Please fill out this survey and return to me at the Surface Mail or any of E-Mail addresses below. NAME _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ CITY _____________________________________________________________ STATE _____________________ ZIP _______________________________ BBS NAME _________________________________________________________ BBS PHONE _______________________ VOICE PHONE ___________________ Where did you get your copy of the PromoPak? ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Did you use any of the material? YES NO Which ones? _____________________________________________________ How? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What Newspapers did you send them to? _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What Radio Stations did you send them to? ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What TV Stations did you send them to? ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Did you MAIL or FAX the News Release(s)? What responses did you receive from the News Media, and from what Media Outlets? (use another page if needed) ____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Did any callers note they called your BBS as it being mentioned in a news story? YES how many? ___________ NO Would you like to see more PromoPaks? YES NO Would you subscribe to a Public Relations Newsletter? YES NO Thank you for your interest and your time. Robert Parson Internet 2501 Phoenix Fidonet 1:3822/1 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Jackalope Junction BBS 501 785 5381 501 646 9332 (voice)