Vocabulary Primer for Windows, 1.1 (c) Denis L. Latkowski, 1994 Requirements 1 Philosophy 2 Install Contents of VOCAB.INI 3 Menu Selections 4 Exporting options 8 Toolbar / Quick Access 10 *** corrupted voc file Acknowledgments / Files 11 Registration Information Requirements Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL (not included with Shareware version) screen resolution of 800 x 600 or higher HIGHLY recommended (tested and written under screen resolutions of 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 with large font -- ATI Ultra Pro; SuperVGA; and Diamond SpeedStar64 and Stealth64 in Windows 3.1 and WFW 3.11) DO NOT USE A "SMALL" FONT -- no window will look like it should! ARIAL should be installed in your system; the font is used by a few of the windows for a readable large font. If not installed, an ugly approximation will be used by Windows. Vocabulary and test files (Shareware AND registered versions) * vocab files limited to 10 words * test files limited to 50 words (supplied files include 10 vocab words (VOC); 50 test words (TST)) page 2 I. Philosophy Learning new vocabulary words can be a tedious business; Vocabulary Primer for Windows tries to take the "ache" out of learning and practicing new words. Each lesson (PART01.VOC, PART02.VOC, etc.) contains ten words (more might be too much to handle at one time). You will be given the word, its usage (noun, verb, adjective, etc.), its definition, sample sentences, and its various forms. After studying the ten words, there are a number of "games" you can select from under the Learn menu--Falling Definitions, Sinking Ship, Concentration, matching the word with its correct definition, a quiz with help for wrong answers, Anagrams and Flashcards. At the end of each game, you will be given a list of the words that you missed or got wrong so you can review them. The final lesson is a test that can be taken after completing the other lessons. II. Installation SETUP From Program Manager, CP Tools for Windows, or NDW, press Alt F R (or click RUN from the last two) and select [drive:]setup, press ENTER to run the setup program. [drive:] is the drive the setup program is in -- either A: or B: Therefore, you'd enter A:SETUP or B:setup to run the program. A:setup [enter] OR B:setup [enter] The setup program will ask to install the program and its files into a directory, VOCAB, in your WINDOWS directory. You can change to a different drive, a different directory, and even use a name other than VOCAB for the directory name. Some files must be stored in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory; if a file already exists on your disk, you'll be asked if you want to copy over the file or not. After the necessary files are copied, a new group will be created called Vocabulary under Program Manager. You can elect NOT to have a new group created containing VOCAB and TEST; if you select this option, you will have to manually install both programs into a group of your choice before you can run either. At the end of the installation, VOCAB.INI will be created in your Windows directory. page 3 III. VOCAB.INI VOCAB.INI contains this information: full path to VOCAB.EXE Sound off (0) or Sound on (-1) <--default path and sound file for a Wrong Answer path and sound file for a Right Answer path and sound file for Excellent Work path and sound file for Announce Score path and sound file for Sinking Ship path and sound file for Sinking Ship (lose) sample VOCAB.INI: c:\windows\vocab -1 c:\windows\vocab\bogus.wav c:\windows\vocab\applause.wav c:\windows\vocab\excelent.wav c:\windows\vocab\ribbit.wav c:\windows\vocab\bubbles.wav c:\windows\vocab\bonewah.wav (To manually recreate VOCAB.INI yourself, use a text only editor; Save as Text Only.) page 4 IV. Menu Selections Main Menu and submenus: File Learn Test Sound Help Open Learn Help *New ----- About *Edit Anagrams ------- Definitions Export to F Falling Defs ------- Flashcard Results Sinking Ship Run Test Concentration ------- Whack an Icon Exit Whack a Word ----- Analogies Quiz The menu items starred are available in VOCABED, an editing program that creates .VOC files. VOCABED and TESTED are provided with the registered version only. They are not available in the Shareware version. Registration is only $25 (plus $3 shipping) and includes: * all files included in the registered version WITHOUT Shareware screens * VOCABED.EXE -- create your own VOC files; VOCAB.EXE * TESTED.EXE -- create your own TST files; TEST.EXE * VOCABED and TESTED contain every part of regular VOCAB and TEST * 25 vocabulary files (Part01 to part25) and 5 tests (Test1 to Test5) * formatted WinWord 6.0 files for each vocabulary file and test file * scores for each activity are added to previous scores on disk FILE / OPEN Brings up a standard OPEN window which will take you directly to the directory where the VOCAB files are located and will list all the .VOC files in the directory. Double click on any of the files to load it. You can bypass the File/Open menu by going directly to the activity you'd like to do; if no file has been opened, you will get the OPEN menu without having to do File / Open first. Once a file has been loaded, you are free to do any of the other activities in the program. Each activity will remain with the same vocab file unless you go to FILE / OPEN directly and open a new file. page 5 FILE / RESULTS This will show the number of mistakes you have made for each word in a lesson after any or all the Learning activities. You can save these results to a file called VOCAB.SCR. This will overwrite any .SCR file that is already on disk. You will see a complete list of all work done thus far, the words missed in each activity, and your scores. In the registered version, new scores are appended to the end of the .SCR file so you will have a running total of all your work. FILE / RUN TEST You can run TEST.EXE directly from the program. You can alternate between the two programs. When you exit TEST, VOCAB will receive the focus. TEST will present you with a multiple choice test on fifty words at a time. TEST01 includes words from 01 to 05. At the end of the test OR when you quit, you'll see your score and the words you got wrong. You will be given the correct answer after each wrong response. FILE / EXIT The normal way to exit the program; when Shareware screen opens, click Exit again. In registered version, exit is immediate; there is no Shareware screen on starting or exiting the program. LEARN / LEARN You will be shown the vocabulary word, its usage (noun, verb), definition, sample sentences, and forms of the verb. Click the command button that says NEXT to move on to the next word. The EXIT command button will exit this part of the program immediately. LEARN / ANAGRAMS After selecting a vocab file to work with, the letters of one of the words will appear at the top of the window scrambled. In the white box below, type in the vocabulary word, thereby unscrambling the letters. Press TAB or ENTER. If your guess is wrong, it will be added to the list of "guesses" and you can try again by clicking the "Guess again" button. If you need a hint, click on the panel containing "HINT?" and you'll see the definition of the vocab word. When you get the word correctly spelled, click "Next" for another word. You can quit at any time by pressing "Exit." LEARN / DEFINITIONS When the window opens, all ten of the vocabulary words will appear at the top of the screen. One definition appears below. Type in the vocab word that matches the definition. The word must be typed in exactly as it appears at the top of the screen; therefore, "analyze" and "Analyze" are NOT the same. Do not use capital letters. Press ENTER or TAB when finished typing the word in. page 6 You'll be told instantly whether you're correct or not; if wrong, you'll be given the correct answer. Press NEXT to continue with a new definition. If sound has been turned on (please refer to Options menu), you'll be greeted with a message for each answer. ******** After you've completed all ten words, a window will open, giving you a list of words you got wrong. Press Ok and you'll return to the Main Menu. The results from the "score" window will be saved and each new activity's scores will be added to this information. At any time you can press File / Results to see a list of all the words you've missed in the various activities and the number of times you missed each. You can save this information to a file called VOCAB.SCR (a text file you can view later); If you select Ok from this window, the information will be discarded. ******** LEARN / FALLING DEFS Click Begin and one of the definitions will appear at the top of the screen and begin falling to the red line below. As quickly as you can, type in the vocabulary word that goes with the definition. You must enter the word BEFORE the definition reaches the red line. If it touches the line before you complete the word, you lose, an appropriate sound will be played, a small picture will dance around your screen, and the correct word will appear, along with the definition. If the word you typed is correct (press TAB or ENTER), an appropriate sound is played, a different picture will dance around the screen, and you'll be told if you're correct. Click Next to continue. Click on Words? at the bottom for a list of the vocab words. At the bottom of the window is a number with a down arrow by it. You can vary the speed of the falling definition by changing this number. Smaller numbers will increase the speed while larger numbers will slow the descent. To change the number, click the down arrow to the right, scroll until the number you want appears, and click on the number. The speed will change with the next word. LEARN / FLASHCARDS When the window opens, clicking on "Flash" will flash one of the vocabulary words somewhere in the box at the top of the screen. Type in the word and press ENTER or TAB; you'll be told if you're correct or not. Click "Flash" again. You can change the timing by clicking the down arrow by the number "1" in the lower right; lower numbers mean less time to see the word; higher numbers, more time. When the last word has been flashed, you can continue working since the words will begin all over again. Click "Exit" when you're finished with this activity. page 7 LEARN / SINKING SHIP This is a variation of the classic game Hangman. When the window opens, one vocabulary word appears in the middle; however, each letter has been replaced with a question mark (abyss appears as ?????). At the bottom of the screen are all the letters of the alphabet. You have eight guesses to determine the correct vocabulary word. Simple click on the letter to select it for a guess. If the letter is contained in the word, the "?" will change to the letter. If your guess is wrong, a gurgling sound is played and the ship sinks a little bit. After the eighth wrong guess, the ship sinks completely and you'll be given the correct answer. Wait a few seconds and the game will automatically begin again with a new word. At any time, if you need a hint, click the panel at the bottom of the screen and the definition of the word will appear. If you click the panel again, the definition will disappear, replaced with the word "HINT?" You can exit the game at any time by clicking on Exit. Before returning to the main menu, you'll see your score and the words missed. LEARN / CONCENTRATION When the Window opens, the vocabulary words and definitions have been hidden behind panels. Click on one panel and whatever is behind it will be revealed. Click on a second panel to reveal its contents. If the panels contain a matching vocabulary word and definition, the panels disappear from the playing area and you can go on to guessing the next set. If the pairs don't match, take as much time as you need to study them; when you're ready to move on, click Next at the bottom of the screen. The two panels revert to hiding the contents and you can take two more guesses. You can quit the program at any time and you'll be told how many pairs of guesses you got wrong. LEARN / QUIZ You'll be given a sample sentence missing a word with four possible choices. Click the word you think is correct and then click Ok at the bottom of the screen. If your answer is wrong, some further information as the reason for the correct answer is given below. Click Next to go on to the next sentence. You'll be given your score at the end. LEARN / WHACK AN ICON (a cheap attempt at a learning activity) LEARN / WHACK A WORD When the window opens, an icon will be jumping around the screen. Hit the icon with your mouse by clicking the left button. If you succeed in "whacking" the icon, the definition of the vocabulary word will appear. You can then study the word and its definition. Change the speed of the icon by clicking the down arrow by the number "10" -- smaller numbers make it jump faster; larger slower. Click Exit to exit the whacking section. Whack a word uses the quiz sentences and answers. Click on the jumping correct answer in this one. page 8 TEST This is a ten sentence test on the words in the lesson. You'll be given a sentence and four possible answers. Click on the correct answer and then click Ok. You will not be told if your answer is correct or not. At the end of the test, you'll see your score and the words that were missed in this round. SOUND Here you can turn the sound feature On or Off. For sound to be on, you must have installed either the speaker driver written by Microsoft or have a sound card installed. By default sound is turned ON. Click the Off button to cancel sound in the program. You can change any or all of the six .WAV files supplied with the program. At the end of the full path and name of each wave file is a 3-D open folder. Click on the folder, get to the drive and directory where you have your .WAV files installed, and select the one you want to use for each function. The new information will be saved in VOCAB.IN when you click Save; they'll be used from that point on each time you start the program. HELP / ABOUT Clicking on this button will give you some basic information about Vocabulary for Windows and Windows set-up, DOS version, Windows version, memory reported by Windows, and the free percent of the three major Windows' resources. Click OK to return to the main menu. FILE / EXPORT TO FILE You can export to a file the following information: a list of the vocabulary words, each word and its usage, definition, sample sentences, forms. The information is exported as a text file and will be saved in your VOCAB directory with the file extension .TXT; the file PART01.VOC will be saved as PART01.TXT. After exporting, you can the import the text file into a word processor, format it the way you want it, and print a copy. Registered version includes formatted WinWord documents for all VOC and TST files. page 9 In the registered version only, one option in TEDTED.EXE is to export to a file. Thus, you could have a written copy of a 50 question test to give to a class. You would import the text file into your word processor, format it, and then print it. You're also given a list of the answers. Remember, with VOCABED and TESTED, you will have 2 additional Windows programs for creating your own vocabulary files and test files. You do not have to be limited to the files supplied with the registered programs. Both programs include that exact same sections as in the non-editing programs. Thus VOCABED includes all the games and other parts of VOCAB so you can "test" your own words using the VOCAB sections; the same is true for TESTED. page 10 TOOLBAR The toolbar located at the top of the screen gives you quick access to all sections of the Learn menu. The buttons correspond to the same activities -- Anagrams, Concentration, Definitions, Falling Definitions, FlashCards, and Sinking Ship. Simply click on the button instead of using the menu. Place your mouse cursor above any icon and you'll see the activity's name. (VOCABED.EXE has additional buttons for File/Open, File/New, and File/Edit.) The speaker on the right side is a quick way of turning sound on and off. When the program first loads, it reads the value of SoundOn in VOCAB.INI; if you've turned sound off, the speaker will be grayed; if on, it will be in black. Clicking on the button will reverse the action. If sound is on, clicking on the speaker will turn it. QUICKEYS -- Use these shortcuts instead of the menu: File / Open ^O Learn / Floating Defs ^T Export to Notepad ^X Learn / FlashCards ^F Learn / Anagrams ^A Learn / Sinking Ship ^S Learn / Concentration ^C Learn / Analogies ^G Learn / Definitions ^D Learn / Quiz ^Q Learn / Whack an Ans ^W Learn / Whack an Icon ^I *** CORRUPTED VOC FILE If the program gives you an error when loading a .VOC or .TST file, chances are pretty good that a change has been made to the file. If you're going to edit the file yourself, you MUST be extremely cautious. If even one of the quote marks is erased or an extra one is added in, the file will no longer load correctly. File must be saved as TEXT ONLY. If you suspect that a file has gone bad, return to DOS; put the original disk in A: or B:. You can use the EXPAND program that is most likely in your Windows directory to expand the good file from the original disk and replace the bad file. For example, if PART04.VOC no longer loads correctly, do the following: REGISTERED VERSION: return to DOS put the original disk in A: or B: make sure you're in the Windows directory type: EXPAND A:PART04.VO_ C:\WINDOWS\VOCAB\PART04.VOC (example assumes you accepted the VOCAB directory under Windows) SHAREWARE VERSION: simply copy the needed .VOC file from your original disk or the zip file page 11 REGISTRATION INFORMATION INCLUDES Cost of registration is $25.00 per copy. TESTED.EXE, VOCABED.EXE Shipping: $3.00 TEST.EXE, VOCAB.EXE Total for one copy: $28.00 Part01 to Part25, Test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 formatted WinWord .DOCs The software purchased from me can be used on one machine at a time; Thus, you may install the programs on two machines (e.g., work and office) as long as only one of the programs is in use at one time. Please contact me for a network site license quote. Send check or money order to: Mr. Denis L. Latkowski 417 Tantallion Court Baltimore, Maryland 21212 (410)-435-1544 Your copy of Vocabulary for Windows will be shipped two or three days after receiving your payment. I can also be reached electronically via CompuServe 74017,3350 -- go SWREG to register online #3416 Channel 1 (Boston) Thanks for supporting Shareware Acknowledgments WARRINER'S 9th grade Vocabulary Workbook WEBSTER'S NEW COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY Microsoft BOOKSHELF '93 files destination COMMDLG.VBX, COMM---.DLL, THREED.VBX, WGLIG.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM TEST.EXE, VOCAB.EXE VOCAB PART01 to PART03.VOC TEST01.TST six .WAV FILES, README.TXT List of Words in Shareware and Registered versions Shareware and Registered: PART01.VOC abhor abrasive accessible acclaim acknowledge adage addicted adversary advocate affected PART02.VOC agility agitation alleged allude aloof alteration amends amity animated annals PART03.TXT apathy apparition applicable arrogance assassinate assess asterisk attribute autonomous belligerent Registered version ONLY: PART04.VOC benefactor benign bibliography bilingual biographical bisect bizarre bland brusque buoyant PART05.VOC cadence carnivorous cascade censure chivalry chronic chronological circumscribe citadel clamber PART06.VOC collaborate collateral comply condolence congeniality congruent connive conspiracy contaminate contemptible PART07.VOC cope credentials culmination cumbersome cynic deficient defile defraud demoralize denote PART08.VOC denounce depict depreciate devout dexterity diligent discreet discrepancy discriminate disperse PART09.VOC disrupt dissuade docile drastic dubious dwindle elapse elude dupe emerge PART10.VOC emissary encore entice epic equanimity eradicate erode evict exasperate expend PART11.VOC exploit extremity extrovert fallacy fatality fauna fervent figurative flora fluent PART12.VOC formidable fraternize frenzied frivolous functional galvanize garb gaudy genealogy genial PART13.VOC granular grueling haphazard havoc hectic herald hereditary hideous hindrance hoax PART14.VOC homage horde humanitarian humanoid hygiene ideally illiterate immaterial immunity impertinent PART15.VOC inaudible incalculable incandescent incessant incompatible incomprehensible inconspicuous inconvenient indivisible induction PART16.VOC infamous infest inflammation influential initiative instigate intact intensive intervention intimate PART17.VOC intimidate intonation inventory inverse invigorating irksome irony irreducible irretrievable jaunt PART18.VOC jovial jurisdiction kindle landlocked larceny lavish lax lethal liability maintenance PART19.VOC malicious manifest manipulate meander medieval meditate medley metamorphosis metaphor mimic PART20.VOC misconstrue moor morbid murky nauseate necessitate negotiate nimble nominal nonchalant PART21.VOC obsession obtuse omen ominous opaque oppressive optimistic oratory orthodox ostracize PART22.VOC ovation palatial panorama paramount passive patio perceptible perennial perspective pessimistic PART23.VOC plaintiff plaintive poach ponderous potency potion precedent predatory premature preposterous PART24.VOC priority promenade prominent prospective prowess pungent quest quorum quota rapture PART25 raucous ravenous recede recession reconcile relevant reluctant repast replenish replica