Thank you for using INI File Editor V1.0 INI File Editor is a specialized editor, optimized and including enhancements, in order to make it the editor of choice when editing Windows and DOS Initialization files (*.INI) as well as your computer's other initialization files (config.sys and autoexec.bat). A database link gives the user a description, possible settings, default settings, and other information to allow the curious user to examine their standard initialization files in a more in-depth manner than allowed by other editors. The features of INI edit allow the user to browse for settings or retrieve results on specific lines of their WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and many other initialization files included with Windows. Above and beyond all enhancements however is INI File Editor's ability to quickly and easily edit all INI files in a standard environment. Thank you for using INI File Editor! This version of INI File Editor only contains full database information for WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. Future versions will contain more database information. Requirements INI File Editor (INIEDV10.ZIP) includes all of the necessary DLLs and VBXs for running the system. One other requirement is needed however, SHARE.EXE must be loaded in your AUTOEXEC.BAT (if you are using Windows V3.1), or DEVICE=VSHARE.386 must be included in your [386enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file. These files are required for the proper functioning of the database access and update sections of the system. This system is not built for database sharing between users across a network. Attempting to do so may cause problems of which nature I am not aware. Registration Information This program is shareware , not freeware, and as such I am charging 10$ ( plus 1$ for shipping and handling) for the cost of registering the program. You are free to try out INI File Editor for a period of 21 days (3 weeks). If after this time you decide to continue to use this software please register it. Why should I register? Registration of this software entitles you to free upgrades in the future and blesses upon you the gratification of the programmer. I enjoy programming but many hours of my personal time went into the production of this piece of software. To ensure that I can continue to produce quality software I ask that all of my software is registered. How do I register? Registration is easy: Send a check, certified check, money order, or even cash with a total amount equal to 11$ US (10 $ for the program and 1$ for Shipping and Handling) to: Eric Peyton 525 N. Quentin # 416 Palatine, IL 60067 Feel free to include any comments about the software, including things you like, don't like, future upgrade requests, etc. with your registration. Even if you don't register, comments on the software is appreciated. Comments: Home Phone Number: (708)705-8958 Internet Mail Address: This software is copyright 1994 Eric Peyton. Distributing this software in ways inconsistent with shareware should not be attempted.