To test out YACL: 0. Change into the directory you want to install YACL in. For example: md c:\yacl c: cd \yacl or, under Unix: mkdir ~/yacl cd ~/yacl 1. Unzip the file YACL.ZIP, preserving directories. For example: unzip 2. Set the environment variable YACLPATH to point to the directory in which yacl was unzipped, e.g., set YACLPATH=c:\yacl or, under Unix: export YACLPATH=$HOME/yacl Set the variable BCPATH to point to the root directory of your Borland C++ 3.1 system, e.g., set BCPATH=c:\borlandc 3. If you are building the library under a Unix system, there are a few additional steps. 3a. You must remove the carriage-return characters at the ends of lines in all files. There are two scripts provided to help with this. To use them, simply invoke removecr after changing permissions: cd $YACLPATH chmod 0755 tools/stripcr tools/removecr ./tools/removecr 3b. Set the YACLPLATFORM variable in the control file $YACLPATH/gccmak.ctl. By default, it is set to linux; change it to whatever your platform is (pick your favorite name, if you wish). 3c. Create a directory $YACLPATH/lib/ where is the name you chose in step 3b. 4. Build the libraries. The makefiles are named makefile.bc for Borland C++ make and makefile.gcc for GNU C++ makes. For example, you can type make -fmakefile.bc -D__DOS__ to build the DOS version, or make -fmakefile.bc -D__MS_WINDOWS__ to build the Windows version. Under OS/2, Borland C++ includes the predefined symbol __OS2__, and the control file bcmak.ctl looks for this. So you can type (in an OS/2 command window): make -fmakefile.bc to build the OS/2 version. The UI library is not available under OS/2. To build the Unix version, you will need to use the make file makefile.gcc. Make sure you have gcc 2.6.0, because the library will not compile under earlier versions. The typical command line is make -f makefile.gcc 5. Poke around in the directory structure under basedemo and uidemo; build and try out the programs there using the make files provided. Please report any bugs to the author. All comments and suggestions are welcome. Hope you find this useful.