Installation Tips: Please ensure that an old copy of T&C is not running already on your machine, before you run install.exe. As a precaution, it is always recommended that you perform a backup of your data prior to installing an update. T&C updates are designed to be installed in the same subdirectory as the old version. Data Files will be maintained. If conversion is required, it will be automatic upon the initial startup. Previous security codes from v4.x will be automatically maintained. If you have registered a v4.x product, this is a no charge update. Thank you all very much for your continued support! Revision History: Changes in v4.04b -If MS Word, AMIPRO, MS WRITE, and potentially Word Perfect for Windows is already running when you launch a NEW letter, it will not be restarted over again. -Optional Modem initialization string -Allows users with very large phonebooks to define a set of phonebook categories for startup -Due to popular demand the 'Spinning Top' has returned to the T&C icon as a user option. Select this option in preferences setup and minimize T&C. -The 'bug' that prevented T&C from working with Norton Antivirus has been corrected. -Export from the search screen is now based on 'selected highlighted records' -The YearView Screen now supports tabs to jump to previous and next years. -A new utility has been included on the optional utility disk. Menu.exe will allow you to have a TOOLS menu in Time & Chaos from which you can directly run you favorite applications and T&C utilities. -The iSBiSTER story has been added to the ABOUT screen. Click on the T&C logo and wait for a few seconds. (Mildly amusing, but says it all) -If a Telephone ToDo item has notes attached, the keypad on the little red telephone will be black instead of white. ** For those of you wondering about that TAPI option in the modem setup..... TAPI is THE way of the future for your telephone! TAPI very tightly couples MS Windows with your telephone. A company called CLEARWAVE COMMUNICATIONS (303) 223-3873 has a new product out called "Intellect" that is a TAPI device. Basically, it slaves in between your PC and modem. It provides a centralized autodialer for windows, provides caller ID and call log functions (even calls that you dial with your telephone!) It will even automatically screen your telephone calls! This stuff is nothing short of amazing and it works hand in hand with Time & Chaos. If this sounds interesting give them a call for more details. (Call 1-800-414-WAVE for marketing/sales info or 303-223-3873 to speak directly with a company representative.) Changes in v4.04a -Maintenance Update that corrects all reported/confirmed bugs in v4.04 -Adds small monthly calendars to the top of the Todo List and Appointments Printouts -Program no longer requires any iii*.DLL files. These may now be deleted from your chaos subdirectory if desired. Changes in v4.04 -2 new phone fields -Year View option -New Day View Screens -Auto refresh frequency for LAN users -Timebar now supports scrolling over full day -Time & Chaos is now a full DDE Server Application. -Now Supports Drag and Drop into Future/Past Months -Importing now supports TAB delimited Files. -Telephone Book now supports multi-select -Custom Todo priority. -Categories now support both the AND logic and OR logic -Extra Line inserted between names in telephone book printout -Weekly calendar now prints full line in 1 column rather than 2 columns. -Print Layout captions now support the name of the layout -NOTES now has it's own Page Layout options -Completed Transition from Business and Home to Primary and Secondary Addresses -Backup will now create a directory if an non-existant directory has been specified. -Backup now has an option to automatically prompt for backup on exit -The box over the phone numbers on the main screen, now reflect both the company name and the contact. -The Button to switch between white and yellow pages on the LINKING screens has been replaced with option buttons. -autodialer screen on the todo items has been removed as it is now redundant. -Telephone book now supports the ENTER key to call up the record from the main screen. -ToDo list will now stay on the last line edited rather than jumping back up to the top. -DEL Key now works on front Screen to remove Appointments, ToDo's, and Phone Listings. -Short-Cut keys for most everything. Esc key works on all screens to close the screen. -Password file is now encrypted for improved security