This is the upgrade to Version 1, Release 4.2 of Pipeline for Windows. This version supports dialing through local access numbers around the United States and the world (the Sprint data network). It also improves the handling of graphics and fixes several bugs. Should you upgrade? Probably. The process of upgrading is straightforward. The instructions below are easier to follow than to look at. Really, this will take no more than 5 minutes. But if you have any doubts, please feel free to call us at 415-281-6550 and we'll walk you through it. Here are the instructions: 1. Download the upgrade ( You do this by double-clicking the line that reads "Upgrade to version 1.4.2." 2. This file is a collection of files in compressed ("zipped") form. The next step is to unzip it (extract the files). To do this, you need a program called unzip.exe (or pkunzip.exe). Maybe you have this already. If not, you can download it by double-clicking on "An unzip program unzip.exe." Make sure you're in your download directory (probably c:\hooked\user\yourname\download). Now run (from a DOS prompt or from the File/Run menu of the Windows file manager or program manager) "unzip.exe" 3. You will have four new files in your download directory. Be sure to exit the Pipeline program now. You need to copy the files to different places: --hooked.exe goes to your hooked directory (probably c:\hooked). We strongly suggest you back up the existing copy of hooked.exe first. For that matter, you should also back up your copy of c:\windows\hooked.ini. --sprint.dat and hooked.ico go to c:\hooked\system\data (or the equivalent, depending on where you installed hooked). --accuvb16.vbx goes to your Windows system directory, which is probably c:\windows\system. That's it! Run hooked as always.