[updated 1/10/95; expires 7/1/95] To get the latest version of this file via Internet, send a message to "ftpmail@metta.ci.net" with the words GET SKEDZMM.TXT in the message body. Send corrections & updates to "listkeeper@metta.ci.net". -------------------------------------------------------------------- ZEN MOUNTAIN MONASTERY P.O. Box 197PC South Plank Road Mt Tremper, NY 12457 Tel: (914) 688-2228 Resident teacher: Abbot John Daido Loori -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM CALENDAR Winter-Spring 1995 Weekly ~~~~~~ Sundays 8:45am - 1:30pm Liturgy, Zazen, Dharma Discourse, followed by community lunch. Wednesday evenings Beginning Instruction (please call for times) Sesshins and other programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 2-4 Introduction to Zen Training 9-11 Tai Chi Chuan, with William C.C. Chen 9-11 Deep Listening, with Pauline Oliveros 16-18 The perfection of Giving, with Abbot John Daido Loori 26-1 Rohatsu Sesshin (join by the evening of Dec 28) Jan 6-8 Sacred Space 13-15 Introduction to Zen Training 20-22 Zen and the Twelve Steps, with Mel Ash 23-29 New Year's Sesshin Feb 3-5 Introduction to Zen Training 9-12 Beginning Kyudo, with Marion Taylor 10-12 Tracking, with Paul Rezendes 16-19 Zen Cooking, with Ed Brown 17-19 Relationships, with Ngakpa Chogyam Rinpoche 20-26 Bodhidharma Sesshin Mar 3-5 Weekend Sesshin (Ango Entering Ceremony on Sunday) 10-12 Introuction to Zen Training 17-19 Breakthroughs with Brush, with Kaz Tanahashi 17-19 Shakuhachi, with Barry Nyosui Weiss 20-26 Founding Sesshin (join by Thursday evening) Apr 31-1 Introduction to Zen Training 7-9 Dogen, Food, and Feminism, with Deane Curtin 7-9 Tai Chi, with Jianye Jiang 10-16 Apple Blossom Sesshin 21-23 15th Anniversary Celebration (by invitation only) 28-30 Koans as Self Inquiry, with Robert Buswell 28-30 Caregiing for Caretakers, with Barbara Rhodes, JDSPN May 5-7 Introductory Zen Training 12-14 The Power of Mind, with Mark Epstein 12-14 Wild Foods for Foraging, with Paulette Roy 15-21 Shuso Hossen Sesshin (Ango Participants only) 25-28 Waking up in Indra's Net, with Joanna Macy 26-28 Birds, with Andrew Mason Jun 2-4 Introduction to Zen Training 8-11 Aikido and Zen Intensive, with Sensei William Gleason 13-18 Seeing with the Unconditioned Eye, with Abbot John Daido Loori 15-18 Buddhist Chi Kung, with Kenneth Cohen 15-18 Canoe Skills & Wilderness Training, with Angstrom/Davis 19-25 Summer Solstice Sesshin (join by Thursday evenning) Summer Ango ~~~~~~~~~~~ May 29 Entering Ceremony for Head Monk & Participants May 31 Official Starting Date for Summer Ango June 10-12 Intermediate T'ai Chi Workshop June 19-26 7-day Sesshin July 20-23 Shobogenzo Sankyu (Penetrative Study of Shobogenzo) July 24-31 7-day Sesshin August 21-28 7-day Sesshin August 28 Closing Ceremonies and Shuso Hossen (Dharma Combat with the Head Monk) Ango, or Peaceful Dwelling, is a 90-day retreat involving zazen and the experience of practicing in the context of a community of dedicated Zen practitioners. The schedule allows you to deepen your natural wisdom and compassion through zazen (sitting practice), service (sutra chanting), and samu (mindulf work practice). Participation for any length of time from several days to the full 90 days is welcome and encouraged. [end]