Guide to DeuTex usage: Let's assumes: - your doom files directory is \DOOM - your WAD is NEWBIE.WAD -------------------------------------- How to create a PWAD with new textures -------------------------------------- First list the textures of DOOM DEUTEX -texture Then look at .\TEXTURES\TEXTURE1.TXT and .\TEXTURES\TEXTURE2.TXT If you want to create a new texture, declare it in .\TEXTURES\MYTEX.TXT (MYTEX could be any name but *except* TEXTURE1 or 2). see format.txt for the precise definition format. If you want to redefine a TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2 entry, remove it from TEXTURE1.TXT or TEXTURE2.TXT and put it in MYTEX.TXT (for convenience). If you don't redefine textures from TEXTURE2.TXT delete that file. (For compatibility with DOOM2, TEXTURE2.TXT shoudl not exist). Declare MYTEX in the TEXTURES section of WADINFO.TXT DEUTEX -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD And then check your PWAD for textures errors DEUTEX -check NEWBIE.WAD Note: TEXTURE1.TXT and TEXTURE2.TXT are auto-loaded if they exist, because it happens that DOOM prefers (I dunno why) to have it's old textures listed first, so DeuTex takes care of that. ----------------------------------------------- How to create a PWAD with new sprites and flats ----------------------------------------------- Put your sprites in .\SPRITES as GIF or BMP Put your Flats in .\FLATS as GIF or BMP Declare your sprites and flats in WADINFO.TXT in the SPRITES section: only the name, without .GIF or .BMP extension. (implicit). if you replace *ALL* the sprites of DOOM (crazy): DEUTEX -iwad -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD and NEWBIE.WAD is directly usable by doom if you replace only some of the sprites of DOOM (better): DEUTEX -iwad -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD It's much smaller, and easier to distribute. but then your PWAD would lock-up DOOM on startup. So anyone who want to use it has 3 choices: a/ DEUTEX -merge NEWBIE.WAD (modifies DOOM.WAD. safe) b/ DEUSF -append NEWBIE.WAD (modifies NEWBIE.WAD. safer) c/ DEUSF -add NEWBIE.WAD NEWBIE2.WAD (create NEWBIE2.WAD. safest) ------------------------------ How to create PWAD with sounds ------------------------------ same as usual. put your entries in the .\SOUNDS directory and declare your sounds in WADINFO.TXT section SOUNDS. DEUTEX -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD Sound card sound effects: WAV and AUDIO format (SUN). Make sure your format is *not* compressed and does *not* contain comments. My code is pretty basic, because I never had the specs of those formats. Hacked! PC speaker sounds: any text files containing number 1-255 will do. Music: you need first to convert your MIDI files to MUS files by using the separate MIDI2MUS (thanks to -dtt-> of ID software). ------------------------- How to decompose PWADS ------------------------- First check that all the entries are identified correctly DEUTEX -wadir NEWBIE.WAD will list the directory. To get all the entries. DEUTEX -xtra NEWBIE.WAD a whole directory structure is created. To get only the sounds, for instance DEUTEX -sound -xtra NEWBIE.WAD only the sound directory is created Note: some PWAD creator declare PATCHES, FLATS, SPRITES outside of the normal boundaries. In that case, DeuTex amy not identify them what they really are, and they'll end up in another directory (under a wrong format) I'm sorry for this, but there is *nothing* I can do. Once you have decomposed a PWAD, you can rebuild it with DEUTEX -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD because WADINFO.TXT is automatically created (cool, no?) Note: DeuTex put a signature at the begining of each PWAD created, to identify the DeuTex version that was used.