Super Stuff Utilities 3.21 What's New Super Task Man -------------- * Fixed bug with the Rebuild Menu item on the Groups menu (was not rebuilding the Groups menu) - Holding shift key when launching from the Launch menu will launch the item minimized - Holding shift key while selecting from the Run Command history list or clicking on the OK button in Browse dialog will automatically launch the item - Support to close the dialog by clicking on the dialog with the right mouse button - Support to allow any window to posses the "Always on Top" window style Super Group ----------- - Right button popup menu support - Dialog support for changing the window style and the post launch window state. Post launch state is the state that the Super Group will be in after launching. (Normal, Minimized, Closed) - Optimized group loading time and memory management SuperWC (wallpaper changer) ------- - Support for multiple wallpaper lists - The last wallpaper from each list displayed is saved and restored when the list is selected - Support for changing the default background color - Status dialog that displays the information on the current wallpaper list - Option to Hide/Show the main menu - If None is selected during cycling, cycling is disabled until the cycle button is selected - Right button popup menu support STMRes (registered bonus utility) ------ - Always on Top menu item added to System Menu - Double clicking on the client area will toggle the window between displaying Free Resources and Free Memory. - Support to auto toggle the display after a specified number of seconds has elapsed.