"I am surprised you have made it this far. Drakgos told us to trust you and we have, and you sure have done your part well. You are now very near the highest evil power to ever walk upon the land. I have facilitated your journey by going ahead and cleaning the country to the West of all obstacles. After that, you will come upon a dark country were many have lost there souls before. From there, you should be able to reach the last little town this far in the land where you should heal your self, buy healing potions, and get a hold of the weapons we stored in a chest long ago in case of a predicament like this. Before you proceed go by the local fleemarket and get anything you can for your fight is one were luck has nothing to do... and only the best will escape. One last warning I like to give you is to consider the seriousness of what you are about to do, for it is said Khalal, the evil one, must die twice before its wraith can be put to rest. The wraith's wrath can be inmense, but the power of justice is greatest. May the sacred fire be with you my child..."