WAS AMERICA FOUNDED as a CHRISTIAN NATION? The question of our Biblical origins has been bandied around in intellectual circles for many years, especially now that there is a renewed Christian involvement in the culture of America. The major hurdle in answering the question is to define terms properly. The concept of a Christian nation is often written off because of misconceptions as to what this means. A Christian nation is not one in which all people in a society are Christians, just as in an Islamic country, not all people are necessarily Moslems. But in a Christian nation, as our Founders would have defined it, the principles and institutional foundations are Biblically based and the people in general share a Biblical world-view. Nor should we confuse the term "Christian nation" with a "Christian state." Since the word state refers to a political body or the body politic of the nation, the term "Christian state" would mean one in which the government ruled in religious matters through a state church. This would, of course, preclude religious liberty. All Laws Are a Codification of a Religious System Nevertheless, it is imperative to understand that all laws of a nation are the codification of a presuppositional world-view, i.e., the laws of the Untied States have presupposed from the beginning that the Bible was the foundation of our system. Rev. John Wingate Thornton said: "The highest glory of the American Revolution, said John Quincy Adams, was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY." Rev. Thorton's words condense and paraphrase comments Adams made in a July 4, 1837 oration, which are even more powerful in their full statement: "Is it not that, in the chain of events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemers mission? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfillment of the prophecies announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Savior and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets 600 years before?" Such convictions as these concerning the Christian foundations of our government persisted into comparatively recent times. John W. Whitehead analyzes the Supreme Court's historic understanding of the relationship between Christianity and government in the United States: "In 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After researching hundreds volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted 'these references add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a religious people ... a Christian nation.' Likewise in 1931, Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reversed the 1892 decision in relation to another case and reiterated that Americans are a 'Christian people' and in 1952 Justice William O. Douglas affirmed 'we are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.'" Christianity the Dominant Influence in America America was under the dominant influence of Biblical Christianity from 1620 until well into the nineteenth century. There are many who, in their desire to lay claim to the great accomplishments of that era, have tried to minimize the Christian influence and take the credit for themselves. But only God deserves the glory for what He did in the founding of this great nation. People from many denominations came to America in the early years, but the vast majority of them shared a common faith in the basic tenets of Christianity. Whitehead's research reveals that: "When the Constitution was adopted and sent to the States for ratification, the population of America numbered only about 3 1/4 million. The Christian population numbered at least 2 million. James C. Hefley has commented that about 900,000 were Scotch or Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, with another million also holding to basic Calvinistic beliefs." Christian Nation in Apostasy It must be admitted that today, although we are still essentially a Christian nation in form (i.e., the Constitutional, legal structure, church affiliation), we are not one in conduct. For the first 250 years of our existence Christian character determined the conduct of self-government in homes, churches, and civil society. But today we have forgotten our heritage and only the skeleton remains. Even so, deep within the American character there lingers a Christian conscience ready to be revived by the spirit of God through awakened american Christian patriots. It should be noted that by stating that America was a Christian nation we are not saying that we were the "New Israel" or a special race that God must bless. Quite the contrary, God Blessed America because our forefathers built their nation with reliance on Him and His Word, and because God had a Gospel purpose for our nation. If we turn from His purpose we can expect His judgment, perhaps greater judgment than other nations because "to whom much is given, much is required." Every nation can be a nation under God if it chooses to follow Jesus Christ. Our history is unique in that we were allowed to express the full flower of Christian civilization and government. This fact should give us cause to ponder the price we have paid for the maintenance of our Christian liberty. Will we be the generation that presides over its death? WEREN'T WE FOUNDED BY DEISTS UNRULY ADVENTURERS AND RELIGIOUS CASTAWAYS? This stereotype presented in TV docu-dramas and history classrooms throughout the nation is one of the greatest defamations of national character ever perpetrated upon a people. The influence of Deism in America was minimal until the nineteenth century when it made inroads through the Unitarian Church and the atheistic philosophy of the French Revolution. During our Founding period, however, it had little influence. According to historian Perry Miller, Deism was strictly "an exotic plant" imported from Europe which did not flourish here. This distinguished historian also makes the point that the colonial clergy presented to the people a religious rationale for the American Revolution which united them behind its goals. Deism was incapable of producing such a phenomenon. It professed a belief in one God but denied the divine origin of Scriptures. Its weak philosophy of a non-active, spectator God who left all the affairs of the world to human whim was no match for the powerful Biblical faith of the majority of our people in the Founding Father generation. Even Jefferson and Franklin, the two men most often quoted as being Deists, give little credence to the view in their writings. Undoubtedly, both of these men did imbibe a mixture of European religious heresy, but the predominant influence upon their world continued to be Christian. Franklin's Plea for Public Prayer In the summer of 1787 a feeling of desperation and deadlock had descended upon the Constitutional Convention. Men from various states were planning to leave and it would be years before they could gather again for another try at bringing the loosely-knit confederation colonies together to form a republic. On June 28, 1787, as the Convention was ready to adjourn in dissension, a wise old man addressed its President, George Washington, with quiet simplicity: "How has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly appealing to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible to danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were graciously answered All of us sir who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor... And have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do We imagine we no no longer need His assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God governs in the affairs of men - and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that 'except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.' ...I firmly believe this." I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed like in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; We shall be divided by our little parital local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a by word. down to the future of ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance or war, or conquest. I therfore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliveration be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to buisness. Benjamin Franklin's words were heeded and the Convention went on to complete its task. Although Franklin is often classified as a Deist, it is clear from the above statements that he had been deeply influenced by the Christian world-view and such great Christian ministers as George Whitefield. The previous quotes on Ben Franklin can be found in The "Light And the Glory" by Peter Marshal,p.342-343 "The myth of Separation" by David Barton ,p. 217-218, in "In God We Trust" Edited by Norman Cousins p. 42 ,and in James Madison, "Notes of Debates in the Fereal Convention of 1787" 209-210 June 28, 1787. It could be well argued that many Christians today have acted more like Deists than the few accused of this heresy in our founding, because today we often give lip service to the Lord Jesus Christ over all things, but then act as though He were an absentee, distant monarch just biding His time to claim His throne! Don't Believe What You See? Regarding the charge that wild adventurers and womanizers roamed the land in early America, there is little need for refutation. On the frontier, starting in the times of the Puritans, some scouts and settlers did precede the church and families, and there were some atrocities perpetrated upon the Indians and some rowdy settlements. But as soon as settlements were established and churches were formed, the immoral and rowdy were made subject to the rule of the law. The Christian women of the community, especially, demanded it. Our TV generation has absorbed too much western cowboy-fever, most of it fictitious distortions of true life in early America. The US News and World Report (May 21, 1979) reports that the American people receive most of their knowledge of history from watching TV docu-dramas. And most of these docu-dramas bear little resemblance to the true story of our history. Only by going back and reading the original documents, as you are going to be challenged to do in this study of America's Christian History, can you determine the real story. The truth is that those that saved their money and possessed the fortitude to settle this country were for the most part character- filled Christians. Rev. R.J. Rushdoony points out that it took two years living expenses just to cross and settle America and that the well-established families with the Puritan work ethic and Christian faith were the true hardy breed that settled our country. These Godly men and women, due due to their family orientation, free-enterprise spirit, and Christian discipline, maintained cultural dominion over the sin-loving reprobates that we read so much about. Our history is evidence of the fact that, in the long-run, nothing can thwart an individual who has an understanding of his Commission from God to subdue the earth and who believes God for the victory. One final note: Our form of government is highly unique, there is not any other government which is like it in the world. Numerous components of our current government can be shown through those early writings of our founding fathers to have their source in Bibical concepts. For an example teh concept for three branches of government can be found in Isiaiah 33:22 "Indeed the Lord will be there with us, majestic; yes, the Lord our judge, the Lord our lawgiver, the Lord our King" The logic for the seperation of powers was based on Jeremiah 17:9,this chapter talkes about how man's basic insticnts are evil in nature, therefore to have seperation of powers would make it difficult for a terrible change to occur in our country, the idea being that the odds of having all three branches of government corrupt at the same time and moving the same direction would be difficult. Computers for Christ - Chicago