APPENDIX L USING VOCAL-EYES WITH VIDEO ENLARGEMENT SOFTWARE Partially sighted users will appreciate the enhanced compatibility between Vocal-Eyes and LP-DOS. These two programs will "see" each other in memory and cooperate to give you simultaneous large print and voice output. Although Vocal-Eyes and LP-DOS have both been modified to be aware of each other, you can still use other large print software such as ZoomText or Magic. Here are a few tips which will help you in using LP- DOS or another large print package. 1) Be sure you are using at least Vocal-Eyes 2.2 and LP-DOS 5.1A. 2) Load LP-DOS before Vocal-Eyes. 3) If you are using a synthesizer which supports Vocal-Eyes' Visual Tracking feature, LP-DOS will track the highlighted words. You may want to adjust your voice rate and degree of magnification when using your "Read to End" hot key in order to help the text to move across the screen more smoothly. 4) Before using LP-DOS' panning feature, be sure to activate LP-DOS' menu and turn voice on. You will also want to adjust the speech rate and/or panning rate in order to see and hear words at exactly the same time. 5) If Vocal-Eyes fails to see that LP-DOS is present, use the /L1 parameter on the VE command line to notify Vocal-Eyes of LP-DOS' presence. With any large print program, load order is extremely important. Following is a typical batch file which could be used to load LP-DOS and Vocal-Eyes. In this example the synthesizer being used is the Sounding Board. Substitute your own synthesizer driver. Of course, if you are using another video enlargement program such as ZoomText or magic, substitute your own program modules. In any case, load large print first, then speech. CD \LARGE ; change into LP-DOS directory LPDOS1 ; Load the first LP-DOS module IF ERRORLEVEL==1 GOTO END ; Skip the other modules if error LPDOS2 %1 ; Load the second module ELP %1 ; Load El Picasso :END CD \SPEECH ; Change to the Vocal-Eyes directory SBLOAD ; Load Sounding Board text-to-speech SB ; Load Sounding Board driver VE ; Load Vocal-Eyes CD\ ; Go to the root directory