Your wounds are deep, and there is blood everywhere. Pieces of the beast can be seen left and right. You have lost your left ear and are in great pain, but somehow, that doesn't seem to bother you. Over half a century ago you prevented the awakening of Khalal by its wraith. The story became a legend in the land and it was known as RPG-2100 * The Wraith of Khalal. 57 years after that incident, you were summoned to the land by the sacred fire to kill the dreaded dragon that was awaken from its damnation of eternal sleep. Old and weary, the people of the land doubted you could defeat Khalal. They didn't think you could make the stories long forgotten come true once again. Then, with all the courage true champions like you have, you traveled across the land in search of many things to help you in your journey, you started by cleaning the mutations near the city and eventually traveled to another continent in search of much needed youth. People believed in you once again and finally after many years of search and attacks by outside forces so called 'other BBS callers' you traveled to this the most remote country of the land and took on Khalal twice and defeated him. Your wounds continue to bleed and you faint a couple of times for only seconds. After a few moments, the Sacred Fire manifests itself onto you and instruct you to take the beast's heart and bury it. After that, you lay the beast's body to rest and head back to town. There, you are received as the greatest heroe to ever have lived. Many celebrations take place and after 3 weeks of festivities you decide to stay in the land and live there for the rest of your days. Two years later, you get married and one year after, your first son is born. During your life in the land, you are respected and occupy the charge of 'Great Judge of the Land' for many years and rule the land until the day you die of old age. You are mourned for months by millions accross the land, and are buried in the reredos of the temple of the sacred fire. Your name is inmortalized so that all those humans who dare call this BBS can remember you for years to come, this by declaration of King Val-Saeldor... your first born Son. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!