bug fixes for v2.0.7 - The expand option for newsreader trees now works correctly, all of the time. - Added the date to the message in the message bar when browsing the toc in the newsreader. - Fixed the newsreader so that it will not allow duplicate requests to be queued to the host. Read: no more duplicate articles in the tree. - Fixed the , menu buttons in the gopher window. - Fixed gopher window repainting problem when moving between pages. - Removed the default characteristic from button in box management to prevent accidental newsgroup selection. - You can now delete a folder that has no name. (cause still undetermined) - You can no longer open a folder that has no name. (caused ADYN errors) - The send/attach buttons in composer have been changed to standard command buttons. - Added menubar with a few menu options into the composer. - Changed the Box management screen so that it can handle newsgroups of any size. - Changed the newsreader to update the tree on toc deletes. - Changed the newsreader to allow one item in the tree to be deleted if it is the only item in the tree. - Changed the about form to correctly display custom logos. - Changed the main form to correctly set the application title in the task list. - Changed the file dialogs to display correct titles. - Made undisclosed browser fixes...not authorization or scrolling.