Date: 16/11/94 02:20 PM Author: Andrew Rowe Subject: Copyright message for compuserve _________________________________________________________________________________ Conf written by Andrew Rowe Copyright 1994 - Australian Bureau of Statistics, all rights reserved Conf is hereafter referred to by the terms 'this software product' and 'this software'. This software product is being distributed under the freeware licensing concept. You are encouraged to copy this software and share it with your colleages and friends. It may only be used or copied under the following conditions. 1) All copies of this software must retain this copyright message in the same location as the executables and documentation. 2) This software may not be included in any commercial software suites, or any other commercial application, without written consent of the copyright holder. For this purpose commercial means sold to gain remuneration. This includes shareware software compilations where the person or company compiling the software charges more than an accepted minimum copying fee. 3) The software is supplied 'as is'. No warranty or specified suitability is supplied by the copyright holder. The copyright holder is not responsible for bugs in this software or any damage caused by use of this software. It used at the user's own risk. 4) Any use of this software indicates the user's agreement with these conditions. _________________________________________________________________________________