SECTION TWELVE MORE ABOUT .SET FILES 12.1: INTRODUCTION Back in SECTION 5 of this manual we showed you two different ways to change voice environments: First, we showed you how to use the 6: Files option on Vocal-Eyes' Voice Control Panel to load in a new .SET file any time during your PC work session. Second, we described the /F1 start-up parameter and showed you how to use it to load .SET files automatically from the DOS prompt. We told you then that later we'd be showing you how you can load up to nine .SET files from the DOS prompt, and also how you can switch back and forth between any and all nine quickly and without ever having to leave your applications program. In this section we'll be showing you how to do just that. We'll begin with a discussion of your .SET file library. We'll talk about the .SET file buffer, and show you how to increase its size to make it large enough to contain many different .SET files. We'll take you through the very simple process of loading multiple .SET files, and then we'll show you two different ways you can switch speech environments quickly and without ever having to leave your applications program. Finally, we will discuss the very powerful autoloading feature. 12.2: THE .SET FILE LIBRARY By now you've probably created several .SET files: one for your work in DOS and one for each of your favorite applications programs. You've probably also taken our advice and saved all of your .SET files with the .SET file extension and in the same directory where you keep your Vocal- Eyes program files. In essence, you have created a veritable library of .SET files, each clearly labeled and tailored to fit the individual needs of your various software packages. If you think of your .SET files as being like books in a library, each of which contains important information you need to work effectively with your PC, then consider the process of loading a new .SET file as being sort of like being forced to make a new trip to the library every time you want to check out a new book. You're only allowed to check out one book at a time, and you have to relinquish the one you're already working with before the librarian will allow you to check out another. Well, most libraries don't work quite like that. Most libraries will allow you to check out several books at the same time. You can stack several of them on your desk beside you, and refer back and forth among them as necessary. Vocal-Eyes will also allow you to "check out" or load, several .SET files from your .SET file library at the same time. You don't have to go to disk every time you want to take a new one "off the shelf." They're already stacked into a sort of desktop pile inside your PC's memory, ready for instant access. This feature is especially handy for floppy-disk users who don't have time to wait for Vocal-Eyes to go to the disk for every file. Noteworthy and Calcworthy users also have special uses for this feature. 12.3: THE .SET FILE BUFFER When Vocal-Eyes loads itself into your PC's memory, it builds a sort of memory shelf and reserves the space to hold your .SET file. Such memory reserves are usually referred to as "buffers." By default, Vocal-Eyes reserves, or buffers, enough memory to contain a single .SET file. Think of this as a memory shelf only large enough to hold a single book, entitled DOS.SET or WP.SET or whatever .SET file you happen to be using at the moment. You'd like to be able to store several .SET files on the memory shelf, but first you've got to make it large enough to hold them. You can instruct Vocal-Eyes to build a buffer, or "memory shelf," large enough to hold up to nine .SET files. Here's how. You may recall that back in SECTION TWO we showed you how you could take advantage of extended memory by adding the /!MX parameter. We told you that you could only use this parameter the very first time you ran Vocal-Eyes each session. Here's another /! parameter for you. Like all the other /! parameters, you can only use it once, and only the very first time you run Vocal-Eyes. To increase the size of the .SET file buffer, add the following parameter to your Vocal-Eyes start-up command line: VE /!Fn With "F" standing for "File buffer" and "n" being the number, from one to nine, of .SET files you would like to be resident, or "pre-shelved" in Vocal- Eyes' .SET file buffer. Remember, like the other /! parameters we discussed, you can only add the /!Fn parameter once, and only the very first time you run Vocal-Eyes each session. Each increase from one to nine in the number of .SET files you'd like to have resident requires Vocal-Eyes to use approximately 1028 bytes of your PC's memory. If memory isn't a problem, feel free to set this buffer size at its maximum /!F9 setting. If memory is a concern, however, give a little thought to how many different .SET files you're likely to need close at hand at any one time and make the appropriate setting. For now, why not try /!F3 or /!F4? 12.4: LOADING MULTIPLE .SET FILES Let's say you'd like three .SET files resident in Vocal-Eyes' .SET file buffer: WP.SET, NW.SET and DOS.SET. Your primary applications program is WordPerfect, but occasionally you'd like to be able to pop in and out of Noteworthy via the CTRL-ALT-N hot key, or go to the DOS shell via the CTRL-F1 WordPerfect DOS Shell command. You'd like to have the 3 appropriate .SET files resident in Vocal-Eyes. Here's how to do it. Did you add a /!F3 or more parameter to your Vocal-Eyes command line the first time you ran the program? If not, add the /!F3 parameter to you VE command line and turn your PC off and then back on. You will recall that back in SECTION FIVE we showed you how to load a .SET file from the Vocal-Eyes command line by adding a /F1 parameter followed immediately by the name of the .SET file you wished loaded. Let's consider this parameter again now. Notice that except for the exclamation point (!), it's very similar to the parameter you just learned about which increases the size of your .SET file buffer. Actually, these two parameters work in tandem: the /!Fn parameter tells Vocal-Eyes how big you want your .SET file buffer, while the /Fn parameter tells Vocal- Eyes which .SET file to load where. We mentioned that by default Vocal-Eyes set aside enough memory to hold one .SET file. Thus we were able to load one .SET file into Vocal- Eyes' buffer without first having to increase the buffer's size. In other words, there was only one space on our .SET file library shelf, which we filled by preceding the .SET file name with /F1. Now that you've made your buffer large enough to contain at least three .SET files, how do you suppose you would tell Vocal-Eyes which .SET file to shelf where? That's right! Simply use the /F parameter followed by a number from one to nine and the name of the .SET file. To load all three of the .SET files we're using for our example, you would reinvoke Vocal-Eyes three times, each time adding a new .SET file. Here's what your commands would look like: VE /F1WP VE /F2NW VE /F3DOS We are assuming, of course, that you have created all three .SET files and that each has been saved into the same disk directory where you keep your Vocal-Eyes program files and that each uses the default .SET file extension. Of course you could have combined all three parameters into a single command as follows: VE /F1WP /F2NW /F3DOS You could even have combined the /!F buffer size parameter with the above as follows: VE /!F3 /F1WP /F2NW /F3DOS The above command does three things all at the same time: 1.) it loads Vocal-Eyes into your PC's memory, 2.) it adjusts the size of the .SET file buffer, and 3.) it loads three different .SET files into the buffer. The order of the command line parameters is not important. Vocal-Eyes will first search for all /! parameters and then the others. Also, even though you allocated 3 .SET locations, you don't have to load all three. You could for example issue the following command: VE /!F5 /F4DOS However, for our example, we loaded all three allocated locations. Whenever you load a .SET file into any of the RAM locations, Vocal-Eyes will remember the .SET file name and associate it with the RAM location. Later you will see how this can help you. 12.5: THE "LOAD RAM .SET" HOT KEY Whenever you load multiple .SET files from the DOS command line, the one designated /F1 automatically becomes active. What this means is that, even though you've loaded three .SET files into Vocal-Eyes, the one that came up running was the WP.SET file. Since for our example WordPerfect was your primary application, you chose to load this one first. The other two .SET files are there, they're just not active at the moment. But now you've used your CTRL-ALT-N hot key to call up NOTEWORTHY. You've got a NW.SET file you spent a long time making just right for working with this program in Vocal-Eyes' buffer, only how do you make it active now that you want it? Do this. Enter the Voice Control Panel's Hot Key's submenu. Move down to Option 59: "Load RAM SET." This isn't a hot key you'll be using often, so select a key that's out of the way and not liable to interfere with your normal work. Does your keyboard have 12 function keys? How about ALT-F11, then, or CTRL-F12? Have you selected a hot key? Use the ALT-X fast exit hot key to exit the Voice Control Panel. Are you in Noteworthy? Would you like your NW.SET file to become active? Press your "Load RAM SET" hot key. Vocal-Eyes will respond "Select RAM number to load." You placed your NW.SET file in buffer position 2, so press 2 now. Vocal-Eyes instantly responds, "File Loaded from RAM." So, you're done with NOTEWORTHY. You've pressed the ESCAPE key and have been returned to WordPerfect. You want your WP.SET file reactivated, so press your "Load RAM SET" hot key (if you didn't save it before, you'll need to redefine it now, since you've used a different .SET file since you defined it) and then press 1 at the prompt. Your WP.SET file is now your active one. Actually you can instruct Noteworthy and Calcworthy to automatically switch to the appropriate .SET file when they are popped up and automatically switch back to the original .SET file when popped down. Refer either to your Noteworthy or Calcworthy manuals for a brief description of how to setup this handy feature. Remember, you can load up to nine different .SET files into Vocal-Eyes' buffer and use your "Load RAM SET" hot key to make any one of the nine active anytime. Of course, you could have simply loaded the needed .SET file directly from disk instead of one of Vocal-Eyes' RAM locations. Or could you? First of all, assuming you could always access the disk, it still requires several more keystrokes then simply loading from a RAM location. Second, as we talked about before, DOS may be busy doing other things thereby not allowing Vocal-Eyes to access the disk to load the correct .SET file. Third, the process of loading from disk is much slower then loading from RAM, especially if you are loading from a floppy drive. Also, remember one of the options for a cursoring keys is load RAM SET. For example, you could setup CTRL-F1 in WordPerfect to load the DOS.SET from one of the RAM locations. However, you will see shortly, there is a much better way of handling this example. 12.6: WHAT HAPPENS When you load multiple .SET files into Vocal-Eyes' buffer, they are placed into what can best be described as memory pigeonholes with the labels RAM1 through RAM9. Thus, when you used your "Load RAM SET" hot key to load in your NW.SET file, you instructed Vocal-Eyes to deactivate the .SET file shelved in the memory pigeonhole labeled RAM1, while at the same time making the .SET file shelved in the pigeonhole labeled RAM SET 2 active. When you exited NOTEWORTHY and returned to WordPerfect, you essentially reversed the process. Remember, back when we were first discussing loading and saving .SET files via the Voice Control Panel's 6: Files submenu? Vocal-Eyes always provided you with a default file name, which was also the name of the .SET file that was currently active. Access this submenu now and you'll notice that the load and save file defaults have changed slightly. Now they only contain the actual file name with no drive or path specification. Whenever the default file name contains only the file name, you can be assured it came from a RAM location. Let's say you currently have the RAM2 .SET file active. Furthermore, let's say you've made some changes to your hot keys, cursor keys or other voice features. You're ready to change applications, so it's time to make a different .SET file active. But wait! There's something you need to do first. Any changes to the active .SET file will be lost as soon as you use your "Load RAM SET" hot key to change the active .SET file-- unless you take a moment to save the file. You already know how to save a .SET file via the 6: Files submenu. Select the Save option, then press ENTER if the default file name is the one you want your changes saved to. Notice that now your .SET file name does not contain a drive or path specification. For example, the file name may be "WP.SET" instead of something like "C:\SPEECH\WP.SET." If you simply press ENTER, Vocal-Eyes will prompt, "Save to RAM and disk?" Pressing "Y" will, of course, cause Vocal-Eyes to save the file to both RAM and disk. Pressing "N" will tell Vocal-Eyes that you want the file saved only to RAM. If you want your changes saved permanently, so that they'll still be there the next time you turn on your PC and run Vocal- Eyes, you must be sure to save the changes to disk. Also, if you would prefer, you can use the Load file option to load any .SET file currently on your .SET file library shelf. There are two ways you can handle this. First, you could simply supply the actual file name already stored in the RAM location you want loaded. Or, you could use the special reserved name of RAM1 through RAM9, depending on the number of the .SET file you want activated. Therefore, if you know what RAM location the file is in, simply supply a file name of RAM1 through RAM9. If however, you don't remember which RAM location the desired .SET file is in, simply supply the actual file name with no drive and path specification. Vocal-Eyes will search each RAM location and load from the appropriate RAM location. Regardless of which approach you use, the default file name will now be the original file name you loaded into the RAM location without the drive and path specification indicating to you the file was loaded from RAM. 12.7: MORE ABOUT COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS When loading .SET files into Vocal-Eyes' buffer from the DOS command line prompt, you do not have to load them in any specific order. The sample command we described earlier could just as easily have looked like this: VE /!F3 /F2NW /F3DOS /F1WP All of your .SET files would have made it to their proper pigeonholes, and the WP.SET file would have been made active just as if it'd been first in line. You can also replace any .SET file with any other by simply reinvoking Vocal-Eyes with the name of the new .SET file you want loaded. In the above example, we could have returned to DOS and entered the following: VE /F1DBXL This command would have replaced the WP.SET file with one called DBXL.SET. However it would have had no effect whatsoever on the NOTEWORTHY and DOS.SET files already in the buffer. The DBXL.SET file would have come up activated, with the other two .SET files ready for instant activation via your "Load RAM SET" hot key or via the Load option off of the Files submenu. If you have increased the size of your .SET file buffer to its maximum setting of nine and plan to load nine different .SET files into Vocal-Eyes, you don't have to enter all nine on the same DOS command line. If you prefer, you can invoke Vocal-Eyes three times in a row: the first time to add the /! parameters, those you've learned thus far and two others we'll be introducing you to in the next section; a second time to load in the first five .SET files; and then again a third time to catch the remaining four. Sounding Board owners are already familiar with multiple command lines from their work with their synthesizer's various useful voice features. Something else Sounding Board users are undoubtedly familiar with is the way they can put a semicolon (;) at the very end of their Sounding Board command in order to prevent a lot of unnecessary chatter every time they reinvoke their speech software. Placing a semicolon (;) at the very end of your Vocal-Eyes command will also stop the software from voicing "Vocal-Eyes Version X.X New Parameters Accepted". For example: VE /F3EDIT ; This would load EDIT.SET into RAM location three but because of the semicolon (;) at the end, Vocal-Eyes would not speak its usual message. Although Vocal-Eyes gives you nine RAM locations, it does not mean you should load every possible .SET file you will ever use in a RAM location. In fact, if possible, it is better to load as few as possible so Vocal-Eyes takes as little memory as possible. Loading .SET files for WordPerfect and Lotus in RAM locations at startup, although possible, does not offer much advantage unless you are using an extremely slow machine or have your .SET files on a floppy disk. The autoloading feature, which will be discussed shortly, will take care of most of your .SET-file-loading needs. 12.8: LOADING FROM RAM USING THE COMMAND LINE If you wish, you can load a .SET file from a particular RAM location through the command line using the command /Rx where x is the RAM location to load from (zero through nine). For example: VE /R5 This command would make the .SET file which has already been loaded in RAM 5 active. This would be like pressing the load RAM SET hot key and pressing 5. The only difference is that this can be done automatically from the DOS command line. If you have autoloading enabled, which is the default, and you execute a program after this command, a new .SET file may be loaded clearing the .SET file you just loaded with this command. Autoloading will be discussed shortly. 12.9: WHERE VOCAL-EYES SAVES AND LOADS .SET FILES Now that you understand the basics of loading and saving .SET files both from disk and RAM locations, lets give a more formal set of procedures Vocal-Eyes will go through when you both load and save a .SET file. Before we begin our discussion though, remember when you first start-up Vocal- Eyes each session, it remembers what directory you are currently in for later use. We saw that this location was used to find the help information. Vocal-Eyes also uses this location when loading and saving .SET files. Loading .SET files: So far, you have learned five ways of loading a .SET file. 1) Use the command line parameter /Fxfilename 2) Use the Load SET option in the files submenu 3) Use the Load All option in the files submenu 4) Use the Load RAM SET hot key 5) Use the command line parameter /Rx When you are prompted for a file name, what you type determines where Vocal-Eyes will look for the requested .SET file. If you type in a drive and/or path specification, Vocal-Eyes will only look in the requested location for the file. If found, it will be loaded. If it was not found, you will receive a disk error. For example a file name of "B:\SPEECH\DBXL" would only look on the B: drive in the SPEECH directory for the file DBXL.SET. If however, you specify a file name of "DBXL" instead, Vocal- Eyes would look in the following locations for DBXL.SET. First, Vocal-Eyes would look in all the RAM locations one through nine in that order. Remember, when you load a .SET file into a RAM location, Vocal-Eyes remembers the original .SET file name with each location. It uses this name for comparison with the .SET file name you requested to be loaded. If a match is found, the file will be loaded from the RAM location and the default file name will not contain a drive or path specification, signifying it came from a RAM location. If the .SET file was not found in one of the RAM locations, Vocal-Eyes will next look in the drive and directory it was started from. This is another reason it is important you are in the Vocal-Eyes directory when you startup Vocal-Eyes. For example, if you were on the C: drive in the SPEECH directory when you started up Vocal-Eyes, it will look in this location for the supplied .SET file. If found, it will be loaded and used. The default file name will then contain the drive and path specification, indicating the .SET file was loaded from disk. If the .SET file was not located in a RAM location or the default Vocal- Eyes directory, the current drive and directory will be checked. Whatever drive and directory you are currently in will be check. If found, the file will be loaded and used and the default file name will contain the drive and path as well as the file name. If not found however, Vocal-Eyes will give up and give an error message. Saving .SET files: There is only one way you can save a .SET file. This can only be done using the Save SET option in the files submenu. If you specify a file name with a drive and/or path, Vocal-Eyes will save the file to that location immediately. For example, a file name of "A:\SPEECH\SET\FIRST.SET" would be saved on the A: drive in the SET directory which is in the SPEECH directory with the name 'FIRST.SET'. However, if you do not supply a drive or path specification, Vocal-Eyes will first look through all RAM locations for a file name match. If found, the file will be saved to the RAM location. If a RAM location match was not found, Vocal-Eyes will save the file to the drive and directory Vocal- Eyes was started from. The default file name will then contain the drive and path specification used for the save. Notice, unless you specify otherwise, the default for loading or saving is the RAM locations and than the default Vocal-Eyes directory. The reason for this is to help you keep your .SET files in one place along with Vocal- Eyes itself. When you load a .SET file, you do not have to specify a long path, simply the file name itself will cause the correct file to be loaded. This is true anytime a file name is required, either from the load or save option in the files submenu or the /Fxfilename command line parameter. If you are modifying a .SET file and have a copy in RAM and on disk, don't forget to save it to both locations. If you save a file only to RAM and then turn the machine off, the changes will be lost forever. 12.10: RAM LOCATION MENU Any time Vocal-Eyes prompts you for a .SET file name or a RAM location, you can type a "?" (question mark). For example, in the load or save option in the files menu, you can type a question mark followed by ENTER. Or when you press the load RAM SET hot key, you can simply press a question mark without ENTER. In either case, a box will appear on the screen listing all of the available RAM locations with the file names of each location. For example, the menu might look something like this: 1 DOS.SET 2 WP.SET 3 NW.SET 4 CW.SET In this case, only four RAM locations were allocated using the command /!F4. Therefore, only four locations were displayed. Had you specified nine locations, all nine would have been displayed. You can treat this just like any of the Vocal-Eyes menus. You can cursor up and down using the arrows, space bar and backspace keys. Once you get to the option you want, simply press ENTER. That RAM location will then be loaded from or saved to depending on your original request. If, after entering these options, you wish to cancel the load or save, simply press the ESCAPE key and the operation will be completely ignored. Notice if you do load or save a .SET file using this approach, the default file name will reflect the new .SET file name only. Since the drive and path are not part of the file name, you know it was last loaded or saved to a RAM location just as if you had used one of the previous techniques for loading or saving. As you can see, this is a fantastic way of seeing what files you currently have in which RAM locations. If all you want to do is look around, simply cancel the operation with the ESCAPE key. No harm will have been done. 12.11: AUTOLOADING After you setup all your .SET files, character dictionaries and key label dictionaries, you must somehow load this information into Vocal-Eyes before you use the particular application. As you have seen, this can be done through the command line, the load RAM SET hot key or the files submenu. However, you are about to learn of a great feature -- autoloading. Auto loading is just that - Vocal-Eyes will automatically load your .SET, .KEY, and .CHR files when you execute your applications program. For example, to startup WordPerfect, you type "WP." Vocal-Eyes will sense that you are executing a program called WP and before the program is started, Vocal-Eyes will load WP.SET, WP.KEY and WP.CHR if they exist. When you exit WordPerfect, Vocal-Eyes will reload whatever you had loaded before you started up WordPerfect. You need write no batch files to load these files. All you have to do is keep your .SET, .KEY, and .CHR file names the same as the application they were designed for and Vocal- Eyes will take care of the rest. When you first started up Vocal-Eyes, it remembered what directory you were in. This is the only directory Vocal-Eyes will search for the three files during autoloading. Therefore, as always, it is a good idea to place all your .SET, .KEY, and .CHR files in this directory. Whenever you start up an application, Vocal-Eyes remembers the name of the current .SET, .KEY and .CHR files and will automatically load the new information. If you execute another program before exiting the first, Vocal-Eyes will again remember what you have loaded and load the new information. When you exit the second application, the information for the first will be reloaded. When you exit the first application, the information you were using before executing it will be reloaded. Actually, Vocal-Eyes can remember fifteen levels deep and can reload all fifteen levels. A good example of this may be a communications program which can chain to your word processor and back. Vocal-Eyes can sense when each program is being executed and exited and load the correct information. In fact, Vocal-Eyes can sense when you have shelled to DOS and when you have exited the shell. For example, in WordPerfect, you can shell to DOS by pressing CTRL-F1 followed by 1. With autoloading enabled, Vocal-Eyes will automatically load DOS.SET, DOS.KEY, and DOS.CHR if they exist. When you exit the shell, Vocal-Eyes will automatically reload WP.SET, WP.KEY, and WP.CHR. As was said earlier, Vocal-Eyes can retain the information for up to fifteen application programs. This means you can execute fifteen programs without exiting any of them. Although it is extremely unlikely you will ever exceed this limit, if you do, Vocal- Eyes will give you the message: Autoload buffer overflow. Unable to save current .SET filename. This simply means the current .SET, .KEY, and .CHR filenames could not be saved for reloading. However, the new files will always be loaded as normal. When you exit the program, though, Vocal-Eyes will not be able to reload the previous information and will continue on with your current settings. By default, Autoloading has been enabled for you. This feature can be disabled if you wish. You can also have Vocal-Eyes give you messages as it tries to load the information, letting you know exactly what is going on. This is all handled through command line parameters or through option 6 "Autoloading" in the files menu. These will be discussed shortly. You may be wondering what Vocal-Eyes will do if it tries to load a .SET, .KEY, or .CHR file which does not exist. Actually, the .SET file is handled a bit differently than the .KEY and .CHR files. If Vocal-Eyes tries to autoload a .SET file that does not exist, the existing .SET file will remain. If Vocal-Eyes tries to autoload a .KEY or .CHR file that does not exist, you have a choice of what should be done. By default, Vocal-Eyes will simply clear the existing file. However, you can instruct Vocal-Eyes to retain the existing file if you wish. You can setup the .KEY and .CHR files independently from the other. For example, you can instruct Vocal-Eyes to retain your existing .CHR file if the new one does not exist but clear your .KEY file if the new one does not exist. There are three command line parameters which are used specifically for autoloading. The commands are /A, /AK and /AC. The /A command has three options. This instructs Vocal-Eyes whether the autoloading feature should be disabled, enabled without messages, or enabled with messages. The possible formats are: /A0 - Disable autoloading. /A1 - Enable autoloading without messages (default). /A2 - Enable autoloading with messages. If you have the messages enabled, Vocal-Eyes will either say, "SET file loaded" or "error loading x.SET" where x is the path and file name of the .SET file. You can use this information to help you understand when and what programs are being executed so you can setup your files appropriately. The messages say nothing about the key label or character dictionary files. The messages only pertain to the success or failure of the .SET file loading and reloading. The next two command line parameters are basically the same only one deals with the key label and the other with the character dictionary. The commands are /AK and /AC. The K stands for key label and the C stands for character dictionary. These are used to tell Vocal-Eyes what to do if the requested key label or character dictionary is not found on disk. Should the existing one be cleared or left alone? /AKC and /ACC - tell vocal-Eyes to Clear the existing dictionary if the new one was not found. /AKL and /ACL - tell Vocal-Eyes to Leave the existing dictionary if the new one was not found. Each command is independent of the other. For example, you could issue: VE /AKC /ACL /A2 These three commands would enable the autoloading with messages on. They would also cause Vocal-Eyes to clear the existing key label if the new one was not found but retain the exiting character dictionary if the new one was not found. Of course if you have issued the command /A0 which disables the autoloading altogether, the /AK and /AC commands will be ignored. If you remember, option six in the Files menu also allows you to enable or disable the autoloading feature. You can disable autoloading, enable it with messages off, or enable it with messages on. You cannot use this option to substitute for the /akc, /akl, /acc, and /acl parameters, but using the files menu to enable or disable the autoloading can be extremely handy at times. Autoloading is an extremely powerful feature of Vocal-Eyes. It allows for totally invisible setup for an applications program or even shelling to DOS. The autoloading can be a bit confusing at first but if you fully understand the concept, it can be extremely easy to understand and use. Lets say you have the following batch file which loads WordPerfect: @ECHO OFF CD \SPEECH VE /F1WP /KWP CD \WP51 WP CD \SPEECH VE /F1DOS /KC CD \ CLS With autoloading on, all you would have to do is execute WP directly and the same results would be accomplished. No batch file would be required. Remember, if you try to load a .SET file through the command line and then execute an applications program, Vocal-Eyes will load, if it exists, the new .SET file. This is true with the /Fxfilename command as well as the /Rx command. This could mean your original load was cleared with the new one. If you simply remember that, ANYTIME you execute a program with a .COM or .EXE extension, Vocal-Eyes will try and load the related .SET, .KEY, and .CHR files. The Autoloading has no effect on batch files themselves but it does on the application programs these batch files can execute. If you ever have a question about what .SET file Vocal- Eyes is trying to load, try turning on the messages with the command line parameter /A2 or option six in the files menu. Vocal-Eyes will then give a message every time it loads successfully or unsuccessfully. While you are naming .SET files to match applications, you should also be aware of programs which are executed with an extension .COM or .EXE but which immediately execute another program which may or may not have either extension. Vocal-Eyes will probably pickup the second program and try to load the existing data but you may not have setup the file names correctly. If you feel this is the case, again use the /A2 parameter or option six in the files menu to not only enable the Autoloading but also the messages to let you know what file Vocal-Eyes is trying to autoload.