MULTIPLAYER UTILITIES ----------------------- November 08th, 1994 E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiplayer 5.00 was not released yet. This package contains all external utilities included in original Multiplayer package. All programs requires a 386 having 2MB RAM, except MPLAY286 needing a 286 processor having 1MB RAM. - DGSMIXER: a SoundBlaster Pro is required to use this Multiplayer-like mixer. - DPMIPLAY: plays all kind of modules by using 386 protected mode, so all available memory can be used for a module. Following sound cards can be used: 1. SoundBlaster 2. SoundBlaster Pro 3. SoundBlaster ASP/16 4. Pro Audio Spectrum 5. Aria Sound Card The DPMIMEM variable indicates how much memory should be seen for the internal DOS Extender. For example: SET DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 1200 will set the available memory to 1.2MB. The DPMISWAP variable indicates the amount of virtual memory to allocate on your hard disk (in the TMP directory). For example: SET DPMISWAP=4500000 allocates 4.5MB of swap file in order to add memory for your modules. A cache can be useful in this case for playing modules without 'sound mess'. - MOD2FAR : is a module converter. It converts all .MOD files (Protracker, FastTracker or NoiseTracker) to .FAR format (Farandole). - MPLAY286: Multiplayer's command line player. It runs on a 286, doesn't use expanded memory, and requires following sound devices: 1. PC Speaker 2. Adlib Sound Card 3. Covox Mono 4. Covox Stereo 5. SoundBlaster 6. SoundBlaster Pro 7. Covox+SoundBlaster - RAWPLAY : it will play 'raw' samples. It needs 2MB memory to work. Sound devices are the same used by DPMIPLAY utility. - STEREO : switch SoundBlaster Pro's Internal Mixer Register for Mono or Stereo status - TSRMIX : a Terminate-Stay Resident Mixer for any SoundBlaster Pro or SoundBlaster ASP sound device. Press Left-Shift and F10 to activate it. It can be removed by a TSR-remove utility (like CYC). - WHICH : detects which sound card is installed on your system.