Program: WAOL-Minimize Version: 2.00 Date: 12/16/94 Author: Michael Krane The information below is ALL in the waol-min.hlp file. This program is meant to serve two purposes only; The main thing is that it adds the ability to minimize WAOL during File Transfers. The other item is an AOL Timer to track online time and costs. I had many, many requests for one so I added it. If you like to be able to use your computer while doing file transfers and/or want an AOL Timer then this program is for you. NOTE: This is intended to work with America Online Windows Software Version 2.xx. If you have an older version it may work, but I suggest you upgrade your WAOL software to version 2. Also: This program needs the file vbrun300.dll. (Usually it should be in your Windows System Directory or in your path.) It does not come with this program because most people will already have it and it takes too long to download. If you don't have it, you will need to download it to use this program and the many other Visual Basic Programs that are available. Installation: Put the file waol-min.exe in your WAOL directory or any other directory you want. If you want the help file handy for reference then put waol-min.hlp in the same directory. That's it! (If you want to save disk space then you can delete the help file if you don't need it.) (Note: There are some people having trouble with WAOL starting due to incorrect WAOL installations, (a line incorrect in win.ini). If you have trouble getting WAOL started, then put WAOL-min files in your WAOL directory and it will work properly anyway.) To uninstall, just delete those files. Program Overview: This program is meant to serve two purposes only; The main thing is that it adds the ability to minimize WAOL during File Transfers. If you like to be able to use your computer while doing file transfers, then this program is for you. I do a lot of file uploads or downloads on AOL. The makers of the WAOL Software decided not to let people minimize WAOL during file transfers; (The reason is probably due to low system resources and to minimize the impact of other programs during file transfers.) However, if you don't do disk intensive tasks in other programs while downloading from WAOL, you should be able to allow file transfers to occur in the backround while you still use your computer. That's why I wrote this program. The other item is an AOL Timer to track online time and costs. I had many, many requests for one so I added it. Some Features of this program: Launch WAOL automatically when started. Will allow easy Minimizing and Restoring of WAOL, even during file transfers when the WAOL software normally won't allow it. Will automatically exit WAOL and Waol-min at same time. Timer tracks online time, monthly costs, automatically stops, starts, saves, and lets you set your specific settings. (You need the registered version to do things that require writing to the waol.ini file such as: Tracking monthly costs, saving settings, position, etc...) Using the Program: Just run waol-min.exe instead of the normal waol.exe to start America Online. Waol-min will automatically find and run America Online. Waol-Min will start up near the top-left of your screen and stay on top so you can always see it. Waol-min has just 3 buttons, "U" for UP, "D" for Down, and the Timer display. (You can also start WAOL-min after WAOL is already running if desired.) Click anywhere on the running Waol-min display, then hit F1 key to bring up this help file reference. Buttons: Left Click "D" to bring Down (minimize) WAOL. Left Click "U" to bring UP (restore) WAOL if minimized. Note: When using the WAOL-Min "D" Button to minimize WAOL, you MUST restore WAOL by clicking the "U" button. (The minimized WAOL icon will not respond to insure compatibility.) Right Click "U" to move the Waol-min buttons. To Move: Grab and drag the title bar to new location. Then Right Click "U" again to hide title bar again. Right Click "D" to exit WAOL (Waol-min will exit automatically) Right Click "D" while holding Ctrl Key to exit just Waol-min. Left Click Timer Display to Stop (or Start) Timer (When Timer is stopped, an S will be next to the display to indicate Stopped.) Right Click Timer Display to Show All Timer Functions and Options. Timer Section: The Timer display shows the approximate number of minutes that you have been on AOL during this current session. The Timer will automatically start up about 1 minute after starting WAOL software and should automatically stop within 3 minutes of signing off of AOL. Left Click the Timer display to Stop or Re-Start the Timer. You will want to manually stop the timer when going to a free area, working offline with mail, etc.. so it doesn't count that time you are not being charged for. There will be an S next to the Timer display to indicate that it is stopped. Right Click the Timer Display to Show Monthly Billing and Timer Options Note: You need the registered version to track monthly costs and set options. In the shareware version it will always show the default values for costs, times, etc... (Writing of waol-min.ini is disabled in shareware version, Sorry.) Reset Time for This Session but Save Time So Far This adds the current session time showing on the Timer to the monthly time and saves it to the waol-min.ini and then resets the Timer Display for this session to zero . Reset Time for This Session but Do NOT Save Time This resets the Timer display to zero. The previously saved monthly time is unchanged. Reset Monthly Time to Zero Resets the monthly time to zero and writes it to the waol.ini file. Current Timer is not affected. Do this at the end of your monthly billing cycle to start new monthly tracking. Adjust Monthly Time to Match WAOL Official Time This Timer is just approximate times as it doesn't automatically track free area time, etc.. Depending on how you use WAOL, it can become inaccurate after a while. Use this feature to correct the previous monthly time in the waol-min.ini file. Check your billing information on WAOL and then adjust your minutes used here. Update Updates this display with the main Timer Display and newly entered info. Set Rate, Time, or Monthly Charge Set your billing information: Hourly Rate, Free minutes, and Basic Monthly Charge. Time for This Session: is same as main Timer display. Monthly Time Prior To This Session: is from waol.ini file saved earlier. Monthly Time Including This Session: is Both above added together. Current Monthly Bill: is derived from the rate,free time, monthly charge, and monthly time including this session. Click to see detail breakdown. Future Start Timer Off or On If you don't want to use the Timer, you can set it so it won't start automatically after loading. Close This Window is how you close the Timer Options Window. About is how you register and contact me. Future releases: There is really nothing PLANNED at this time, I may add more things later if I feel it will improve it, but other than any bug fixes that may come up, nothing is planned. There are many other programs that do more; This is designed to do 2 specific tasks well and be very small. Waol-min does the two tasks very well using little memory, resources, disk space, screen space, no nag screens, etc. . (If you want more features then look at the other, larger, more expensive, etc.. programs.) If you want a program to allow minimizing WAOL during file transfers, and/or a Timer then THIS IS IT. Registration: Registering adds the ability to Track Monthly Costs, Set Timer Options, Save WAOL-min Position. All items that require writing to the waol-min.ini file are turned off in the shareware version. Sorry, but I have spent much more time and resources on this program than was originally planned; Effective Jan 31, 1995 the registration fee will be raised to $5.00 to cover costs; Still a very affordable program! I hope you find this program as useful as I do. It is released as SHAREWARE. It does NOT have any "nag" screens. You can use it for thirty days as long as you agree that I am not responsible for anything directly or indirectly related to using this program. After that time, either delete the program or send the registration fee to add the ability to Track Monthly Costs, Set Timer Options, Save WAOL-min Position, cover costs, make you feel better, and to help keep the shareware concept going, (It takes a lot of time to write these programs and do the research. I know most people don't like to pay for shareware, that's why it costs so little. If you use it a lot, it IS certainly worth it. After payment, I will send you the registered version by E-Mail. (After registering, if anyone wants a version completely without a timer function, I will send it on request.) All registered users will receive future updates if any free for one year. Current Fees: $2.50 prior to Jan 31, 1995 $5.00 after Jan 31, 1995 (After Jan 31, 1995 if anyone still wants a version without ANY Timer functions at all, It would have just the U and D buttons, I will still register those for $2.50; State that you want ONLY the version with NO Timer.) Send Registration to me at: Michael Krane 4 Azurean Ct. Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 Please, Please, Please: Include your AOL E-Mail address. Files will be sent by E-Mail. (I will not be able to send you files if I don't have your E-Mail address.) Also state which program you are registering! Contact me at: E-MAIL: Miklk (on America On-line) The program has been fully tested but obviously not in every possible configuration, so PLEASE report any bugs or ideas to me at the above addresses. Other Programs available from me: VBSys Windows System Monitor (Standard Version) VBSysBar Windows System Monitor (Bar Version) PCECM for ProComm+ 2 Windows VBECM for WinFax 4 Contact me at: E-MAIL: Miklk (on America On-line) The program has been fully tested but obviously not in every possible configuration, so PLEASE report any bugs or ideas to me at the above addresses. THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS. THE AUTHOR (Michael Krane) MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------