OK, OK, OK.... UMR (Universal Mail Reader) is still under heavy construction but I figured I'd at least do some screen-dumps so you folks who are bugging me for it can at least see what it LOOKS like these days.... ;) The BMP file is 256-colors, and at 1024 X 768 resolution - Even so, there is a TON of stuff I couldn't show in this one screen dump, simply due to HOW many windows I could get on the screen at a time in order to capture it... (The "Tagline Manager" window itself is nearly the size of a normal VGA 640 X 480 desktop) What you ARE seeing is the following: -Main UMR Window (obviously) - thats what the toolbar is attached to, etc. - its also an MDI parent window... -Folders/Messages Window - yeah, this is from a QWK file I got yesterday, so you're seeing available folders on the left, and the messages that are in the currently selected folder on the right. Notice that these messages are all to me, so they're in the "In-box" folder... -Mail Message Window - down in the bottom right - just showing a message being displayed. Although the colors for this window are customizable, the background is set to black in order to show all ANSI colors/stuff correctly... -Bottom Status Bar (duh) - notice the icons/labels on the right of it tho - those are items on the "Drag'n'Drop Bar"... (The "Drag'n'Drop Bar" could also be shown floating instead of docked) -ASCII Chart Window - Yep, its an ASCII Chart - you can select characters from here for insertion into the current message... (if its one you're writing/editing that is) -Address Manager - Yeah, nice picture of Cliff, huh? You aren't really seeing much of the information that's stored in the Address Manager, just the basic info... (Notice the Tabbed-dialog where you can see what kind of information is on the other Address-Manager screens) And, yep, that "Scan Picture" button DOES work, provided you have a Twain-compliant scanner...