CSetup Version 1.5 X-O-LEN Technology Fairfield, New Jersey USA September 8, 1994 INTRODUCTION Welcome to CSetup, a complete Windows Software Developers "Installation and Distribution System". CSetup works with OUR Setup program to help manage YOUR product installations. Using CSetup, you can easily create AND verify the SETUP.INF data file used by the Setup program. CSetup can even automate the entire process of creating Golden Master and distribution diskettes! SOURCEWARE The complete CSetup package has been released into the public domain as 'SOURCEWARE', which means it can be used at NO COST for installations of UP TO twenty-five (25) copies. If your product will exceed this limit, you MUST register to have ANY legal rights to use it. This means that a small company distributing twenty-five (25) copies or less of any ONE product has NO LEGAL requirement to register. REGISTERING The benefits of registering are two-fold. Not only will you legally be free to use this package an unlimited number of times, you will also receive the complete 'MS C/C++ SOURCE CODE' for BOTH programs. This means you will be able to modify OUR code to produce a Setup routine unique to YOUR company and product. Anyone using CSetup should seriously consider REGISTERING! REGISTER.TXT contains the registration form you can use. INSTALLATION CSetup uses our Setup program to install itself. Watch as the Setup process takes place and you will see the type of installation routine your customers could be using. The registered package (with SOURCE CODE) gives you three (3) installation options as follows: 1. CSetup Program (SOURCEWARE Version) 2. Source Code - CSetup Program (Registered Version) 3. Source Code - Setup Program (Registered Version) The unregistered package (the one you now have) only installs the first option and does it from your hard disk. You can't use the other two options when you run Setup and the installation process will go by VERY fast. Your users would probably be installing your product from a floppy diskette which would make the process much slower (and easier to watch). The SETUP.INF file used to install your copy of CSetup contains the FULL instructions for all three options so you can look at it to see the additional files you would get when you register. To install CSetup: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk called C:\CSETZIP. 2. Copy the CSETUP.ZIP file you downloaded into this directory and uncompress it (PKUNZIP CSETUP). 3. Access the Program Manager or File Manager File menu (ALT+F or click with your mouse) and choose the Run command. 4. Enter the following command C:\CSETZIP\SETUP and press Enter (or click the 'OK' button). 5. The Setup Program will start. Click on 'Install' at the first screen to begin the installation process. 6. Files will be copied to your hard disk and a CSETUP group will be created in Program Manager together with several icons. 7. Click on 'OK' when the installation routine is completed. 8. Click on the 'CSetup Program' icon to begin the program. 9. Delete the CSETZIP directory later. It is no longer required. USING CSETUP Refer to the CSetup Users Manual for instructions on using CSetup. Chapter 4 contains a guided tour of an average software developer using CSetup and is a great place to begin. Others might just want to begin typing in their own SETUP.INF data to see CSetup in a live environment. The choice is up to you, however, we would recommend starting out with Chapter 4 in the Users Manual! NOTE: THE SETUP.INF file used to install this package on your hard disk includes several files NOT required under normal usage. These files are SETUP.EXE, SETUP.INF, METER.DLL. Under normal usage, CSetup automatically copies these files when you create your GOLDEN MASTER DISKETTES. They don't have to be included when you enter your SETUP.INF data. We offer this information in case you don't read User Manuals and just try to modify the SETUP.INF supplied with CSetup. If you do include them, your users will get these files installed as part of YOUR program when they run Setup from your diskette. If you are not going to use CSetup to create your GOLDEN MASTER DISKETTES (are you crazy or what?) but still want to use our Setup program, make sure to copy the three files to your installation diskettes when you create them. Just DON'T list them in your SETUP.INF data file! FINAL COMMENTS Thank you for trying CSetup. We hope you see the benefits of using a totally integrated installation/distribution system. Feel free to use the system for you own development efforts. Just make sure to stay within the legal limits of twenty-five (25) or less installs of any ONE product. We browse the major on-line services and bulletin boards on a daily basis and would hate to find someone using the package in an illegal manner. Anyone distributing software on these types of services is very likely in be in violation because they have no control over how many users download and install their software. We would have to assume the number would be more than twenty-five. If you are using it in a corporate environment or in a small business, chances of violation (and our finding out) are very slim, so go ahead and have fun. Everyone else should really seriously consider registering. For a small investment of $50.00, you are getting a complete development system WITH FULL SOURCE CODE. What more could you want? X-O-LEN Technology