FORUM: Private E-Mail HOST: LEADING DATE: Feb-14-95 12:20pm MSG: 206 PVT FROM: Digestifier TO: Dbn SUBJECT: Phish Digest #599 Phish Digest #599, Volume #4 Tue, 14 Feb 95 07:12:02 EST Contents: Acoustic Hookah- who are they (Shaggy18) Re: Does Jerry Know Trey????? (KurtH GDHD) (none) (Andrew B Carlson) >>>evil satan trader alert<<< (HOSEHEAD) Re: Dave \*asked\* for chalkdust? (Herschel A Gelman) Kosmic krewe (Jennifer B. Zinman) Re: Italian CDs (Brian Clark) Re: Possum misconception (Eugene Accado) Re: Phish Jamming Bach ( 7/21/91 Wanted! (Mary Mo) DMB NEWBIE OFFER (cbutkus) Bangor, Maine Offer (Alex Jeffrey Lieberman) *** A Message About/From Brad Kraft *** (Sean I. McGhie) I know this is a no brainer question (Paul Emmett) Re: (Michael Gouker) Re: moe. dates ( ? for Shelly ( PICTURES!!! (GSDunn) Re: title for double live CD (John Jablonski) Re: NICE HARPUA T (Phishman0) Re: Live Album Title (John Jablonski) Re: Phishy animals! (Joe D) GHOTI (James Dismuke) Re: Sneeze/Bong in Union federal (John Jablonski) Blast From The Past #4 (Brian 'The Sloth' Whitman) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Shaggy18) Subject: Acoustic Hookah- who are they Date: 14 Feb 1995 00:00:52 -0500 Reply-To: (Shaggy18) I heard (RUMOR) that Phish is playing small venues under the name Acoustic Hookah. Anyone know anything about this? Or if Acoustic Hookah (if they're not Phish) is any good? E-mail me if you've got any info please. Sorry to put rumors on the net, but I've gotta know. Please help! -Shaggy18- ------------------------------ From: (KurtH GDHD) Subject: Re: Does Jerry Know Trey????? Date: 14 Feb 1995 00:01:11 -0500 Reply-To: (KurtH GDHD) If they don't know each other now, I think they will by the end of this summer!!! HINT HINT... KURT HEIDEL Nothing left to do but... PHXVLLE, PA 19460 :-) :-) ;-) ... (610) 650-8420 ext.106 (Voice Mail) ------------------------------ From: Andrew B Carlson Subject: (none) Reply-To: Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 07:20:48 GMT Please cancel the digestifier...It is just to over whelming...Thank you! Andrew carlson ------------------------------ From: HOSEHEAD Subject: >>>evil satan trader alert<<< Reply-To: Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 07:30:22 GMT Ok, this is an addendum to my last post about Brad Weiner (, aol!! coincedence?). since then i got a post from another guy who got screwed by bradski, so don't trade with him. brad if you read this--i am pissed enough to bring up mail fraud charges, cause this involves the mail. get me my tapes and ill go quietly. keep ignoring me and--leavenworth sound cozy? as the turkish say, i feel like i have been fucked up the ass by 40 men concerning this issue What do you think, sirs? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Christian* (known secretly as Hosehead) Davidson '97 o "Take the great white north."--Geddy Lee o "The stars in the sky really suck tonight. (Stars suck.)--PHiSH ><> "Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads."--TMBG "Gamera is really neat; Gamera is full of meat."--Joel, Crow, & Tom Servo \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ FACT OF THE WEEK: Speed of an average drop of Heinz ketchup: 25 miles per year ------------------------------ From: (Herschel A Gelman) Subject: Re: Dave \*asked\* for chalkdust? Date: 11 Feb 1995 01:36:54 GMT In article <3hgpna$>, Dr. Nick Riviera wrote: >jcm9@Lehigh.EDU wrote: >: >And phish must like it too. They were planning on playing it on >: >Letterman too, until Dave asked them to play Chalkdust instead. > >: What do you mean exactly? Does Dave know Phish's music? This would surprise >: me immensely. From whence cometh this anecdote? Are we sure? If dave was >: selecting, why didn't he pick Harry? :) > > I'm just guessing here, but maybe they sound checked with >Calkdust and Dave heard it. They were planning on playing Sample, but Dave had heard Chalkdust on the radio, and asked them to play that instead. Harry would have been incredible, but, like most people, I was expecting Sample or DwD or some such Hoistness. Chalkdust was a big enough surprise for me... -- ================ Herschel Gelman =========== ================= ------------------------------ From: (Jennifer B. Zinman) Subject: Kosmic krewe Date: 13 Feb 1995 23:34:32 GMT allow to join the accolades of all who were at the show friday night - this was one of the best live shows ive ever seen...please please please do yourself the pleasure of seeing these musicians when they swing back around...o it was great to see trey, jon, and mike too. agreed, up front was the best spot to be...AK is an all 'round entertainer..not to mention that he and trey make nice dancing partners (not exactly the next fred and ginger though). again the request.......if anyone made tapes, id be happy to trade.. jz ------------------------------ From: (Brian Clark) Subject: Re: Italian CDs Date: 11 Feb 1995 01:41:06 GMT About those Italian phish bootlegs... I've heard one that LOOKED really cool...a double disk set. The problem was that it was $50 and I've heard better bootlegs from guys with pzm mics in the crowd. Acutally, I think that's what these were, because the crowd noise (including people talking during the song) was as loud as the band. It definitely was NOT a soundboard mix. I guess if you're really jonesing for some live phish it may be worth $50 to you, but most people would have pity on you and just give you a copy of a show, wouldn't they? Save your money. Bootlegs are free, sanctioned, and just as good. my .02. Brian -- ------------------------------ From: (Eugene Accado) Subject: Re: Possum misconception Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 01:33:42 GMT wrote: : Possum _is_ a Gamehenge song. It's sung by Icculus as he looks down from : the mountain at the successful revolution in Prussia. For some inexplicable : reason it has been replaced in most live renditions by McGrupp, which IMHO : contributes nothing to the story but only summarizes. Hope this helps! Maybe the band decided Possum really didn't fit in with Gamehenge a took it out of the story. Like you said, it really didn't have much to do with the story anyway. I remember Trey saying in an interview that was posted on the net that Axilla II was part of Gamehenge. Llama is also part of Gamehenge. A lot of Phish songs can easily be related to Gamehenge just by saying they take place there. As Trey says at the end of one of the live versions, there is more to be added to the story. Until it is put down on a CD or possibly the interactive CD-ROM, Gamehenge is a story that is still undergoing changes. Some songs may be deleted some may be added. As a story I think Gamehenge still needs a lot of work to make it flow smoothly and to give it an ending. I like most of the songs but as a story it doesn't do much for me. I know it ain't easy to to make a story out of a group of songs. Tommy doesn't work at all for me. Pink Floyd did a good job with The Wall though. Maybe I'll like the story of Gamehenge more when the movie comes out :) Hmm, should it be live action or animated. Eugene P.S. There are no plans to my knowlege of a Gamehenge movie. ------------------------------ From: Subject: Re: Phish Jamming Bach Date: 13 Feb 1995 16:52:26 -0500 Howdy can't confirm Bach but if you listen to the Ottawa '94 tape set II they jam the Nut Ckracker Suite in the begining of Esther.It's very cool. Sharin in the Groove SNAD ------------------------------ From: (Mary Mo) Subject: 7/21/91 Wanted! Date: 14 Feb 1995 02:07:38 GMT Yet another grovel, my 7/21/91 with the GCH is getting pretty bad, when I got it (my first Phish tape) it was already like a 10th gen SBD, but I love this tape so* much. I have about 15 shows to offer. Is there a kind soul that would trade this show for blanks or possibly another show? Thanks! -Jason ------------------------------ From: (cbutkus) Subject: DMB NEWBIE OFFER Date: 14 Feb 1995 06:17:46 GMT I'll spin the complete new years show from this past new years for the first 3 newbies who respond with the answer to this question in the subject header: What Zeppelin song has dave covered? By the way, it is a 1st generation A+ SBD, with a kick ass rusted root filler! Good Luck! email me at ------------------------------ From: Alex Jeffrey Lieberman Subject: Bangor, Maine Offer Reply-To: Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 08:25:11 GMT Well, I just got done listening to the Tweezer from the 11-2 show in Bangor, ME. Iknow much has been said about it, but since this was the first time I'd actually heard it, I wanted to say that I was magnificently blown away by it. Going and coming, I didn't know which way to turn...After going back into the Jam...Pop...Walk Away tease?...This Tweezer sent chills up my spine...And then Mango, just too much. I liked this show so much that I must put up an offer for it. I will spin this show, you provide blanks and postage, to the first three people who can correctly tell me when the first Tweezer was (I know, it's not a tough one), date, city, and venue. I would like to thank Andrew Cogan for this show and pass on that he is definately a great trader. If you can work out a trade with him, do so. Sorry Drew, I hope you don't get flooded. Finally, anyone with 11-9-91 Set II @ the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta,GA please get in touch with me, I will make it worth your while. Thanks, Lerm "D'oh, that's not a Butterfinger" ------------------------------ From: (Sean I. McGhie) Subject: *** A Message About/From Brad Kraft *** Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 00:48:24 Hi Everyone, If you are reading this post, then you are probably very aware of the situation surrounding the infamous Brad Kraft. I had successfully traded with Brad in the past, and received very crisp tapes within a week. So when he contacted me about a 12 tape trade, I agreed. I sent out my 12 tapes, and I am still waiting for his. I have waited for quite some time. So I called his house today to find out what was going on. I talked with his mother regarding the situation, and Brad subsequently called me this evening. All information I have was shared by both Brad and his mother. Apparently Brad has suffered a minor tragedy, the extent and details are unknown to me. This, however, kept Brad away from his computer for several weeks. During this time, Brad's account was FLOODED. And the university cancelled his account due to the extraordinary amount of activity. Thus Brad has not responded to any of our letters, because he has had no access to the net. Brad committed to more trades than he could handle. I am certain we have all (though not to such an extreme) done this. Anyway, Brad is deligently working at taking care of his commitments. His mom has assured me that she has personally taken many packages to the post office. Thus, I honestly believe that we will all receive our tapes eventually. To help Brad, please write him a SNAIL MAIL letter, and remind him of his commitment to you. I will place his address at the end of this post. Let him know the tapes he owes you: The show, tape type, Dolby preference, max points, etc. You all know how it works. This will slow the process, but it is the best way for Brad to handle this incredible burden he has taken on. Additionally, please don't call his house. I have been asked not to give out his number, and to discourage calls, since there have actually been THREATS to his family. That's no way to handle this situation..... think about it. I realize this is serious, but come on, that's no way to share in the groove. This is effecting the entire family, and they are very considerate and concerned. PLEASE encourage Brad, help him through this embarassing situation. There is a lesson for all of us here. Also, I offered to have Brad return my tapes, send blanks, send a money order to pay for the tapes, etc. There are alternative ways to help Brad take care of his responsibility. Be thoughtful here. As it turned out, Brad has completed my tapes, because of my concerned Snail Mail. Anyway, the net is a place to share ideas and common interests. Let's not use it to destroy a person's name. Brad is concerned and will complete his trades. He has suffered a loss, he has missed a lot of school, and is still trying to function in society (maintain a job, etc.). Think about the purpose of this group, and the people it attracts, we are all basically good people here...... If you feel you must flame ME, please do so privately. I will happily respond to E-mail. But let's end the bandwidth on this guy, and get on with our lives. Spread some positive energy on the net, it feels much better, and makes everyone happier. Best regards, Sean McGhie Please write: Brad Kraft 232 North Hill St. Marshall, MN 56258 ------------------------------ From: (Paul Emmett) Subject: I know this is a no brainer question Date: 14 Feb 1995 06:51:56 GMT Have they ever played the Wedge live? Its not on any of my tapes. If they have, when, and which is a hot version. thank you!! Paul "We're just bobbin on the surface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ------------------------------ From: Michael Gouker <74667.2531@CompuServe.COM> Subject: Re: Date: 14 Feb 1995 07:01:47 GMT adam, try /doc/music/guitar Peace, Michael -- Happy Trails! ------------------------------ Subject: Re: moe. dates Date: Mon, 13 Feb 95 15:57:27 EST From: ;>>Check these guys out, moe.mentum is flying.............. ;..Peace, ;..Bob ;>>_____________________________________________________________'>>_____________ ;>>'Chuck is satan..............' ;>>_____________________________________________________________;>>_____________ I thought Al was Satan? _____________ ------------------------------ From: Subject: ? for Shelly Date: 14 Feb 95 00:58:13 CST Shelly, Have you put together the net consensus CD demo yet? If so, are we gonna get to see what you actually give to the band? Just wondering... Scott ------------------------------ From: (GSDunn) Subject: PICTURES!!! Date: 11 Feb 1995 18:39:52 -0500 Reply-To: (GSDunn) I have some very interesting pictures that I thought phriendly people might enjoy! Here is the list: GSW- Stone Pony Asbury Park,NJ Good Graffitis Pittsburgh, PA Excellent,Amazing Traveler- Nyabinghi Dancehall Morgantown, WV Excellent, Amazing Phish- Waterloo Village Stanhope, NJ Decent, Good úÿ (continued next message) -- END OF MESSAGE --