WSSoup - Winsock based NNTP to SOUP (and POP3 and SMTP)

WSSoup is (C) Copyright 1995 Magnus Cameron. All Rights Reserved.

This WWW page contains the most up to date information about WSSoup.

The current release version of WSSoup is 0.6a, released on 6 February 1995.


"A WinSock compliant Usenet news, NNTP to SOUP offline mail packer for internet users."

Click here to download the ZIP file. Please note that this version expires on 31 March 1995. This will allow me to get bugs and the remaining features implemented and not have a buggy old release hanging around.

About WSSoup

WSSoup will collect uncollected news from selected usenet newsgroups and store it in a SOUP compatible file format for offline reading at a later stage. The thing that makes WSSoup different to tools like UQWK is that it runs on a PC and uses WINSOCK - ie, you don't have to logon to a Unix host and run a program to pack news up - as a side effect of this, WSSoup can be used to perform completely unattended news transfers. Once setup, it does not require any further thought except to run it when another dose of Usenet mail is required, and it will attempt to retreive everything since the last time you asked it to (unless you tell it otherwise). You can use an offline reader such as PaberBoy for Windows or Yarn to read and reply to the news. WSSoup can then upload your news posts and follow-ups back to the NNTP server when you next logon.

Please remember that this very early in the development cycle (like four weeks) and I don't expect that it will work for most people without some further coding changes. If you like this utility and would like to see more work done on it, send mail to me to let me know so that I know I am not wasting my time continuing to develop it.


Thanks goes to Darryl Lock for giving me enough encouragment to continue and keeping me busy with bug fixes.

PS: No flames on the quality of this page please :-)

This page was last updated on 6 February 1995.

Please send bugs reports, questions and positive criticism to (Magnus Cameron)