WinYarn ToDo / Bug List Version 0.70 Known Bug List -------------- - the Ok box for the News tab does not receive the focus (i.e. you can't just press ENTER and have it execute). You have to press Alt-k to select the button and then press enter. If you are using a mouse, this isn't a problem, just click on the button. Wish List/To Do --------------- - I would really like to find a neat icon to use rather than the one I have currently installed. I have the SOUP-can icon that was distributed some time ago but I don't like it. - I would like to find the appropriate icons to use for each tab in addition to the word. For instance, a mailbox icon for the mail tab and a newspaper icon for the news tab. Are icons and words redundant? And what would I use for Subscribe and Unsubscribe? (Expire could be a tombstone and Import could be a little car). - an installation program would be useful, - have makeini sanity check winyarn.ini (make sure that the specified files and directories do exist). Currently it only creates an ini file if one does not exist, - add a help file. - cover other Yarn functions, such as filters. I personally don't use filters but have been told that it would be useful for WinYarn to support this function. Stan Wong MicroMime 11/20/94