MOUNTAIN TOP- A small, but occasionally intense, new level for Doom. Designed by Lee Hughey, Atlanta, GA This level is freeware... copy it, upload it, give 'em as gifts. I built it using Geoff Allan's excellent Windows-based Doom Editor.* For maximum enjoyment, play this level with the music turned all the way down, and any Big Black CD on your stereo . Any suggestions, comments, or bugs discovered can be sent to me at I would also like to hear from anyone who is familiar with this particular Doom editor; I have some questions you might be able to answer. ======================================================================== As I said, this level is freeware, but if you really enjoy it, consider making a donation to the American Civil Liberties Union in lieu of a registration fee. The ACLU helps to defend us against people who think games like DOOM are dangerous, and that some ideas aren't safe for "us" to think about. SEND CHECK TO: American Civil Liberties Union 132 West 43rd Street New York, New York 10036-6599 ======================================================================== If you've never used an external .wad file before, here's the drill: 1. Put the .wad into your Doom directory 2. Type "doom -file [filename].wad" 3. Come out with guns a-blazin'! ======================================================================== *Geoff Allan, the author of Doom Editor, gives this as his e-mail address: