CXU Ideas ========= More Batch File Examples ------------------------ Two simple example batch files are shown in CXU's help text (run CXU /?). Here are two additional, more sophisticated examples. This example offers a "search from [Root]" alternative: @ECHO OFF CXU %1 OU=Boston.O=XYZ >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO CONTINUE CHOICE User "%1" not found in OU=Boston.O=XYZ. Search from [Root] IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO END CXU %1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO END :CONTINUE ECHO Logging in %CXUSER%... LOGIN %CXUSER% :END This example combines both CXU and CXU @ADDRESS usage: @ECHO OFF IF %1.==. GOTO ADDRESS CXU %1 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO CONTINUE GOTO END :ADDRESS CXU @ADDRESS IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO CONTINUE GOTO END :CONTINUE ECHO Logging in %CXUSER%... LOGIN %CXUSER% :END Logging In Using An Other Name ------------------------------ The CN (Common Name) property is a multivalued property. What in NETADMIN and NWADMIN appear to be two distinct user object properties - Login Name and Other Name - are in fact the one CN property. CXU searchs the CN property of user objects in the DIB, but sets the CXUSER environment variable to the matching user object's Login Name portion. This means that logins using an Other Name are possible. Please send comments and suggestions to Keith Brown, CompuServe ID 75170,1300.