==================================================================== The following document [CCPOLICY.TXT] is to be read in addition to the CALVARY GUIDELINES by all prospective CalvaryNet HUBS and NODES. ==================================================================== GRAPH SHOWING THE CALVARY NETWORK SYSTEM AND ADMINISTRATION. I. Operational Layout ------------------ The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS operates from Oceanside California, and distributes mail to local nodes and regional hubs. The network will be layed out as follows: (Administrative Pastors)* | | Network Administrator | | Network Admistrator Assistant | | --------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | REG REG REG REG REG REG REG REG HUB HUB HUB HUB HUB HUB HUB HUB | | | | | | | | HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) HUB(S) | | | | | | | | NODES NODES NODES NODES NODES NODES NODES NODES * All inquiries regarding CalvaryNet are to go through John Scudder. * ALl requests to communicate with the Administrative Pastors are to go through John Scudder. All such inquiries will be reviewed on a case by case basis. REGIONAL HUB - A regional hub is a BBS that obtains its net mail directly from The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS. Regional hubs are established in regional areas around in the U.S. and distribute mail to Hubs and Nodes. HUBS - A hub is a BBS that obtains its net mail from regional hubs and distributes mail to nodes. Hubs will always be hubs, and can only become a regional hub under approval from The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS. NODES - A node is a BBS that obtains its net mail from Hubs and distributes its mail to its users. Nodes can become Hubs, if they have approval from the Regional hub that is in their area. All New Requests for APPLICATION APPROVAL are to be routed to the Network Administrator (John Scudder) before FINAL approval. II. Policies and Procedures ----------------------- Please see the CalvaryNet Guidelines for personal conduct expectancies. All applications must be routed to the Network Administrator before final approval is given to any HUB or NODE. The Network Administrator has the right to disapprove any Application for CalvaryNet. Any individuals whose application is disapproved may personally inquire as to the reasons for such via a personal phone call to the Network Administrator. The Network message base will not be used to discuss application disapproval for any individual. Such will be done privately and confidentially with the involved parties. The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS is a family oriented network as well as a Computer Ministry of Calvary Chapel and participating affiliate churches. CalvaryNet is a Spirit Filled Network for Calvary Chapel user fellowship and information exchange. We are focused on providing a Spiritual and Informative Fellowship atmosphere for the computer users at Calvary Chapel and affiliate churches. Also, we are instrumental in assisting other Christians and Calvary goers to set up a Christian BBS in their area. This assistance is in the form of written advice and other written helps found in the Calvary Chapel BBS conference. A. RESPONSIBILITIES OF REGIONAL HUBS, HUBS, AND NODES -------------------------------------------------- All Calvary Chapel BBS SYSOPS interacting with The Shepherd's FLock and other Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry BBS's carrying CalvaryNet are responsible for the following: 1. Reading and responding to relevant messages in the CC-ADMIN conference on a regular basis. 2. Maintaining the integrity of the CALVARYNET by not allowing users to abuse the nature of this net. The CalvaryNet will not tolerate PROFANITY, ABUSIVE LANGUAGE, PERSONAL ATTACKS, OR BASHING. BBS SYSOP's are expected to monitor there users and will take action against the user who violates this policy when requested (i.e. remove from BBS, not allow access to CALVARYNET conferences, etc.). 3. Distribution of CalvaryNet conferences to other BBS's is prohibited unless approved by the Network Administrator: Hubs are the only BBS's that are allowed to distribute CalvaryNet conferences. Also, they are responsible for forwarding all CalvaryNet applications (in the CC-ADMIN Conference) to The Shepherd's Flock BBS. 4. All TAGLINES will be required to be in the following format: a. Export Taglines --------------- CalvaryNet * Your BBS Name * Your City, State * (XXX) xxx-xxxx b. Import Taglines --------------- CalvaryNet * The Shepherd's Flock BBS: Oceanside, CA (619) 630-7437 5. All network business will be conducted in the CC-ADMIN Confernce. Please do not post network business in the general conference areas. 6. Have Fun and Help Us Grow! B. RULES THAT YOU SHOULD PROMOTE TO YOUR CALLERS --------------------------------------------- 1. No illegal activities of any kind. 2. No profanity, abusive language, bashing, etc. 3. Messages should be related to the conference heading. 4. Do not over quote messages. Generally, messages should have no more than 10% of quoted material. Also, please discourage quoting of taglines. However, this may be conference specific. Conference HOSTS will display expected conference specific guidelines if such conference has a specific HOST. 5. Tell them to have fun too! C. How to Interact on CALVARYNET as a Calvary Chapel Sysop -------------------------------------------------------- CalvaryNet is a growing new Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry Network, and is very "in tune' the the Calvary Chapel Sysops. It is the desire of the Network Administrator that Calvary Sysops be as involved as possible in many decision making processes.. such as what new conferences are to be added, as well as giving input as to other thoughts and ideas. Although CalvaryNet will allow Non-Calvary Chapel BBS sysops to relay CalvaryNet, only the CALVARY CHAPEL BBS SYSOPS will take part in the forming and direction of CalvaryNet as God directs these servants of the Lord. Thus, there will be a specific 4HISGLORY conference designed specifically for CalvaryNet interaction from these sysops apart from the general Network message traffic. Since CalvaryNet will at times allow NON-CALVARY CHAPEL BBS's to participate in CalvaryNet relays to allow for a broader scope and outreach to Calvary Chapel users world wide, ALL NON-CALVARY CHAPEL SYSOPS interacting on CalvaryNet are expected to abide by all the rules and regulations.. as well as the CALVARY GUIDELINES. When you sign the Calvary Chapel Network GUIDELINES, you will also be signing an agreement that you have read this document [Policies] and agree with the contents herein. MOST OF ALL.. May God's light shine upon you, and may you find great rest in the hope and promises of Jesus Christ. AMEN.. COME LORD JESUS! With love.. John Scudder CalvaryNet Network Administrator A Computer Ministry of Calvary Chapel and participating Affiliate Churches. The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS 822 Masters Drive Oceanside, CA. 92057-6233