DataTool for Windows documentation. DataTool is a windows based file browser. The user may specify the number of columns and the type of the individual columns. The features will be listed in the following paragraphs. DataTool is copyrighted to Applied Technical Software. You may use it for free AT YOUR OWN RISK. You may distribute it freely via computer networks. You may include it in CD ROM collections of shareware and public domain software, provided Applied Technical Software is sent a complimentary copy of the CD DataTool is included on. Data Tool MAY NOT be bundled with any other type of product without written permission to do so. DataTool is a 16 bit windows application that opens files using read only settings and renders the data in the file in a user specified manner. It will format data into readable form for the following types; HEX bytes ASCII text EBCDIC text decimal char and unsigned char INTEL float (32 bit) and (64 bit) Little Endian short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long integers Big Endian short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long integers DataTool can toggle the entire table between hex and user specified representation. It allows the user to specify offsets to skip a number of bytes from the start of the file. User interface features; Insert and delete works from the keyboard to insert or delete columns from the selected column label. A right mouse down in a column label will select that column and pop up a menu for changing the type the column should render. And that's about it. You can stop reading here unless you care about the history of DataTools' development. Mark Gross Applied Technical Software DataTool history. DataTool exists on the Macintosh platform as shareware, and is Applied Technical Software's first Window's program. DataTool for Windows was going to have more features, and be used to provide marketing data regarding the product potential of an enhanced version. Its original feature set was larger than what is in this release. I would still like whatever marketing data regarding the use of DataTool I can get. So if you like DataTool or would like to see a more feature rich version send me email with at least one line such as "I like DataTool" or something. Include desired features you would like to see. The marketing data would be used to obtain a distributer for a commercial version of DataTool. I don't believe in shareware, and would like to see what the commercial software game is like. If enough feed back comes in from this public offering then I may yet go for it. DataTool was going to have a number of features that are not implemented. For instance, savable formatting of tables that are accessed via a pull down menu. A status bar indicating the type off the currently selected column, the offset of the currently selected cell, and the size of the current record specification. I may also have supported user specified column names, horizontal and vertical table representations. ASCII export, searching for strings, and binary conversions (say BigEndian to LittleEndian integers). Access to linear computer memory as a kind of file hack, and access to low level disk devices physical disk blocks. I spent most of my efforts in the development of DataTool becoming comfortable with the Borland 4.02 development environment, and windows programming. I found MSDN level I very useful for about 1 week, after which I found that I didn't use it very much. There seems to be missing information relating to Windows development and debugging techniques, which exists for the Macintosh. Getting MSDN I serves as a crutch for when things don't seem to work and I don't know where to turn. I've learned to adopt my development techniques for the Macintosh to Windows programming, but still feel a bit as if I'm working without a net. I realy miss MacsBug. Finding bugs and fixing them under windows is harder than it is on the Macintosh. For example, an earlier version of DataTool would crash under windows 3.1 but not under 3.11. When it did so it would corrupt all the window strings and menu's to a state where you needed to restart windows to get things back to normal. This problem was fixed by filtering the strings passed to TextOut to only contain printable characters. The determination of the cause of this problem had nothing to do with any of the tools BC4.x came with. I was thinking that the must be a tool that would assist in the determination of the cause of the text corruption, but there is none. I just guessed that the problem MUST have something to do with a kernel function (otherwise the other window would not have been effected), that lead me to test DataTools browsing binary files verses ASCII files. Only binary files would get DataTool to crash. On the Macintosh there is documentation, tools and technieques for debugging such a problem (like using step spie in MacsBug to watch for the writing to to DOCUMENTED portion of memory where the window's fonts are kept) Another problem I've had was with getting the page up/down keys to work without the alt key held down. It turns out that I had accidently placed the page keys into an accelerator table. Again debugging this problem was done without any aid from the tools provided (indicating the tools provided are lacking). I eventually deduced, after putting a bunch of keyboard event handlers and seeing how they behaved, that something very low level was intercepting the page up/down keyboard events. And for some reason I thought of the accelerator table. There are a few other debugging lessons learned while developing this tool, but I'm not going to go into them here. One bug that I would like to know if anyone else has experienced and solved is the "flash" effect every time a new window is opened in DataTool. It seems that the entire screen is marked as invalid and all the windows in all the open applications redraw. I have no clue as to why it happens or how one would go about hunting this problem to its source. If you have any clue regarding this behavior using OWL please let me in know. I hope you find DataTool useful. If you experience any difficulties using DataTool let me know so that I may fix it for a future release, if only to correct defects. Mark Gross Applied Technical Software 1/28/95