DeuTex for Idiots This is for those of you who don't *even* want to know how DOS works, but want to use DeuTex anyway. I'm not calling you idiot, I'm only refering to DEU4IDIOT :-) BEWARE: DeuTex is NOT fool proof yet. It should not crash your computer, but the generated PWAD may crash DOOM if you make mistakes. I'm very sorry for this, but I have more urgent optimisations to do than foolproofing. However, the PWAD generated here should not crash DOOM, if you use the real TRINITY.WAD as a basis. 1/ Switch on your computer (right, I'm not funny.) 2/ Register DOOM (oh, hadn't you guessed this one?) 3/ Uncompress Deutex by typing: pkunzip -d deutex2?.zip that will give you a whole hierarchy of directories, among which you will be lost. you need pkunzip 2.04g 4/ read the manuals, situated in the \manual directory 5/ the example subdirectory contains an example of DeuTex usage, but it might be cryptic for you, so take your best looking WAD, let's say TRINITY.WAD, and do the following operations: first put DEUTEX.EXE in your patch copy DEUTEX.EXE C:\DOS (assuming C:\DOS is your standard DOS command directory) 6/ First ensure that DOOM is in the C:\DOOM\ directory. if DOOM is in \DOOMSW you're a loser 7/ Then type: md \TRINITY copy TRINITY.WAD \TRINITY copy DEMO.BAT \TRINITY cd \TRINITY 8/ Then run the demo batch DEMO.BAT It will be a bit verbose and confusing the first time, but you'll get used to it.... 9/ You are in the TRINITY directory, TRINITY has been ripped off of all it's contents, time for explanations! But if you intend to reuse the contents of TRINITY.WAD, *** PLEASE CREDIT STEVE McCRAY *** 10/ Look into demo.bat, search for the string ***DeuTex*** rem ***DeuTex*** deutex -doom \doom -wadir TRINITY.WAD ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (a)---> this tells DeuTex that DOOM.WAD and DOOM.EXE are in the \DOOM directory (b)--->this tell DeuTex to list the directory of TRINITY.WAD reporting the entry types. Types *could* be wrong, but not with Trinity. rem ***DeuTex*** deutex -doom \DOOM -dir . -xtract TRINITY.WAD ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (a) (b) (c) (a)---> same as before (b)---> this tells DeuTex that it must store the result in the directory '.' (which is the current directory) You could skip (b), because '.' is the default, or you could specify another directory, like -dir TEST (c)---> this tells DeuTex to search for entries in TRINITY.WAD rem ***DeuTex**** deutex -doom \doom -dir . -makep WADINFO.TXT TRINIDAD.WAD ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (a) (b) (c) (d) (a)---> same as before (b)---> same as before (c)---> this tells DeuTex to create a new PWAD, from the creation directives contained in WADINFO.TXT (d)---> this is the name of the created PWAD You can edit WADINFO.TXT, the format is pretty simple: - put what you want on a line after the #, because # means 'comments' - don't touch to lines with Begin: or End: (they are delimiters) - the lines between Begin: and End: describe a block, just like in Pascal (you know, the language you used just after Basic) THE BLOCKS MUST APPEAR IN THAT ORDER but the blocks can be optionnal. Begin: SOUNDS D_E1M1 End: SOUNDS This tell DeuTex to go into the SOUNDS subdirectory and get there a file called D_E1M1.MUS, which is the music of TRINITY.WAD. you could add your own music, for Episode 1 Mission 2 by editing: Begin: SOUNDS D_E1M1 D_E1M2 End: SOUNDS Of course the file D_E1M2.MUS must exist... you cand generate it from D_E1M2.MID (MIDI format) by typing MIDI2MUS D_E1M2. End of the example Much more remains to be explained... but I have no time :-)