================================================================ DMADDS v1.1 dos - DM ADD Something - 11/20/1994 ================================================================ Overview [1] Description [2] Contents [3] How does a player use DMADDS [4] How does a PWAD designer use DMADDS [5] Remarks --------------- [1] Description --------------- DMADDS is a tool to allow for sprite and flats graphic replacement and replacement distribution by means of PWAD files, without changing the IWAD file. The README.EXE of DOOM 1.666 states that "Sprite graphics can now be used in PWADs". This statement is incorrect (which is confirmend by "id"). Sprite replacement as well as replacement of flats (i.e. floors and ceilings) is only possible if *all* sprites and/or flats are included in one WAD file, wether IWAD or PWAD. DMADDS 1.1 should work with any version of the registered IWAD file, but there is no way to be sure, as it is impossible to keep track of all those "official" patches. This includes DOOM ][ as well. ---------------- [2] Distribution ---------------- You should find at least the following files within the archive DMADDS11.ZIP: dmadds.exe :: created with DJGPP 2.5.7, COFF2EXE, GO32 already merged in empty_s.12 :: an empty sprite replacement DWAD for 1.2 empty_f.12 :: floor replacements empty.12 :: floors and sprites empty_s.166 :: same for DOOM 1.666 registered empty_f.166 :: an empty flats replacement DWAD for 1.666 empty.166 :: sprites and flats for 1.666 ghosts.166 :: a simple demo file shrink.166 :: generates a copy of DOM.WAD 1.666, removing approx. 800 KB of duplicate sound and music entries empty_s.ii :: same for DOOM 2 empty_f.ii :: same empty.ii :: same dmadds11.txt::this short readme file invis.gif :: the zero heigh/zero width picture used with DMADDS 1.0 You'll probably only need empty.ii. Using this with earlier releases will give lots of warnings, but as long as the missing sprites aren't used, the PWAD will work. -------------------------------- [3] How does a player use DMADDS -------------------------------- Quite simple. You download a PWAD package that claims you have to run DMADDS (RTFM, folks). Part of the package are one or more PWADs that are not "complete", i.e. some lumps are missing, but the directory entries in the PWAD are already there. If you try to use those "Distribution WADs" (aka DWADs) with DOOM.EXE, sooner or later you'll get an error, or it will simply lock during startup (unfortunately, "id" has omitted nearly all WAD I/O error handling). If there is no "INSTALL.BAT" or something in the PWAD package, you have to do the following, presuming a DWAD file named "INCOMPLETE.WAD": Step A:"DMADDS.EXE", the registered IWAD of the version required by the PWAD package, and the "INCOMPLETE.WAD" are available in some directories. You have at least 4.5MB disk space left (presuming sprite replacement). Step B: Simply type "DMADDS " and read the on-line help. Stpe C: Now use "DMADDS" to combine "INCOMPLETE.WAD" with the sprites from "DOOM.WAD" into "COMPLETE.WAD", e.g. ">DMADDS INCOMPLETE.WAD COMPLETE.WAD D:\DOOM\DOOM.WAD" if your DOOM directory is "D:\DOOM" This will take merely a minute or two on a 486DX/66, but it may be a lot slower on other machines. Step D: After DMADDS has finished, the should be a "COMPLETE.WAD" PWAD file with approx 4.5 MB or less, depending on the replacements. Use it with "DOOM -FILE COMPLETE.WAD" The obvious disadvantage of this approach is the file size of the completed PWAD. If the speed of "dmadds" is sufficient, delete the complete PWAD files, if you don't need them, and re-create them from the distribution DWAD again as soon as you want to use this PWAD again. -------------------------------------------- [4] How does a PWAD designer use DMADDS -------------------------------------------- In order to distribute your own sprites or flats, you have to generate a "Distribution PWAD", which I call DWAD. Note that, different to the DMADDS 1.0, DWADs will not work with DOOM.EXE anymore, as I'm using no zero length/zero offset entries in the directory, instead of the "INVIS.GIF" sprite. A lot of PWAD users have simply skipped RTFM and DMADDS, and complained about "missing weapons and stuff". Step 1: select the appropriate empty DWAD file, e.g. "EMPTY.166" for having your own sprites and flats with DOOM 1.666. Make a copy of it. Do not change the original file, you'll need it again if you want to create other sprite PWAD files. "copy EMPTY.166 my.wad" Step 2: add all the sprites and flats you want to distribute using the excellent dmgraph1.1. "dmgraph (graphic) -s (file) -f my.wad" Now all your sprites and flats are included in "my.wad". Of course, all the sprites you haven't replaced are still missing, and it won't work with DOOM, until the missing sprites are added with DMADDS. Step 3: run DMADDS (see [3]). Step 4: if everything works fine, distribute your "my.wad". You only have to include DMADDS11.EXE with your package, no other files from this package. Step 5: send me a mail, please. It would be nice to know what you have designed using this tool. Has been kind of silent on DMADDS 1.0beta :-(. If you want to use the incomplete DWAD to look at your sprites during PWAD debug/development, you may once again use DMGRAPH, to insert "INVIS.GIF" or another replacement for *every* missing sprite within a sequence (I have used a wall texture). The file "ghosts.166" is a very simple DWAD file. If you want to be sure this works out, use it as described above (Step A,B,C,D) as the "MY.WAD" file. I strongly recommend to separate map data, sound replacements and other lumps into another PWAD. I have done no testing on complete PWADs, and as the directory entry retrieval mechanism is simple, map data may be corrupted by DMADDS, as it does not know the difference between E1M1 and E2M8 (as we all do ;-). In addition, if your IWAD has been altered already, using IWAD patches, DMADDS' results as well as speed may depend on the details of directory organization vs. the directory of the DWAD file. --------------- [5] Remarks --------------- Note the following things: DMADDS does NOT CHANGE the IWAD! It will NOT overwrite any file. If there's something wrong, I'd appreciate a bug report including the error messages. DMADDS 1.1 will be the last DOS release (presuming no major bugs). ------------------- [6] No Warranty ------------------- Imagine the usual disclaimer. Do detailed bug reports. Have fun. --------------------------------------------------------------- Bernd Kreimeier THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY bernd@nero.uni-bonn.de LEFT BLANK ... ---------------------------------------------------------------