" PsYchO MaiN BreAK!!!! "® ----------------------------------- (for use with DOOM II commercial version) Author: PhibeR OptiK (you guyz are gonna love this one!) ------ a.k.a the Deadkennedy Address: an154246@anon.penet.fi ------- 74437.2753@compuserve.com Build Time: 24hrs. STRAIGHT!!! ---------- Instructions: Copy all files to your DOOM II directory. ------------ At your DOOM2 DOS prompt type:"mbreak"(then hit eneter) Story: You work as a "sanitation worker", fancy name for garbage ----- man, for the Township of Cherry Hill, N.J. You've just been working 2 weeks when the boss calls you in for a big job. He tells you that there's been a water main break and your the last chance to restore water to the good God-fearing people of Cherry Hill. Apparently over 50 men have died attempting this same stunt, but you shrug off the danger and much like a lemming walking off a cliff you enter the sewers of N.J. (probably the WORST place in all of the U.S. to be!) Due to the high number of nuclear plants illegaly dumping nuclear waste into the sewers all sorts of evil little nasties roam the sewer!(every monster in DOOM II is used in this!) Your mission is to find the switch that will direct the water to an alternate pipe and save the day! Think you can do it? I don't. (You may use IDFA and IDDQD, but please DO NOT use IDKFA! because keys play a major role in this level!!!!) Intended Play: One player mode ------------- Up to 4 person deathmatch is supported!!! 4 person network play is also supported! Editors Used: DoomED, BSP ------------ Bugs: None. (ocasionally with a slower computer there may be some ---- minimal slow down! very rare however!) Files in DM2PMB.ZIP: MBREAK.TXT ------------------- MBREAK.BAT MBREAK.WAD ¤CopYRiGhT InfO.¤ Rights to this file belong ONLY to me. Attempting to pass this off as yours will result in death by BUNGA-BUNGA.(you don't want to find out what that is!!!!) You MAY do ANYTHING you want to your own personal copy of PMB, but DO NOT distribute an altered version! Feel free to distribute this file as total free-ware, but you must included ALL three files! Authors MAY use this to build on but you MUST send me, via email, the level you create with it! The names in this mini-series have been changed to protect the innocent. A monkey WILL eat dirt if you make him! ________________________________________________________________________