NAILLONWORKS SUPERCRYPT 1.2 FOR WINDOWS COPYRIGHT 1995 NAILLONWORKS PROGRAMMING To install this program, copy all of the SUPERCRYPT distribution files to the directory of your choice, making sure that they are all contained in the same directory. If you received this distribution in the compressed archive SC12WIN.ZIP, copy the zip file to the path you wish to install to, and decompress it there. This program requires the run time libraries VBRUN300.DLL and COMMDLG.DLL and the control files THREED.VBX and CMDIALOG.VBX . VBRUN300.DLL can be downloaded from AOL and many other bulletin board services. This file should be placed in your windows\system directory. The THREED.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL and CMDIALOG.VBX files are included in this distribution and can be placed in the windows\system directory or left in the same directory that you install SUPERCRYPT to. This program requires the threed.vbx file dated 4/28/93 with a size of 64544 bytes. If you have a different version of threed.vbx in your windows\system directory, then you should place the newer one that is included in this distribution in the same directory that you install Supercrypt to. Leave your current one in the windows\system directory if you have other programs that utilize the older version.