This file explains how to create .ANS and .RIP pictures for use with Synabacab. ANSI: 1) Saved as a ANIMATION. 2) Saved WITHOUT Clear Screen or Home Cursor option. 3) Make sure you position your ANSI picture in the location that you want it to appear in the game. If you put your picture in the upper left hand corner, it will show up there! You will quickly understand this the first time you goof it up. 4) Make sure your picture fits in the space provided. If it is too big, it will go over some of the text and will look poor. As a rough example of size, look at the lame pics included in the archive. RIP: 1) Save WITHOUT the Clear Screen option. Many RIP editors will throw that option in automatically. It shows up as an asterisk character, so if you see ...|*|... somewhere in your .RIP file, remove it. 2) Make sure you position your RIP picture in the location that you want it to appear in the game. (This is the same as with the ANSI pics) 3) Make sure your picture fits in the space provided. If it is too big, it will go over some of the text and will look poor. As a rough example of size, look at the lame pics included in the archive. Good luck with your pics. BTW, if you would like to send me a copy of your ANSI or RIP pictures for the game, I will consider them for use in the game. If you need an ego trip and send me some decent pics, I will put your name in the door and include your pics with the game release. This is all if I decide to use your pic of course. :) -James Sella, Digital Genesis Software (1:2360/13)