NPCLord What's New Sheet: [1.0] Limited release Beta... [1.1] Fixed: - Negative Cash Bug - A lot of log writing bugs - Some more bugs (hey, it was a month ago, ok?) Added: - Bar talking frequency (Hey you can now shut off those annoying REGISTER ME messages if you set it to 20000) [1.5] Fixed: - Color Change on exit of NPCEdit - When Violet's married -- you can't get laid by her anymore - Attacking people is more random - Screen-Writing clean-ups, NPCMaint ends at bottom of page - NPCEdit's Deleting routines are perfect now (I think!) - You can't get laid by Violet with only 1 charm now.. At least, it doesn't add to your exp., and shouldn't add to the log. Added: - Random Aggression and Horniness levels -- [2.0] Fixed: - Bar Garbage problems - Multinode problems (now it doesn't run if someone's on-line) - She/He problems - Mail going to wrong people - "eth Able" - NPCs getting deleted - No space in some of the lognow.txt stuff Added: - NPCs now write in the Darkbar.txt - NPCs now return Romantic mail -- or "Ignore" the romantic mail's sender if he/she is too "immature" in charm, or the NPC is just too un-romantic! - NPCs now SEND Romantic mail -- depending on their romance level - Romanticism! Each NPC has a "ROMANCE" level from 1 to 6, this level determines if they will write or return Romantic mail. - Bar CoolTalk... If you put a %, it will refer to the player above you times of spaces. See FEATURES.TXT for a better explanation of this - Import Bar Text File. You can now import text files of taglines or whatever into the database of bar sayings - Bar Text file now has a capacity for over 32,000 sayings - NPCs can hold romances between each othe r. - Special thanks to Seth Able for staying up till 5:20 AM helping me BETA test this... -J.