CyberTarot(TM) is a complete Tarot reading system for Microsoft Windows. You can select any of three spreads, shuffle and select your own cards, and view individual cards on a large frame. Comprehensive on-line help system includes interpretation of cards and information on positions and spreads. You can save spreads to read them later, and you can print card interpretations directly from the help file. Requires Windows 3.1 or later and 256 color VGA video support. Also requires VBRUN300.DLL. VBRUN300.DLL is NOT included in this ZIP file. The Registered Version can be purchased directly from AxisMundi for $39.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling (Illinois residents please add 7% sales tax). You can also register on CompuServe through the Registration Database (GO SWREG). The CompuServe registration ID for CyberTarot is 2025. The Shareware version contains only the images of the Major Arcana (22 cards of the Tarot deck). The Registered Version includes the entire deck of 78 Tarot cards, plus three additional spreads. TAROTWIN.ZIP may be freely distributed. This is a shareware program. See the online help system for more information. Copyright (c) 1994 AxisMundi. P.O. Box 3620 Chicago, IL 60654-0620 (312) 866-8035 CompuServe: 73611,704 America Online: AxisMundi Internet: AxisMundi@AOL.COM