The attached executable script was written with Norton Desktop for Windows ScriptMaker language. Symantec have allowed distribution of their appropriate DLLs to allow NDW scripts to run on PCs without Norton Desktop. The script allows OzWin v1.10 scripts to be executed from the command line, so that, if the user has a scheduler, OzWin online scripts can be executed unattended. RunOz starts OzWin if it's not already active; otherwise it will maximise it, and then will run the OzWin script of your choice, specified on the commandline. There are three sub-routines - Main, FindOz and FindScript : FindOz ------ FindOz will normally run only the first time the script is executed. It finds your OzWin directory and writes its location to RunOzWin.ini, which resides in the Windows directory. FindScript ---------- This sub-routine runs when the script name is not entered on the command line. It allows the user to select from a standard Windows dialog box. Main ---- Main calls the other sub-routines where necessary and does the key processing tasks. It uses SendKeys functionality to open the OzWin Script dialog box and expects the current directory to be the OzWin main directory. It will fail if this is not the case. Files ----- The files in this upload are as follows : RunOz.txt This file RunOz.exe The executable The source code (if you have NDW, feel free to improve!) symcom2.dll These are the three NDW DLLs required to allow the executable to sympub2.dll run. These need to be placed somewhere in your path. I would suggest symrun2.dll in the Windows\system subdirectory. If you run on a network, you'll need another DLL - mail me the details and I'll send it to you. Disclaimer ---------- * This program works properly on my PC, but it may not work on yours. * This program is free for you to use and copy in any fashion you feel appropriate, with the exeption of putting your name on it and selling it to someone. Enjoy and share! If you do copy this or give it to someone, do them a favour: please include all the files you found here in this archive. If you like it, want to see an improvement or if you find a bug, let me know! Author ------ Des Dougan CIS : 100065,1015 8 January 1995