Welcome to Sales Forecast Pro v2.1 !! We beleive that today's sales professional deserves an MS Windows based program that is fun to use when providing forecast data to management. We have thus developed this intuitive, fun-to-use, 'Sales Forecast Pro' program for creating and maintaining one's sales forecast. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sales Forecast Pro is an EVOLVING application !!! Version 2.1 represents the latest implementation of this application ... HOWEVER ... THIS PRODUCT IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION !! Version 2.1 has been fully tested and you should use it with complete confidence; however, we KNOW that we have not yet implemented a full feature set for this product. WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK !! Please contact us by phone, fax or eMail and let us know what else you need in this product. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sales Forecast Pro allows you to create and maintain forecast records so that you can produce forecast summaries in various formats. You can view your forecasted opportunitites in sorted tabular summaries, in stacked bar charts formats and on printed reports. Sales opportunity records store ... The opportunity description, The opportunity's sales cycle status, The product being forecasted, The planned closure date for the opportunity, The dollar amount for the opportunity, and The success probability percentage for the opportunity. Each record can be classified as an "Actual Forecast" item, a "What If" item or a "Closed" item. These classifications allow you to filter the content of your forecast summaries. Time horizons also allow you to filter the content of your forecast summaries. Standard horizons of 1, 2, 3, 6 and all months allow you to filter your summaries for various views into the future. Combining the time horizons with the record classifications provides robust filtering combinations. Now in Version 2.0, you can also define custom horizons combining record classifications with a date range and a list of opportunities and/or products to be used as filters. You and your manager can combine your usage of Sales Forecast Pro by taking advantage of its Export/Import features. You can easily pass your forecast to your manager electronically. Your manager can then combine your forecast with the forecast of other sales professionals to produce a consolidated forecast for the entire group. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Version 2.1 brings the following enhancements ... 1. Custom Horizons for viewing your forecast summary. In addition to the standard (1, 2, 3, 6 and all months) horizons, you can specify your own custom horizon. In addition to a date range, you can specify a list of Sales Opportunities and/or Products that will be used to filter your forecast records for display. 2. Graphical (stacked bar chart) views of your forecast records. Sales Forecast Pro presents your records by product by month. You can also choose between viewing total forecasted dollars or forecast probability dollar amounts. 3. Forecast items can now be classified as "Closed"; thus allowing you to track records after you close the sale. These items can be viewed using the Custom Horizon feature. 4. Export/Import capability. You can now export your forecast records for use by management in preparing consolidated forecast. There is also an import feature that merges forecast records into your existing database. 5. Proper handling of international currencies for on screen display and on printouts. We hope you enjoy these new features ... don't hesitate to let us know about additional features you need to make the most out of using Sales Forecast Pro. ................................................................ Installing Sales Forecast Pro. Sales Forecast Pro is a Microsoft Windows application and thus should be installed from either the program manager or file manager. Simply placed the Sales Forecast Pro diskette into the appropriate drive and type [drive]:\INSTALL.EXE from the Run command under the File Menu. Follow the directions on the screen and Sales Forecast Pro will install itself and build your program manager ICONS for you.