The old man at this house greets you: "My friend! My good old friend! It has been nearly 57 years since the last time I saw you! How are you?" You look at this man and recognize him from your adventure of many years ago when you prevented the awakening of Khalal, "I am fine," you say nerviously "but what am I doing here?" Drakgos, as that is his name looks at you very surprised and says: "Don't tell me you haven't come here to visit us!", --you wish you can answer differently, but you say that you were somehow summoned to the land. "I can't believe this!" He replies, "we gathered around the sacred fire yesterday, to ask for a champion to come and help us, and I think we got you as the answer to our problem... But you have aged my friend. You are not the same who help us prevent the awakening of Khalal..." You interrupt Drakgos and ask him why a champion was needed anyways. "KHALAL HAS BEEN AWAKEN!" he says with fear in his eyes, "about 30 years ago our beloved king died and the princess decided that the land needed no more kings or queens, so ever since we have done without one. Everything was ok and we prospered much. We built cities left and right of the land and to the South and the North. We even discovered there is another Continent to the South of here, everything was going so well, until one day the old wraith-king of Khalal came back and stole the body. Now, the land has become a playground for many evil creatures and Khalal him self is on charge of this invasion. So powerful is he that even Lucifer's favorite son serves him." You feel your blood boil as he mentions Khalal name and tell him that regardless of your age you will hunt him down and kill him. "Very well" Drakgos says, "I will help you recover your youth so you can finish your task. You will need to go the the South Continent and visit the fountain of youth. But you are way too old and may die in the journey, so begin by going 2 countries to the South and 2 to the East. There you will find Vador... ask him to give you some of his healing herbs and bring them back to me. I will mix them and prepare them for you to recover some youth. Once you are stronger, you can journey to the South Continent. Go my friend... Ah, remember to travel diagonally by using the numeric-keypad keys 7, 9, 1, and 3. You will be faster and waste less time. Be as fast as you can for you are running out of time. I have foreseen you dying at the age of 99. Something else before you leave: there are many healing centers and other facilities available troughout the land, use them to your benefit. If you have no money to pay for healing services, go rest at the RIVERS... is not very safe but you'll get some health back. Also, some trees have miraculous fruits that can restore all your HIT POINTS, but some may make you sick. Lastly, sometimes you will come across rings and boots that can boost your abilities EVEN IF IT IS NOT OBVIOUS TO YOU! Naturally some will hinder your abilities... It is up to you to find out wich ones are good and wich ones are not. MAY THE SACRED FIRE MANIFEST BEFORE YOU OFTEN MY FRIEND... and wish wisely.