* System Shock - Level 8 Hints and Tips * * Level 8 can look confusing on a map, because it is several floors of rooms which in some places overhang each other. - Note: as you work through level 8, keep in mind that you should end this level with at least one disposable logic probe in your inventory (you will find a use for three.) It's not absolutely needed, but you will find life easier up on level 9. You start under a ledge. That is good, because there are fliers above. I'd guess you will see at least 2 right where you are. There are also snipers way up in the wall you are under, to the west. My advice is to look up and left, and inch out. A flier should be off in the distance. Knock it down. This will attract another flier, but from the east. Having done the first, get under the ledge and save. Be prepared to shoot almost straight up for the second one. Having cleared the skies for now, you can try to take out the snipers to the west. This can also wait, but don't stand out in the open or they'll find you. Aim east at the mutant cyborg. Hollow points in the magnum are fine; he won't climb down and come after you, so you have lots of time. There is one mutant at the northeast and the southwest, and two at the northwest, in the corners. Be sure to check these guys for ammo. You can start circling the level counterclockwise, looking for doors to try. The first lift you find will take you to a locked force door. That's ok, you don't want to get in there now. As you head up the east side, you find a door into the center. Take it, do the enforcer cyborg, and get the stuff. The outer wall has a room with a bit of ammo in it. Take that, and do the mutant cyborg in the northeast corner. Continue on, trying doors and lifts. If you look at the maps with this file, note in particular the area in the northeast. Up there is a switch which is vital to the game; it turns on a forcewalk through the energy sucker mines you can see above you on the west side. That is the way into the upper reaches of the central tower. The concept is that you take the mined walk in, climb a reeeaaally high ladder, and take the other force walk (visible on the north side) back out towards the north outer area. That is where the elevator to the bridge, or ninth level, is. Unless you are using plot difficulty level 3 (timed) just take your time and work around the level. You will find lots of enemies to blast and lots of ammo to take. My favorite part of this level is the robot charging station. This is the place you enter through that locked force door. There are about a dozen (really) sec2bots in there. The idea is to go in, shut off the charger, and the robots will let up a bit. All I can say is, go in healthy, charged, loaded for bear, be sneaky, and save. Save a lot. When you finally get to that upper force walk and head out to the room with the elevator to the ninth floor, you will see strange walls. That is a biological infestation. You are about to see lots of it. Don't use the elevator, or get near it, just yet. This room has a walled in center. The center is hollow. As you go up to try the door, Edward Deigo appears for the last time. This is probably the best place in the game to use a reflex patch. Be ready, pop the patch, and approach the door. Ed shows up, you send him to borg heaven, and the walls roll up. On high difficulty, I found three mutant cyborgs there. Ed will have an access card on him. Take it. ** Please Note ** Once you use the elevator to the ninth floor, the bridge will separate from the station. You'll get e-mail showing the separation, then more e-mail showing the station exploding. There is no way back after that. If there is anything you want to do before leaving, do it before using that elevator. Once you take the elevator, you find yourself on the ninth level. This is a strange and dangerous place. Good luck...