----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ATEC-SOFTWARE (Christian Ahrweiler) Germany | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tel/Fax: +49 2154 427825 - Internet: 100024.1436@compuserve.com | | FidoNet: 2:2440/210.17 - CompuServe: 100024,1436 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATEC-Mail 4 CIS V3.00 (AMAIL) User manual ======================================================================= AMAIL is a fast and comfortable CompuServe (CIS) mailer. Easily handle your daily electronic mail, while reducing your CIS online charges, by using binary and compressed/binary file uploads. AMAIL will upload standard email msgs as binary, and AMAIL will upload email to other AMAIL users as compressed/binary files. DEFINITELY READ THE "README.1ST" FILE AND THIS USER'S MANUAL. BY USING AMAIL YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS IN THE "README.1ST" FILE. 1. 3 Steps of reducing CIS charges ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST STEP OF REDUCING CIS CHARGES: AMAIL is a combination of a graphical email message handler and a text mode terminal emulation (mailer). Organize your email using the message handler (OFFLINE) and then run the mailer to send/receive mail (ONLINE). SECOND STEP OF REDUCING CIS CHARGES: AMAIL supports OzCIS V1 or V2 as an external mailer even though it comes with its own terminal emulation (AMAIL contains a module that will connect your computer to CIS, with no further software). As OzCIS handles forum work, you might want to continue using OzCIS but use AMAIL to handle your email. However, the 2nd step of reducing CIS charges is using AMAIL terminal mode. AMAIL internal mailer sends standard messages as binary files--not character-by-character-- which heavily increases the transfer speed. THIRD STEP OF REDUCING CIS CHARGES: No matter if you use OzCIS or AMAIL internal mailer! AMAIL can compress outgoing messages before sending, and automatically uncompress incoming files. Internal PKZIP is used for compression. Compression of text files can be up to 70%; this will heavily reduce CIS charges. However, you can use this compression feature with other AMAIL users ONLY; compressed email sent to non-Amail users will have to be unpacked manually, by the receiver. 2. How AMAIL works ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you know about the message handler and the mailer - let's talk about message handling itself: There are three kinds of messages that AMAIL will handle: 1. Your outgoing message files that have not yet been exported. (xxxxxx.Myy file in your EXPORT DIRECTORY) 2. Messages within CISMAIL.MES/.MSG (if you use OzCIS) that have not yet been imported. 3. Messages in your AMAIL.MES file. AMAIL.MES keeps all imported and exported messages and was designed to increase scan speed and reduce disk size. (Otherwise you would have one file for each message). If you create a new message, AMAIL will be it in your EXPORT DIRECTORY until you choose onine to export messages. When exporting messages, AMAIL will create an AMAIL.OUT with a list of files to be sent, then append the messages to your AMAIL.MES file and save a backup of the messages in your EXPORT DIRECTORY (renamed). While AMAIL.OUT is the control file for the internal mailer, AMAIL will append your CISMAIL.REP file if you use OzCIS as the mailer. Returning from an ONLINE session, AMAIL will try to import all received mail. Standalone standard message files in your IMPORT DIRECTORY will be appended to AMAIL.MES immediately. Compressed mail packages will be uncompressed and then imported the same way as standard mail gets imported. If you use OzCIS, AMAIL will automatically import your CISMAIL.MES/.MSG into AMAIL.MES. AMAIL will create copies (renamed) of all incoming files in your BACKUP DIRECTORY. If you have received any non-message files, AMAIL will try to uncompress them into newly created subdirectories of your FILES DIRECTORY (ZIP files only). 3. Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By running the AMAIL3xx.EXE file, you have already decompressed the AMAIL package. You will now find the following files: README.1ST - Very important information. Read this FIRST ! This file includes detailed info on system requirements and system settings. AERROR.HLP - This error list is required to display detailed error messages. AMAIL.ADR - Your personal address file for AMAIL, keeps track of CIS user IDs with whom you correspond. AMAIL.CFG - This is the configuration file of AMAIL for you to change CIS ID, CIS node number, modem settings etc. AMAIL.COL - This color file (user defined colors) will be used if you define "BACKGROUND COLOR = -1" in AMAIL.CFG. Feel free to change the colors for a personal color palette. The default is set for notebook or monochrome monitor use. AMAIL.EXE - Executable file. AMAIL.HD - The header file contains all descriptions of message headers. AMAIL will handle. AMAIL.ICO - Windows ICON for AMAIL. Combine the AMAIL.PIF file with this ICON to run AMAIL under Windows. AMAIL.INC - This is the file that is appended to your outgoing/replies that identifies you as an AMAIL.EXE user AMAIL.TXT - This manual. AMAIL.PIF - Windows PIF file for AMAIL. Make sure you have the right PATH to AMAIL.EXE in this .PIF file. Even though you are free to choose any name for your directories, it is recommended to use a subdirectory of a directory named ATEC to store the files: C:\ATEC\AMAIL This way there will be fewer changes to make in .CFG files. You will find this recommended directory as the default within this manual and in all other ASU utilities..... 4. Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL.CFG is the configuartion file used by AMAIL. It has a certain form and style that may not be changed. In generell a given description is followed by an equal sign, which is followed by a parameter. The parameter column is the one you may change. During an AMAIL session you can always change the configuartion by selecting the Confi button. But before you start running AMAIL you should make sure that the "Standard editor" is set correct. Choose an editor you like and change this line in the AMAIL.CFG file. 5. AMAIL.CFG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you start working with AMAIL check/change the AMAIL.CFG file: (use your favorite ASCII EDITOR to edit the AMAIL.CFG file) - Screen saver [0..3600 sec.] = 300 0 turns off the screen saver; any other value is time, in seconds before the screen gets blanked after no activity. - Mouse support = ON Turn OFF if no mouse is required or used. - Screen background color [-1..5] = 1 -1 = User defined colors (see AMAIL.COL) 0=Black; 1=White; 2=Blue; 3=LightGray; 4=Gray; 5=Black - Auto unselect = ON Turn OFF if you like entries to stay selected after action. (Select some entries and choose an action. When the process is complete all selected entries will be unselected again if you turn this option ON - otherwise the entries will stay selected (for another action - and you have to unselect manually)) - Smooth scroll = OFF Overwrite screen instead of clearing the screen; Smooth scroll is a little slower but therefore it is more smooth. - Prompt before quit = OFF The OFF setting will not prompt for further action, when you select uit the program - External editor = EDIT Select your favorite editor here. Leave blank for internal editor. - External viewer = Select your favorite text viewer here; Leave blank for internal viewer. - Use internal viewer in TEXT mode = OFF AMAIL has an internal viewer that can display messages in text or graphic mode. Turn this option OFF to use the graphic mode. (The graphic mode might be faster as AMAIL does not have to switch the display mode) - Mailer [No:0, Oz1:1, Oz2:2, AMAIL:3] = 3 0 = No mailer; 1 = OzCIS V1.2; 2 = OzCIS V2.0; 3 = AMAIL (If you use OzCIS V1.2/V2.0 for CIS, AMAIL will automatically update/read your CISMAIL.REP/.MES/.MSG). - Support standard mail = ON You can send messages to AMAIL and non AMAIL members. If you want AMAIL to support non-compressed messages, leave this option ON. - Exec mailer when Onine = ON If you want AMAIL to run your mailer from within AMAIL turn this option ON. Otherwise Onine will only Im-/Export your messages (and not call the mailer to go online). - Auto select Import = ON Select incoming messages for reply after Onine. - Ask for export on uit = OFF AMAIL exports messages when you choose Onine. If you want to upload your email manually, turn this option ON and AMAIL will export pending messages each time you quit. - Ask for CC: with ew & Repl = OFF Turn ON if you want to be prompted for carbon copies (to other people) each time you write a new message. - Ask for receipt on std/binary mail = OFF You can request receipt messages from CIS. If you turn this option ON, you will be prompted on each standard and binary mail (not on packed mail). (Receipt messages will increase your CIS charges !) - Create .LOG file when onine = ON Turn OFF if you do not need an AMAIL.LOG session log or AMAIL.$$$ statistics file. (Mailer=3) (If you turn this option OFF, AMAIL will work slightly faster.) If set to ON, AMAIL will create the file, "AMAIL.LOG" which will contain a complete "log" of your session while online with CIS. - Temporary Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\TEMP Directory AMAIL uses for temporary files. - Import Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\IMPORT Directory where AMAIL searches for incoming mail. This should be the directory where your mailer stores incoming files. (While the internal mailer uses this directory to store incoming mail, OzCIS users should define their download directory of OzCIS to match with this directory). - Export Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\EXPORT Directory where AMAIL stores outgoing mail. - Mailer Directory = C:\COM\OZCIS2 Directory where AMAIL calls the external mailer. This should be the directory where the .EXE file of your mailer is located (OzCIS.EXE). AMAIL will try to find and import standard mail of external mailers in this directory. (Leave this line blank if you do not use OzCIS) - Backup Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\BACKUP Directory where AMAIL stores backups of incoming mail. - Request Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\REQUEST If another AMAIL member sends you a request message (Sub: REQ:), this is the directory where AMAIL searches for the requested files. - Files Directory = C:\ATEC\AMAIL\FILES If you receive non-message files, AMAIL will try to unZIP the files into a newly created subdirectory of this FILES directory; AMAIL will ask you for proper subdirectory names. - Delete exported files after x days [0..90] = 30 After x days the old files in your ExportDirectory will be deleted. (High values will seriously decrease the performance and will fill up your harddrive) - User name = ATEC-Software Your CIS user name. - User ID = [100024,1436] Your CIS user ID. - Time zone = CET The time zone you are living in. (This is not important. It is part of the headline of every new message) - Greeting = Hello This greeting will be written to EVERY NEW message. - Regards = Regards, Chris This is the ending of EVERY message....how you would like to end every msg created with ~Exe. - CIS Host phone number = 06920976 The CIS number you are using to go ONLINE (if Mailer=3). In other words, what is your CIS node telephone number? - COM port [1,2,3] = 3 COM port for your modem (if Mailer=3) - COM address [$03F8,$02F8,$03E8] = $03E8 COM address (COM1:$03F8 ... COM3:$03E8) (if Mailer=3) - COM IRQ [3,4,5] = 5 COM IRQ (COM1:3 ... COM3:5) (if Mailer=3) - COM vector [$0B,$0C,$0D] = $0D COM vector (COM1:$0B ... COM3:$0D) Use this setting ONLY if (Mailer=3) - COM baud rate [2400,9600,14400] = 9600 COM baud rate (if Mailer=3) (If you have problems with your online session while using 14400 baud try to go back to 9600) - Tone dial = OFF Turn this option OFF for PULSE dial (if Mailer=3) 6. Getting started, finally ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Run AMAIL.EXE If you are running the "public" BETA version of AMAIL, the first thing you will see is the "BETA advice" screen. After a 4 second delay (or a keypress), AMAIL will load. If you are running the commercial version of AMAIL: - If you have not yet created an ID file, you will get to the "ID input" screen. Enter your USER NAME and USER ID so that AMAIL can create a new ID file. (Use your AMAIL user IDs not your CIS user IDs ! You get AMAIL IDs with your purchased copy of AMAIL) - If you have already created an ID file, AMAIL will load. AMAIL checks the available memory to avoid conflicts during the session. The RAM, the source drive and the temporary drive (TEMP) will be checked for available space. You will get a memory error, if AMAIL does not find enough memory to work properly. In this case you will have to change your system configuration to free up more memory. If multitasking operating systems change the prechecked memory during the session, AMAIL will check again - before alocating additional memory. 7. Main screen ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL handles each message as a seperate entry on the main screen. The main screen is the control center and the heart of AMAIL. Here, you have the complete list of your messages. From here, you can handle all your email. Some parts of AMAIL will run in text mode (special external commands) but you will always return to the graphic mode afterwards. AMAIL is a real WYSIWYG application . There is no pull-down-menu. All you can do is what you see on the screen. In other words: AMAIL will be controlled from within this main screen by using the button line commands. If there is a status or error message - it will appear in the status line until you press the next key. For user prompts, there will be no additional windows on the screen - simply answer the questions in the status line. Headline -> ATEC-MAIL 4 CIS --------------------------------------------- Description -> Date/Time Subject From ID To ID ---------------------------------------------### Main screen -> xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ### xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ### ... ### xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ### xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ### ---------------------------------------------### Button line -> ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Button line -> ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### --------------------------------------------- Status/Prompt -> --------------------------------------------- Footline -> ATEC-Info-Center While the head- and footline stay fixed (except Date/Time) everything else can change depending on the current action. The main screen and the status line show the current action. 8. Scrolling and selecting entries ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can control the main screen with your or your block. (see README.1ST for key description) To select an entry move the select bar to an entry and press . The color of this entry will change to . Press again and the entry gets unselected. If you do not select an entry, but choose an action from the button line, the current entry (select bar) will be the default. With your , you can use the scroll bar on the right side to scroll page by page. If you press the while the is above the middle of the scroll bar, the display will scroll one page up; if the is below the middle, the display will scroll one page down. If you press the while the is on top of an entry, this will select/unselect this entry. 9. Button Line ----------------------------------------------------------------------- While the buttons represent actions on selected entries, the buttons represent independent actions. If you do not select an entry but choose a button - the current entry (select bar) will be the default. You can select a button by pressing the key, highlight or by choosing a button with your . ( button: Actions that will effect selected (or default) entries. button: General action (such as onine etc.) that do not require selections.) 10. Buttons ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.1. Sve ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's say you have a message that you want to save to disk. Choose Sve and AMAIL will prompt you for a file name. If you have more than one entry selected, AMAIL will append all selected messages to that file. (See FILE PROMPT for further info.) 10.2. opy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want other users to receive a copy of a message, choose opy. AMAIL will prompt you for a user name and send a copy to this user. Additional copies can be sent. You can send copies to a specific number of users if you enter "ALL" as the user name. With "ALL" AMAIL will send copies to every user in your AMAIL.ADR with the "ALL" flag set "ON". (See USER PROMPT for further info) 10.3. elete ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When your AMAIL.MES file gets larger you might want to delete unimportant messages. elete will mark the message for later deletion. If you have marked messages for deletion, AMAIL will write a new AMAIL.MES when you quit. If you return to AMAIL it will rescan your AMAIL.MES automatically. Of course, you can delete pending outgoing messages in your EXPORT DIRECTORY with the elete button. 10.4. dit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to edit a new message, a reply, or a message created for uploading--before sending-- choose dit and AMAIL will call the external editor with this message for you to change. (Don't forget to save the changed message ) 10.5. Confi ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Within AMAIL you can change the configuation. Simply choose Confi and AMAIL will call the external editor with your AMAIL.CFG file. Returning to AMAIL, the new settings will be active immediately. 10.6. Sell ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shell to DOS. Type "EXIT" to return to AMAIL. 11. Find ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Find = "Internal Find" prompts you for a search string and then looks for that string in AMAIL.MES, selecting all messages that contain this string. Now you can view, copy, etc. the selected messages with the search string inside. (Make sure to nselect the selected messages before you continue your work!) 11.1. Onine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have choosen OzCIS as your mailer, AMAIL will automatically update the CISMAIL.REP/.MES file and call OzCIS. You can now go online with a CIS node and send/receive your email. Returning to AMAIL it will read your CISMAIL.MES/.MSG file for new messages and add the new messages to your AMAIL.MES file. If you use the internal mailer AMAIL will switch to text mode and go ONLINE to send/receive mail. Afterwards, it will automatically handle all received files and return to the main screen. (See HOW AMAIL WORKS for further info) 11.2. ew ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you choose ew, AMAIL will prompt you for a user name to whom you want to send a new message. Then you will be prompted for the subject of the message you want to create. AMAIL will call the external editor with a new message body including a header with the current time and date etc. When you save the message, it will appear in your EXPORT DIRECTORY and as a new entry on the main screen. 11.3. Gto (F8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter a subject string for which you are looking. AMAIL will scan the message subjects and will jump to first entry with a matching subject. 11.4.

rint 9 11.5. uit 9 11.6. escan 9 11.7. elect 9 11.8. Sor 9 11.9. nsel 9 11.10. iew 9 11.11. Etract 9 11.12. Repl 9 11.13. <+>Ufile 9 11.14. Mark<,> 10 11.15. Stat<$> 10 11.16. <.>OUT 10 11.17. ADDR<;> 10 11.18. LOG<%> 11 11.19. MTerm<-> 11 11.20. REQ<:> 11 11.21. Last 11 11.22. Find 11 11.23. Read<#> 11 12. Prompts 12 12.1. Prompt for User name 12 12.2. File prompt 12 12.3. Character prompt 12 13. CompuServe, MCI, Fido, Internet addresses etc. 12 14. Internal viewer 12 15. Internal editor 13 16. Remark column 13 17. Known problems 13 18. Have fun 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 1988,94 by Christian Ahrweiler | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Willich, 11-07-94 PS: This file was created using the ATEC-Manual-Compiler V2.00.02b.

rint ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will send a copy of the selected messages to your printer. (Using standard form feed after each message.) 11.5. uit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End your AMAIL session. 11.6. escan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually AMAIL keeps track of changes within AMAIL.MES. However, you might want to rescan the whole message file. If you have a corrupted display on the main screen or a corrupted AMAIL.MES this might be helpful. (If you get message "UNKNOWN" message headers, try to escan the message file - as AMAIL.DAT might be defect.) 11.7. elect ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (See Find) elect works the same way as Find does - but it will only scan the message subjects not the whole message to find the search string. If you choose internal search, AMAIL will not only compare the beginning of each subject but the whole subject string. (Make sure to nselect the selected messages before you continue your work.) 11.8. Sor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sor the message file by ate, romID, ubject or oID. 11.9. nsel ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To unselect all selected entries. 11.10. iew ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will call the external/internal viewer to display the message. 11.11. Etract ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will split the AMAIL.MES message at the selected position into two separated files (numeric extension -> Exp.: AMAIL.001). This way you can save old parts of AMAIL.MES to disk and continue working with a smaller message file (which increases the speed). (As a result the first part will be saved as a new file with a numeric extension (automatic) and the second part will remain in AMAIL.MES. Afterwards AMAIL will have to rescan the file.) 11.12. Repl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will call the external editor and create a new message file that contains a new header, with a quoted copy of the old message for you to change. 11.13. <+>Ufile ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL gives you the choice to either upload a file in a essage or as a inary file. You will be prompted for the user name to whom you wish the file sent. If you choose essage, AMAIL will prompt you for a file name to upload. AMAIL will create a new message with this file as the message body. Of course you can dit the message before sending. (Never send a message or any other AMAIL.* file as a message. If the included message has a "+----" line, this will be seen as a message header.) If you choose inary, AMAIL will first ask you if you want the files to be compressed before sending; afterwards, you will be prompted for the files name to upload. You will also be asked if you want to send additional files. If you want to send compressed files, AMAIL will prompt you for the name of a ZIP file and then ZIP all selected files into that file. Afterwards, AMAIL will create an UPLOAD message with command lines for AMAIL to send the file. (This message is also a receipt message for the receiver.) If you are using OzCIS as your mailer, AMAIL will automatically append your CISMAIL.REP file so that OzCIS will upload the files the next time you go online. (See USER PROMPT and FILE PROMPT for further info.) 11.14. Mark<,> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This feature is used to mark messages for later action. (For example, if you want to mark a message for later reply.) 11.15. Stat<$> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use AMAIL as your mailer, AMAIL will give you the choice to either iew or elete your AMAIL.$$$ statistics file of your last online sessions, within AMAIL ONLY!. (As the AMAIL.$$$ file will be appended each time you go online it might be necessary to delete the file from time to time.) (While the AMAIL.LOG is a copy of the character that have been sent during a session, this file is a documentation of email that has been sent or received.) 11.16. <.>OUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use AMAIL as your mailer, this will be the online control file when you have outgoing mail pending. In case of errors with online sessions or if you want to stop AMAIL from uploading a specific file you can edit this file. (NOTE: This feature should be used by ADVANCED USERS ONLY.) 11.17. ADDR<;> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will call the external editor with your address file for you to change. (NOTE: As changes will be active immediately, you sould NEVER change the user order with pending outgoing mail! This could force AMAIL to send files to the wrong ID !) 11.18. LOG<%> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use AMAIL as your mailer, AMAIL will give you the choice to either iew or elete your AMAIL.LOG log file of your last online sessions. (As the AMAIL.LOG file will be appended each time you go online, it might be necessary to delete the file from time to time.) (While the AMAIL.LOG is a copy of the characters that have been sent during a session, AMAIL.$$$ is a documentation of email that has been sent or received from AMAIL ONLY!) 11.19. MTerm<-> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will call the internal mailer for a MANUAL TERMINAL SESSION. AMAIL will dial and connect you with your CIS node by passing your CIS USER NAME and ID. At the first MAIL! prompt it will switch to manual terminal mode and it is up to you to "GO: anywhere". To quit the session press F10. If that does not help press ESC. (NOTE: This feature should be used by ADVANCED USERS ONLY.) (NOTE: You can use this feature to check your modem or to change CIS parameters for example.) 11.20. REQ<:> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAIL will prompt you for a user name and a REQUEST subject. A request message is a message with the following subject: "REQ: name.ext name.ext name.ext ..." If AMAIL receives such a message it will try to find the requested files in your REQUEST DIRECTORY and returns them in a ZIPed file (See <+>UFILE for further info). This button is used to request files from other AMAIL users. Exp: If you would send a "REQ: AMAIL300.EXE" message to ATEC-Software, AMAIL would send you the current BETA version of AMAIL automatically. 11.21. Last ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "long time no talk ..." button. AMAIL will give you a list of users and your last date of communication. 11.22. Find ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Find all messages from/to a specific user. Enter the CIS name of a user for whom you are looking. AMAIL will select all messages from/to this user. 11.23. Read<#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Read external message files. AMAIL will prompt you for a file name to scan. You will have to decide what kind of message file you want to scan - so that AMAIL can use the matching header (AMAIL.HD). Afterwards AMAIL will try to scan the selected file and display all found headers on the main screen. This file will be handled as AMAIL usually handles its own AMAIL.MES file. Quit and restart AMAIL to force AMAIL to rescan AMAIL.MES again. (This button is used to scan old AMAIL message files; OzCIS message files; OzCIS forum files etc.) 12. Prompts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.1. Prompt for User name ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever you create a new message, AMAIL will prompt you for a user name. AMAIL comes with a very powerful "prompt line". If you start typing, with each character AMAIL will try to complete the line for you. If AMAIL finds a matching entry in your address file (AMAIL.ADR), it will expand the prompt automatically. As soon as you see the user name you want to send a message to, press the END key to highlight the whole line, then press RETURN to accept. 12.2. File prompt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever AMAIL needs a file name, you will get to that file prompt. AMAIL will display the current directory and give you the chance to select any file. Here is what you can do: - X: = change to drive X: - . = change to parent directory - \ = change to root directory - x = if x is a valid directory, change to this directory - *.* = if you use wildcards AMAIL will display only matching files and will pre-select the first file found. 12.3. Character prompt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The character prompt is a prompt line waiting for a single keypress. You will find highlighted characters for possible choices and a pre-selected () character as the default choice. While RETURN selects the default choice, ESC (if available) will cancel the pending action. The cursor and keys will cycle the default charcter. So does moving the mouse. Pressing the left mouse button will also select the default character. 13. CompuServe, MCI, Fido, Internet addresses etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Using CIS you can also send messages to InterNet addresses. As InterNet has a gateway to the FidoNet you can also send messages to a FidoNet address. Example ToID for: Internet: INTERNET: followed by the InterNet address (If you use compuserve.com you can send messages to yourself via InterNet. Exp: 100024.1436@compuserve.com) FidoNet.: INTERNET: f.n.z (Exp: Chris.Ahrweiler@f210.n2440.z2.fidonet.org for FidoNet address is 2:2440/210) MCI Mail: MCIMAIL: followed by the MCI Mail User ID or the MCI Mail registered name for the recipient. TLX.....: TLX: followed by the Telex number. FAX.....: FAX: followed by the FAX number. 14. Internal viewer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is not much to say about the viewer handling. The text mode viewer is actually a limited editor, but you can not change (edit) the file). For a description of supported keys in the graphical viewer, please check the README.1ST file. Press or to leave the viewer. 15. Internal editor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of the supported keys of the internal editor: (See README.1ST for cursor keys) Ctrl-Left : Word left Ctrl-Right : Word right Ctrl-Y : Delete line Ctrl-T : Delete word Ctrl-N : Insert line F2 : Save file F3 : New file Ctrl-KQ : Quit Alt-X : Quit ESC : Quit RightMouse : Quit Ctrl-KX : Save and exit Ctrl-KB : Begin block Ctrl-KK : End block Ctrl-KC : Copy block Ctrl-KV : Move block Ctrl-KY : Delete block Ctrl-KH : Toggle block Ctrl-KR : Read block Ctrl-KW : Write block Ctrl-KP : Print block Ctrl-QF : Search text Ctrl-QA : Search and replace text Ctrl-QY : Delete to EOF Ctrl-L : Search again Ctrl-OW : Toggle word wrap 16. Remark column ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On the very right side of the screen you will find the remark column. This column is a ONE CHARACTER describtion of the message which will be created automatically by AMAIL. Valid characters: X - Message has been exported M - Newly imported message; not yet viewed V - Viewed message Y - Already replied to this message + - File upload y - Message reply n - Newly created message ! - Message marked for later action AMAIL tries to keep this column even after a rescan. 17. Known problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. opy will probably not work 100% if you use a cache software running in STAGED WRITE mode. 2. OS/2 might have problems with IDLE DETECTION which results in low speed screen refreshing. 3. OS/2 will take a while to reset the modem before dialing - so don't worry. But set COM_DIRECT_ACCESS = ON ! 18. Have fun ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find bugs or have ideas for new features - please send a short email to ATEC-Software [100024,1436] Index Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 3 Steps of reducing CIS charges 1 2. How AMAIL works 1 3. Installation 2 4. Configuration 3 5. AMAIL.CFG 3 6. Getting started, finally 6 7. Main screen 6 8. Scrolling and selecting entries 7 9. Button Line 7 10. Buttons 7 10.1. Sve 7 10.2. opy 7 10.3. elete 7 10.4. dit 8 10.5. Confi 8 10.6. Sell 8 11. Find 8 11.1. Onine 8 11.2. ew 8 11.3. Gto (F8) 8 11.4.