Named pipe stream classes V1.0 The named pipe stream classes were written using Watcom 10a, under OS/2. This was my first attempt at writing new classes derived from streambuf, and istream/ostream, so there may be problems. Files: in.cpp opens a named pipe and sends the data to stdout out.cpp creates a named pipe and sends stdin to the pipe pipestrm.h named pipe header pipestrm.cpp named pipe source Classes: Pipebuf iNPstream oNPstream (sorry no ioNPstream) The Pipebuf class uses three member functions to read/write to a named pipe: underflow, overflow and sync. Currently, the class can only be used for input or output but not both. The most likely way to have an i/o Pipe would be to split in half and use one half for the get area, and the other half for the put area. oNPstream::oNPstream() creates an output named pipe stream object, does not create a pipe. oNPstream::oNPstream(const char*) creates an output named pipe stream object and creates and connects to the pipe. The string doesn't need the \pipe\ prepended, the class automatically does that for you. oNPstream::open(const char*) creates and connects to a named pipe. if a pipe is already, it returns 0. oNPstream::close() closes a named pipe. Returns 0 if there is no pipe open. The iNPstream function members are essentially the same except that iNPstream::open(const char*) opens the pipe and doesn't create a pipe. These source files may be used for any private or commercial product with no required payment or royalty. I only ask that if you modify, improve or fix bugs, that copies of the changes be sent to me. When distributing this package, please do not modify the files, and leave the copyright intact. Feel free to contact me for suggestions, comments, etc. Eddy Kim