Web Explorer to XMosaic Hotlist converter by Mike Kopack version 1.0 This program will take a hotlist from Web Explorer Version 1.0 and newer (possibly older versions too) and a hotlist from Xmosaic from a Unix machine and merge them together into a single hotlist to be used for Xmosaic. If you're like me, you have an OS/2 machine at home on the net, and use Unix machines at school or work. I've found it extremely frustrating trying to keep the two hotlists synchronized. Rather than turning my hotlist into an HTML document, I've decided to do this instead. The program is to be run from the command line in OS/2. USAGE: we2xmos explorer.ini .mosaic-hotlist-default newxmosaichotlist The explore.ini file is usually found in either your TCPIP\etc dir or your webexplorer dir. The .mosaic-hotlist-default file is typically found in your home directory in Unix. I suggest making backup copies of your explore.ini and .mosaic-hotlist-default files just in case. When finished, the merged hotlist will be found in the last filename given. You should copy this file to the name .mosaic-hotlist-default so Xmoasic will read it in. The system will not make duplicate URL entries, therefore, it's safe to run this converter more than once. NOTE: You MUST convert your xmosaic hotlist files to DOS-OS/2 text format using something like unix2dos (found on most unix machines). this is because Unix and DOS machines handle returns and linefeeds differently. I will soon be releasing a xmosaic -> Web explorer converter also. If you find any bugs or experience any problems, you can contact me at: ccastmk@prism.gatech.edu or gt6758b@prism.gatech.edu or Mav2 on IRC (usually in the #os/2 channel) --Mike Kopack