Program: shutup.exe Author: P. Takis Skagos 3438 Keohan Cr. Regina, SK S4V 2A4 Canada E-Mail: Internet - FidoNet - 1:140/96 - The Holistic BBS - send mail to "Takis Skagos" Description: This is a pretty simple program that causes OS/2 to shut down. Simply place the program in a directory specified in your PATH or in your current directory. To execute the program, simply type "shutup". Misc Stuff: This program is FREEWARE. Do with it what you will. If you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate getting a postcard or something from you (put a couple of interesting stamps on it ... hint hint). Use this program at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that running this program may do to your system. This has been a disclaimer.