomas Jefferson regarding John Calvin, who set up the Five Point TULIP theology for Bob Ross and others. Here's what Thomas Jefferson said, "I can never join Calvin in addressing his God. He was indeed an atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was demonism. If ever a man worshipped a false God, Calvin did. The being described in his five points is not the God whom you and I acknowledge and adore, the creator and benevolent Governor of the world, but a demon of malignant spirit." Boy, how's that for "two sides to a question"? Ain't that a beauty? That's Thomas Jefferson on Bob Ross, the predestinated failure. ==============================end===================================== BBB-- January, 1995 THE CREED OF THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT 1. There is no final authority but God. 2. Since God is a spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read, felt, or handled. 3. Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong; what constitutes truth and what constitutes error. 4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infallible and final authority by which to judge truth and error. 5. However, this series of writings was lost, and the God Who inspired them was unable to preserve their content through Bible- believing Christians at Antioch (Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13) and where the first missionary trip originated (Acts 13:1-6), and where the word "Christian" originated (Acts 11:26). 6. So, God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2), Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph's bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). 7. So, there are two streams of Bibles: the most accurate--though, of course, there is no final, absolute authorlty for determining truth and error: it is a matter of "preference"--are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are "almost the originals," although not quite. 8. The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German Reformatlon (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, etc.) and the worldwide missionary movement of the English speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey, Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 9. But we can "tolerate" these if those who believe in them will tolerate US. After all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read, teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of "PREFERENCE." You may prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer: let us live in peace, and if we cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO FINAL, ABSOLUTE, WRITTEN AUTHORITY OF GOD ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH. This is the Creed of the Alxandrian Cult ==============================end===================================== ====================[End BBB-- January, 1995]========================= Prepared for electronic distribution by The Firehouse bbs/Pensacola Bible Institute. Sysop-- Steve Adair BBS # (904) 934-8678 FamilyNet: 8:1011/0 FidoNet: 1:3612/240 InterNet: Copyright Disclaimer: ==================== The works of Dr Peter S. Ruckman are given to the world free of charge, and can be copied freely BUT there can be NO CHARGE MADE WHATSOEVER FOR THIS MATERIAL!!